January, 2025

Images of the Month: "Southbound Migrators" (left)

  "The Winter Habitat (right)

      August 1, 2024: World Ecological Debt Day (Earth Overshoot Day) - The world used up its "ecological budget" for 2024 on this day, exhausting the natural resources that the earth's ecosystem can regenerate in a calendar year. From today until the end of the year, we are "borrowing" from 2025 and, unless in 2025 we cut consumption enough to compensate for our debt so far, we are burning the resources which belong to future generations (i.e. we are stealing from people who are not even born yet). {The day is calculated using the formula "[Available World Biocapacity (measured in global hectares) / World Ecological Footprint (measured in global hectares)] x 365". The world first went into "ecological debt" in 1980. In the past years, this day fell on Aug. 21 (2010), Sept. 27 (2011), Aug. 22 (2012), Aug. 20 (2013), Aug. 19 (2014), Aug. 13 (2015), Aug. 8 (2016), Aug. 2 (2017), Aug. 1 (2018), July 29 (2019), Aug. 22 (2020), July 29 (2021), July 28 (2022), and Aug 2 (2023) respectively.} Please mind your ecological footprint (EF) and help to save our planet.



      BA students of Nanjing University (NJU) who take the courses"10010150 - Introduction to Translation (IT)": click here to read the Course Syllabus. [Updated] "The Theory & Practice of Translation": General Syllabus & syllabuses for Semester 1, Semester 2.

      MA and MTI students of NJU who take the course "Contrastive Linguistics (CL)": click here to read the Course Syllabus. [Updated]

      MA, MTI, and PhD students of NJU who take the course "Introduction to Translation Studies (ITS)": click on the following two links for fast access to the Course syllabus and Recommended Reading pages. [Updated] / "翻译概论"

      MA and PhD students of NJU who take the course "Thesis Research Seminar (TRS)": click here to read the Course Syllabus. [New]

      MA and PhD students of NJU who take the course "Language and Translation Technology (LTT)": click on the following two links for fast access to the Course Syllabus and Course Resources pages. [Updated]


      MTI students of NJU who take the course "英汉基础笔译 (FWT)": click here to read the Course Syllabus. [New]

      MTI students of NJU who take the intensive course "计算机辅助翻译 (CAT)": click here to read the Course Syllabus. [New]

      Singaporean students who take the Nanjing University Specialist Diploma in Translation (SDT) course "English-Chinese Translation": click here to read the Course Syllabus.



      BA candidates of the Department of English of NJU: click HERE to read the Department's instructions on the preparation of your thesis (本科学位论文写作规范).  [Updated MHT file].

      MA and PhD candidates of the Department of English of NJU: click HERE to read the Department's instructions on the preparation of your thesis. [Updated PDF file]

      MTI candidates of the Department of English of NJU: Click on the following links to read the Department's instructions on how to prepare your degree research project: 2014; 2017 [Updated HTM file]

      The Research Methodology and Reference Sources suite on this site has been restructured to help graduate students to locate more conveniently resources on how to do scientific research and how to write up their thesis. The newly added pages and links include a template for thesis proposal (to be filled in by 2nd-year graduate students on the degree tracks of Translation Studies and Lexicography), "Typical Thesis Structure" (which I prepared for the 2nd-year and 3rd-year graduate students), 英语语言文学、外国语言学及应用语言学专业语言学、翻译学、词典学方向硕博士学位论文写作规范 (Instructions for NJU English Linguistics/Translation/Lexicography Majors on the Preparation of Theses and Dissertations, 2015) (pdf) (which the Department of English prepared for the 2nd-year and 3rd-year graduate students on the degree tracks of Linguistics, Translation Studies, and Lexicography), "Typical Problems in Students' Theses" (which I prepared for 3rd-year graduate students with reference to Williams and Chesterman [2002] and the typical problems found in theses submitted by former SFS graduate students), a Sample BA thesis [Chinese and English abstracts, and TOC] [Zhang Yanping. (2006). A Critical Analysis of the Translations of Public Signs in Nanjing; courtesy of the author. The thesis was developed on the basis of a field study which was assigned as a practicum in the 4th-year Advanced Chinese-English Translation course. It won the First-class Award for Outstanding BA Theses of Nanjing University in 2006), a sample MA thesis (Yan Weiwei's An Evaluation of the Output Quality of Some Prevalent EC MT Programs; courtesy of the author), a sample MTI thesis [Pei  Saiwei. (2016). 核心句分析法在英语长句汉译中的应用――以“波普尔的证伪探试法是否利于发展批判性思维?” 的中译为例 (The Application of Kernel Sentence Analysis in Translating Long English Sentences: With Examples from “Is Popper’s Falsificationist Heuristic a Helpful Resource for Developing Critical Thinking?”); courtesy of the author], a sample abstract (from Professor Don Snow's book on Cantonese [Hong Kong University Press]; courtesy of the author), the latest edition of the Publication Manual of the APA (6th ed., 2010), Dr. Abel Scribe's "APA Style Lite for College Papers" ([2010] a brief yet comprehensive one-page guide to writing and documenting sources in APA style; developed from "APA Style Crib Sheet", 林天祐's "APA 格式第六版" (2010), and Degelman & Harris' "APA Style Essentials" ([2007] A lucid one-page summary of the common core elements of APA style), as well as "Introduction to Data Collection and Analysis" (a good primer on scientific method), and "Electronic Statistics Textbook" (a detailed electronic book on statistics).


      第二届翻译技术理论与实践高层论坛 (合肥, 2019年12月13-15日)

      中国翻译学学科建设三十年高层论坛 (青岛, 2017年4月27-28日)

      Dr. Zhong Yong (School of Humanities and Languages, University of New South Wales, Australia) will give a lecture entitled "Theories Guided Translation Practice and Demonstrations" at Rm. 405, Qiaoyu Building, the Xianlin campus of Nanjing University at 2 p.m. on November 12 (Thursday), 2015. [New]

      Prof. Yu Shiwen (俞士汶) with the School of Information Science and Technology of Peking University will deliver a lecture on 现代汉语成语知识库和虚词用法知识库 in 736, Yifu Guan II at the Gulou campus of Nanjing University at 3 p.m., November 4 (Friday).

      Dr. Wu Andi will deliver a lecture on automatic parsing in 736, Yifu Guan II at the Gulou campus of Nanjing University at 4 p.m., December 9 (Wed.).

      南京大学翻译硕士 (MTI) 专业学位课程首次招生 (2008)



Updates and New Additions

      January, 2025 - The syllabus for the course "Fundamentals of Written Translation (FWT, 英汉基础笔译)" was updated.


      June, 2024 - The page "我对南京大学校训中‘诚’这一训条的理解" in the Education and Ethics suite was updated.

      May, 2024 - Back-end file structure readjusted.


      December, 2023 - MS Office Word's default global template (Normal.dot) was updated.

      September, 2023 - The syllabus for the course "Fundamentals of Written Translation (FWT, 英汉基础笔译)" was updated.

      August, 2023 - The homepage was revamped and optimized for display on Microsoft Edge.

      June, 2023 - MS Office Word's default global template (Normal.dot) and An AutoText List of Terms, Labels, & References Used in Language and Translation Studies were updated.

      April, 2023 - The Daily Thoughts (Yaya, Trans; Yaba, Rev.) page was added in the Education and Ethics suite.

      January, 2023 - The "Research Projects and End-of-Semester Assessment Items" page was updated.


      November, 2022 - The syllabus for the course "Fundamentals of Written Translation (FWT, 英汉基础笔译)" was updated.

      August, 2022 - The Commonly Used Macros and Keyboard Shortcuts encoded in MS Office Word's default global template (Normal.dot) were updated.

      July, 2022 - The Navigation Pane of the site was redesigned.

      May, 2022 - The layout of the homepage was fine-tuned.

      March, 2022 - Contact addresses in some syllabuses were updated.

      January, 2022 - New photos taken for "Images of the Month" were uploaded to the servers and stored in a new folder.


      August, 2021 - The syllabus for the course "Introduction to Translation (IT)" was updated.

      June, 2021 - The syllabus for the course "Fundamentals of Written Translation (FWT, 英汉基础笔译)" was updated.

      March, 2021 - The "Research Projects and End-of-Semester Assessment Items" page was updated.

      January, 2021 - The pages "我对南京大学校训中‘诚’这一训条的理解" in the Education and Ethics suite and "Research Projects and End-of-Semester Assessment Items" in the E/C & C/E Translation suite were updated.


      October, 2020 - The course syllabus for "Introduction to Translation Studies (ITS)" was updated.

      September, 2020 - The page Typical Thesis Structure was updated.

      June, 2020 - MS Office Word's default global template (Normal.dot) and An AutoText List of Terms, Labels, & References Used in Language and Translation Studies were updated.

      May, 2020 - The lecture outline "The Problem of Logic" was updated.

      March, 2020 - The syllabuses for the courses "Introduction to Translation (IT)" and "Fundamentals of Written Translation (FWT, 英汉基础笔译)" were updated.

      February, 2020 - The Commonly Used Macros and Keyboard Shortcuts encoded in MS Office Word's default global template (Normal.dot) were updated.

      January, 2020 - "How to Install MS Office Word 2003's Default Global Template in MS Office Word 2019 and Later Versions" (doc) was added in the Research Methodology and Reference Sources suite and on the LTT Resources Page.


      December, 2019 - The page Literature was updated.

      October, 2019 - The query page of E/C & C/E Translation Corpus Suite (Term Bank, New Words Corpus, & Translation Corpus Search) was revised.

      September, 2019 - The Commonly Used Macros and Keyboard Shortcuts encoded in MS Office Word's default global template (Normal.dot) were updated.

      May, 2019 - The page Typical Thesis Structure was updated.

      April, 2019 - A link to LinkedIn Influencer Bernard Marr's How to write a resume to appeal to robot recruiters (2019) was added in the Education and Ethics suite.

      March, 2019 - MS Office Word's default global template (Normal.dot) and An AutoText List of Terms, Labels, & References Used in Language and Translation Studies were updated.

      January, 2019 - The "Digital Library Sources" page was updated.


      December, 2018 - "The Concluding Remarks at the Closing Ceremony of the 17th Jiangsu Provincial 'Navigation Cup' High School English Speaking Contest" was added in the Language and Linguistics suite.

      October, 2018 - Some macros in Ke Ping's Microsoft Office Word default global template (Normal.dot) were updated. All syllabuses for the courses I taught in current semester were updated.

      August, 2018 - “同学相逢40年后重聚小记” was added in the Literature suite.

      July, 2018 - The frames of the homepage of this site were revamped and optimized for Chrome and Microsoft Edge under Windows 10 1830.

      June, 2018 - MS Office Word's default global template (Normal.dot) and An AutoText List of Terms, Labels, & References Used in Language and Translation Studies were updated.

      May, 2018 - The page Typical Thesis Structure was updated.

      April, 2018 - MS Office Word's default global template (Normal.dot) and the Commonly Used Macros and Keyboard Shortcuts it encodes were updated.

      March, 2018 -  The syllabus for the course "Introduction to Translation (IT)" was added in the in the E/C & C/E Translation suite.

      February, 2018 - The "Research Projects and End-of-Semester Assessment Items" page was updated.

      January, 2018 - MS Office Word's default global template (Normal.dot) and An AutoText List of Terms, Labels, & References Used in Language and Translation Studies (as encoded in my Normal.dot) were updated.


      December, 2017 - “南京市汇文女中与人民中学建校130周年庆典小记” was added in the Literature suite. The Visual Arts suite was updated.

      November, 2017 - Translation Studies: A Short Reading List for MA Students was updated.

      October, 2017 - “南京大学外国语学院100周年院庆散记” was added in the Literature suite.

      September, 2017 - The MTI Center of the Department of English of NJU updated its guide for MTI (English) candidates on how to prepare their degree research project. Here is the link to the Guide.

      August, 2017 - "西天目山记游" was added in the Literature suite.

      April, 2017 - MS Office Word's default global template (Normal.dot) was updated.

      March, 2017 - “柯班出身同门聚首”活动小记 was added in the Literature suite.

      January, 2017 - Many pages and MS Office Word's default global template (Normal.dot) were updated before this New Year of 2017. Newly updated pages include: Translation Studies: A Short Reading List for Translation Studies (with a number of new items added), the Template for Thesis Proposal,  the syllabus for the graduate course of "Contrastive Linguistics", and the Commonly Used Macros and Keyboard Shortcuts and An AutoText List of Terms, Labels, & References Used in Language and Translation Studies (as encoded in my Normal.dot).


      October, 2016 - “我对南京大学校训中‘诚’这一训条的理解” was added in the Education and Ethics suite.

      July, 2016 - Another sample MTI thesis [Pei  Saiwei. (2016). 核心句分析法在英语长句汉译中的应用――以”波普尔的证伪探试法是否利于发展批判性思维?“的中译为例 (The Application of Kernel Sentence Analysis in Translating Long English Sentences: With Examples from “Is Popper’s Falsificationist Heuristic a Helpful Resource for Developing Critical Thinking?”); courtesy of the author] was added in the Research Methodology and Reference Sources suite.

      June, 2016 -  “童年趣事——鸭鸭成长手记” (The Growth of a Kid) (Year 6) was added in the Literature suite.

      May, 2016 - A sample MTI thesis [Shen Yuming. (2016). 社会符号学翻译方法在《枪》的汉译中的应用 (The Application of the Socio-Semiotic Approach to Translation in the E-C Translation of Mark Haddon’s “The Gun”; marked by Ke Ping); courtesy of the author] was added in the Research Methodology and Reference Sources suite. MS Office Word's default global template (Normal.dot), the Commonly Used Macros and Keyboard Shortcuts, and the AutoText List of Terms, Labels, & References Used in Language and Translation Studies the template encodes were updated.

      April, 2016 -  “高二生活纪实” (Moments of My Life in Grade 2, Senior High School) was added in the Literature suite. Links to my alma mater (Nanjing Renmin Secondary School, formerly Nanjing Weiwen Girls' School) were added in the Visual Arts suite.

      March, 2016 - The Course Syllabus for "Language and Translation Technology (LTT)" was updated.

      February, 2016 - The file "Research Projects and End-of-Semester Assessment Items" was updated.

      January, 2016 - A link to Travis Bradberry's "The importance of being genuine" was added in the Education and Ethics suite. MS Office Word's default global template (Normal.dot), along with the Commonly Used Macros and Keyboard Shortcuts and the AutoText List of Terms, Labels, & References Used in Language and Translation Studies it encodes, were updated.


      December, 2015 - The "Research Projects and Term Papers on E/C and C/E Translation" page was renamed "Research Projects and End-of-Semester Assessment Items" and updated.

      October, 2015 - The course syllabus for "Introduction to Translation Studies (ITS)" was updated.

      September, 2015 - The course syllabus for "Thesis Research Seminar (TRS)“ was updated.

      August, 2015 - "坚持守旧,又勇于创新——在南京大学外国语学院2015届毕业典礼上的讲话" was added in the Education and Ethics suite.

      July, 2015 - "The Problem of Logic" in the Research Methodology and Reference Sources suite was substantially revised and expanded: the "Logical fallacies" section now covers all the three types of logical fallacies (formal, informal, and mixed).

      June, 2015 -  “童年趣事——鸭鸭成长手记” (The Growth of a Kid) (Year 5) was added in the Literature suite.

      May, 2015 - A Links to more posts were added in the Education and Ethics suite.

      April, 2015 - MS Office Word's default global template (Normal.dot) was updated. Recent photos of Yaya were added in the Visual Arts suite.

      March, 2015 - Attention! "Typical Thesis Structure" (2015) was revised and 英语语言文学、外国语言学及应用语言学专业语言学、翻译学、词典学方向硕博士学位论文写作规范 (Instructions for NJU English Linguistics/Translation/Lexicography Majors on the Preparation of Theses and Dissertations, 2015) (pdf) added in the Research Methodology and Reference Sources suite. All students who are starting their thesis project should scrutinize these two important documents and keep them on file for quick reference as they research their thesis.

      February, 2015 - The syllabus for the graduate course of "Contrastive Linguistics" was added in the Language and Linguistics suite.

      January, 2015 - Commonly Used Macros and Keyboard Shortcuts as encoded in my MS Office Word's default global template (Normal.dot) was updated.


      December, 2013 - MS Office Word's default global template (Normal.dot) and An AutoText List of Terms, Labels, & References Used in Language and Translation Studies were updated.

      November, 2014 - The course syllabuses for "The Theory and practice of Translation," "Introduction to Translation Studies (ITS)," "英汉基础笔译 (FWT)," and "Thesis Research Seminar (TRS)“ were updated.

      October, 2014 - The Education and Ethics suite was created.

      September, 2014 - Information about this year's World Ecological Debt Day (Earth Overshoot Day) was updated on the top of this page.

      August, 2014 - The Research Methodology and Reference Sources suite was updated, with links to new resources added.

      July, 2014 - MS Office Word's default global template (Normal.dot) and "Commonly Used Macros in Ke Ping’s Normal.dot" were updated. A link to "What’s lost as handwriting fades" was added in the Language and Linguistics suite.

      June, 2014 -  “童年趣事——鸭鸭成长手记” (The Growth of a Kid) (Year 4) was added in the Literature suite.

      May, 2014 - The file "The Makings of a Good Translator" was updated. 中国政府国务院学位委员会和教育部关于博士硕士学位论文抽检办法的通知 was added in the Research Methodology and Reference Sources suite.

      April, 2014 - The file "Sample Annotation Translation (Translation with Commentary)" was updated.

      March, 2014 - The course syllabus for "Introduction to the Theory and Practice of Translation (ITPT)" was updated.

      February, 2014 - MS Office Word's default global template (Normal.dot) and An AutoText List of Terms, Labels, & References Used in Language and Translation Studies were updated.

      January, 2014 - The course syllabus for "Introduction to the Theory and Practice of Translation (ITPT)" was added in the E/C & C/E Translation suite.


      December, 2013 - The "Commonly Used Macros in Ke Ping’s Normal.dot" page was updated.

      November, 2013 - The course syllabus for "Language Studies for Translation (LST)" was added in the Language and Linguistics suite.

      October, 2013 - Information about this year's World Ecological Debt Day (Earth Overshoot Day) was updated on the top of this page.

      September, 2013 - Some photos taken in the past summer were added in the Visual Arts suite.

      August, 2013 - Two Chinese national standard (GB) documents regarding academic writing and publication,《科学技术报告、学位论文和学术论文的编写格式(中华人民共和国国家标准 UDC 001.81 GB 7713-87)》(1987) (mht) and《文后参考文献著录规则(中华人民共和国国家标准,代替 GB/T 7714-1987)》(2005) (pdf), were added in the Research Methodology and Reference Sources suite.

      July, 2013 - The "Research Projects on E/C and C/E Translation" page was renamed "Research Projects and Term Papers on E/C and C/E Translation" and updated.

      June, 2013 -  “童年趣事——鸭鸭成长手记” (The Growth of a Kid) (Year 3) was added in the Literature suite.

      May, 2013 - The "Research Projects on E/C and C/E Translation" page was updated.

      April, 2013 - The syllabus of LTT and "Commonly Used Macros in Ke Ping’s Normal.dot" page were updated.

      March, 2013 - Some photos taken in the past winter were added in the Visual Arts suite.

      February, 2013 - MS Office Word's default global template (Normal.dot) and An AutoText List of Terms, Labels, & References Used in Language and Translation Studies were updated.

      January, 2013 - Adapted from Canadian author Yann Martel’s 2001 novel of the same title, the American 3-D film Life of Pi (screenplay by David Magee and directed by Ang Lee) was released worldwide as scheduled in December, 2012. The novel (Man Booker prize for Fiction, 2002) and the film (nominations for Best Motion Picture, Best Director, and Best Original Score, for the 70th Golden Globe Awards, 2013) explored the relationship between the divine and the human in a forceful, elegant, and deeply moving way. For a better understanding of Martel’s work, I gleaned some of his quotations for sharing.


      December, 2012 - The most commonly used macros encoded in MS Office Word's default global template (Normal.dot) were updated.

      November, 2012 - A paper I recently published on translation with commentary and its pedagogical implications was added  in the Translation Studies suite.

      October, 2012 - Some photos taken in Qufu (曲阜) and Mount Taishan (泰山), Shandong in the past summer were added in the Visual Arts suite.

      September, 2012 - The syllabus for the courses "Advanced English-Chinese & Chinese-English Translation" and "Introduction to Translation Studies (ITS)" were updated.

      August, 2012 - An AutoText List of Terms, Labels, & References Used in Language and Translation Studies was substantially revised, with all newly introduced modifications coded or recoded correspondingly in my MS Office Word's default global template (Normal.dot). Major revisions made in this version/release (July/August, 2012) include keyboard shortcuts cleanup and reassignment, the adding of new items and readjustment of existing ones in the "Short Labels for Common Errors in Translation and Other Uses of Language" and "Labels Used in Translation with Commentary (Annotation Translation)" sections, and an updating of entries in the "Frequently Used Reference Sources and Tools: An Alphabetized List of APA-Style Reference Examples" section according to the latest edition of the Publication Manual of the APA (6th ed., 2010).

      July, 2012 - “童年趣事——鸭鸭成长手记” (The Growth of a Kid) (Year 2) was added in the Literature suite.

      June, 2012 - “南大110周年校庆小记” was added in the Literature suite.

      May, 2012 - MS Office Word's default global template (Normal.dot) (for Word 2003, 2007, and 2010) was updated.

      April, 2012 - The "Typical Thesis Structure" page was updated.

      March, 2012 - A new server joined in the hosting of this site.

      February, 2012 - The Course Syllabus and the Recommended Reading pages for Language and Translation Technology (LTT) and the 课程大纲 for "计算机辅助翻译" were updated.

      January, 2012 - "科学道德与学风建设宣讲参考大纲" (.doc) was added in the Research Methodology and Reference Sources suite.


      December, 2011 - Research Methodology & Reference Sources suite was updated, with MS Office Word 2007's default global template (Normal.dotm) and document building blocks template (Building Blocks.dotx) added, and An AutoText List of Terms, Labels, & References Used in Language and Translation Studies updated.

      March, 2009 - 微软Office Word默认全局模板的开发及其在语言和翻译专业教学与科研中的使用 (国际翻译家联盟 [FIT] 第18届世界翻译大会 [2008年8月, 中国上海] 论文;《外语电化教学》[上海外国语大学] 2008年第5期,第63-70页) and 南京大学翻译硕士 (MTI) 专业学位课程 "计算机辅助翻译" 课程大纲 were added in the "Language and Translation Technology (LTT)" suite.

      March, 2009 -《吾之幸福观》, Wang Xuefei's Literary Chinese (文言文) translation of "My view of happiness", was added in the Literature suite.

      February, 2009 - “ITS”: A Short Classified and Annotated Reading List for MA Students and "LTT": Recommended Reading were updated.

      February, 2009 - Link to Chinese-English Online (CEO; 中英双语在线) was added in the Language and Translation Technology suite and at the bottom of this page.

      January, 2009 - Microsoft Office Word's default global template (Normal.dot) and An AutoText List of Terms, Labels, & References Used in Language and Translation Studies were updated.


      November, 2008 - Microsoft Office Word's default global template (Normal.dot) was updated.

      October, 2008 - Links to BYU-BNC and COCA were added at the bottom of this page.

      September, 2008 - Photos I took while attending the XVIII FIT World Translation Congress (Shanghai, China; August 4-7, 2008) were added in the Visual Arts suite.

      August, 2008 - An Autotext List of Terms Used in Linguistics, Translation Studies, Language and Translation Technology, and Research Methodology was substantially revised, with two new modules ("Labels and Signposts Used in Corpus Compilation and Lexicography" and "Frequently Used Reference Sources and Tools: An alphabetized list of APA Style reference examples") added. The file was renamed "An AutoText List of Terms, Labels, & References Used in Language and Translation Studies".

      August, 2008 - Links to a few more quality APA sources were added in the Research Methodology & Reference Sources suite.

      July, 2008 - Microsoft Office Word's default global template (Normal.dot) and “Thesis Research Seminar”: Course Syllabus in the Research Methodology & Reference Sources suite were updated.

      June, 2008 - "Slips, Mistakes, and Errors in Language Learning and Use: A System of Coded Instructor Feedback" was added in An Autotext List of Terms Used in Linguistics, Translation Studies, Language and Translation Technology, and Research Methodology.

      May, 2008 - 南京大学外国语学院英语系本科学位论文写作规范. was added in the Research Methodology and Reference Sources suite.

      April, 2008 - Links to the text and audio/video sources of the Premier’s press conference and Foreign Minister’s press conference in the recently concluded Chinese parliament were added on the Research Projects on E/C and C/E Translation page in the E/C & C/E Translation suite.

      March, 2008 - New meta-sources were added in the Intranet.

      March, 2008 - Course material for "Language and Translation Technology (LTT)" was updated.

      February, 2008 - 南京大学翻译硕士 (MTI) 专业学位课程 "英汉翻译实务" 课程大纲  was added in the E/C & C/E Translation suite. Two photos featuring the Pukou Campus of Nanjing University in winter were added in the Visual Arts suite.

      January, 2008 - The Research Projects on E/C and C/E Translation page was updated.


      December, 2007 - AutoTexts in MS Office Word's Normal.dot were updated.

      November, 2007 - Environmental Study: Recent Developments and 一些触目惊心的环境数字 in Nature & Environment were updated.

      October, 2007 - Translation Studies: A Short Reading List for MA Students was updated.

      September, 2007 - E/C & C/E Translation Corpus Suite (Term Bank, New Words Corpus, & Translation Corpus Search) was added to this site. Visitors are invited to try it out and give feedback to the webmaster via email or in Forum 1.

      September, 2007 - Photos taken in my trip to Yunnan in this past summer were added in the Visual Arts suite.

      August, 2007 - The default global template of MS Office Word ― Normal.dot ― was updated, with the present two macros for processing English and Chinese webpages revised and two new macros for the purpose added.

      July, 2007 - A frame page paradigm was adopted for this site.

      July, 2007 - An Autotext List of Terms Used in Linguistics, Translation Studies, Language and Translation Technology, and Research Methodology was revised again and expanded.

      June, 2007 - A few photos taken in my recent trip to Singapore were added in the Visual Arts suite.

      May, 2007 -  The abstracts and TOC of Zhang Yanping's A Critical Analysis of the Translations of Public Signs in Nanjing (developed on the basis of a field study which was assigned as a practicum in the 4th-year Advanced Chinese-English Translation course and won the First-class Award for Outstanding BA Theses of Nanjing University in 2006) was added in the E/C & C/E Translation and Research Methodology and Reference Sources suites.

      May, 2007 -  The E/C & C/E Translation suite was revised, with two new sections ("Vocational Examinations for Professional Translators" and "Standards for Professional Translation Service") added.

      April, 2007 -  The Computer Security: Facts and Figures page was added in the Language and Translation Technology suite.

      April, 2007 -  The first few photos of Yaya were added in the Visual Arts suite.

      March, 2007 - The Research Projects on E/C and C/E Translation page was updated.

      March, 2007 - An Autotext List of Terms Used in Linguistics, Translation Studies, Language and Translation Technology, and Research Methodology was further expanded.

      February, 2007 -  Link to 中国翻译人才网. was added in the E/C & C/E Translation suite. Links to Google Language Tools. and APA style guides (APA Style / Sample APA References) were added at the bottom of this page.

      January, 2007 - The Booklist of the Translation Studies Library (II) recently published by Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press (外研社) was added in the Translation Studies suite.

      January, 2007 - Link to University of Leeds' Centre for Translation Studies was added in the Translation Studies suite.

      January, 2007 - The Translation Studies part of the Autotext List of Terms Used in Linguistics, Translation Studies, Language and Translation Technology, and Research Methodology in my MS Office Word's default global template Normal.dot was further expanded. For better coping with various writing tasks, especially thesis writing and webpage creation, the styles in the template were updated, with some new styles (including Table Label, Table Text, and Webpage) created and some old styles (including Thesis Indent, Thesis Bibliographic Indent, Heading 5, Heading 6, and Heading 9) redefined. Chief files created with MS Word on this site have been updated accordingly using these styles. To consult definitions/functions of  and shortcut keys assigned to the styles/macros in this template, please click on the updated (now in tabular form) "Macros in this template" file.


      December, 2006 - The encoding conventions for An Autotext List of Terms Used in Linguistics, Translation Studies, Language and Translation Technology, and Research Methodology was revised and the Autotext list substantially expanded. The autotext will function in MS Word after you download and install the latest version of Ke Ping's Microsoft Office Word's default global template Normal.dot (zipped file). For an explanation of how to install the template, click HERE.

      November, 2006 - The English Department's Stipulations on the Writing of Thesis Abstracts was added in the Research Methodology & Reference Sources suite.

      November, 2006 - Link to StarDict Project was added in the Research Methodology & Reference Sources suite.

      November, 2006 - Environmental Study: Recent Developments was created in the Nature & Environment suite.

      October, 2006 - The Course Syllabus for "Thesis Research Seminar" (TRS) was added in the Research Methodology & Reference Sources suite.

      October, 2006 - Photos taken in my recent trip to Wuyuan, Jiangxi, China were added in the Visual Arts suite.

      September, 2006 - The Booklist of the Translation Studies Library (I) recently published by Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press (外研社) was added in the Translation Studies suite.

      September, 2006 - Photos taken in my recent trip to Inner Mongolia were added in the Visual Arts suite. Meanwhile, some old photos were removed from the suite.

      August, 2006 - The Course Syllabus and Course Outline for "Introduction to Translation Studies" were updated.

      July, 2006 - Ke Ping's Microsoft Office Word's default global template (Normal.dot) was updated in the Research Methodology & Reference Sources suite.

      June, 2006 - Useful macros in Ke Ping's Microsoft Office Word default global template (Normal.dot) was updated.

      June, 2006 - More photos (featuring Professor Cay Dollerup's visit to Nanjing University and Prof Mona Baker's visit to Nanjing University and Yangzhou, etc.) were added in the Visual Arts suite.

      May, 2006 - Some Softwares Used for the Study of the Course LTT was updated.

      April, 2006 - A link to Translation Journal -  [a Web publication for translators by translators about translators and translation] was added in the Translation Studies suite.

      April, 2006 - A link to Microsoft's online full service scan page Windows Live Safety Center. was added at the top of this page.

      March, 2006 - "Language and Translation Technology: Class Schedule" and "Windows XP DOS Commands" was added in the Intranet.

      February, 2006 - Content in the Intranet was updated.

      February, 2006 - 一些触目惊心的环境数字 was updated.

      January, 2006 - "Thesis Research Seminar [TRS; postgraduate course]: Course Description" was added in the Research Methodology & Reference Sources suite.

      January, 2006 - Links 中国科学院计算技术研究所's 汉语词法分析系统 ICTCLAS (Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Lexical Analysis System] page. and Liu Patric's Processing Chinese texts in WordSmith4. were added on the LTT Resources Page.

      January, 2006 - Some Softwares Used for the Study of the Course "Language and Translation Technology (LTT)" was updated.


      December, 2005 - Link to Corpus Linguistics Online 语料库语言学在线 (www.corpus4u.com). was added in the Language & Linguistics suite and on the LTT Resources Page.

      December, 2005 - The Intranet created.

      December, 2005 - 中文自然语言处理开放平台 (CNLP). by 中国科学院计算技术研究所. (2005) was added in the Language & Linguistics suite and on the LTT Resources Page.

      November, 2005 - Links were added to the E/C & C/E Translation and Translation Studies suites: 中华人民共和国国家标准 GB/T 19363.1-2003 翻译服务规范 (Specification for Translation Service). and 中华人民共和国国家标准 GB/T 19682-2005 翻译服务译文质量要求 (Target Text Quality Requirements for Translation Services).

      November, 2005 - CStar Kuangping 3.3 Mezzo (中文之星智能狂拼III.3适中版) download link was added on the LTT Resources Page.

      October, 2005 - Links to Nairobi Recommendation. and The Translator's Charter.  were added in the Translation Studies suite.

      October, 2005 - More links to linguistics and corpus linguistics resources were added in the  Language & Linguistics suite and on the LTT Resources Page.

      September, 2005 - The Recommended Reading for the course "Introduction to Translation Studies" was updated.

      September, 2005 - Links at the bottom of this page revamped. Links to China Online Translation's 中国译典 (China Translation Dictionary, which features a very useful 翻译例句库) added.

      July, 2005 - A link to The Babel E/C Parallel Concordancer (which retrieves English and Chinese parallel texts from the the Babel English-Chinese Parallel Corpus) was added at the bottom of this page.

      July, 2005 - Photos of some graduating students and 2-year postgraduates on the degree track of Translating Studies were added in the Visual Arts suite.

      June, 2005 - A link to the 全国公共场所双语标识规范大行动. launched by China Daily in April, 2005 was added in the English-Chinese and Chinese-English (EC & CE) Translation suite.

      May, 2005 - The English-Chinese and Chinese-English (EC & CE) Translation suite revamped.

      May, 2005 - The ppt file of Nicky Harman's recent lecture made at Nanjing University "How Useful Is Translation Technology for the 21st Century Translator?" was added in the Language & Translation

 suite (Courtesy of Prof Nicky Harman).

      April, 2005 - Two more papers were added in the Translation Studies suite.

      March, 2005 - A new forum ("Forum 1", hosted by a faster server) created.

      February, 2005 - "ITLT" Course Outline was added.

      February, 2005 - Arial Unicode MS font used for all table of contents (TOC) pages.

      February, 2005 - Content of the Language & Linguistics, Translation Studies, LTT Resources Page and Research Methodology & Reference Sources suites consolidated and were updated.

      February, 2005 - Links to the TEC Web-based Concordancing Tool, WordNet Online Search, UN Terminology Database Search, UNESCO Terminology Search, and the Chinese search engine Baidu were added both on the home page and to the Research Methodology & Reference Sources suite.

      February, 2005 - Peter Newmark's Hints for Translation Exams and Deadlines was added to English-Chinese and Chinese-English (EC & CE) Translation suite.

      January, 2005 - The softwares page for the study of the course Language and Translation Technology was updated.

      January, 2005 - Links to the famous lexical reference database WordNet. (developed by the Cognitive Science Laboratory at Princeton University) were added to both the Language & Linguistics and Research Methodology & Reference Sources suites.

      January, 2005 - To help students to use writing styles, especially the APA style, correctly when writing papers and theses, I sifted through online resources and added to the Research Methodology & Reference Sources suite a few quality style guides as well as links to style guides and web resources on personal bibliography managers. These include Citation Guide, APA Research Style Crib Sheet, and Web Resources on Bibliography Formatting Softwares (BFS). Also added to the suite is a new page entitled "A Few Differences Between the Harvard System [used in a number of publications in Translation Studies] and the APA System", which was created on the basis of my recent research.

      January, 2005 - A few dead links removed.


      November, 2004 - Ciba online dictionary search dialog box was added.

      November, 2004 - Recommended Reading for the course "Introduction to Translation Studies" was updated, with titles published by Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press in the "Translation Studies Abroad" Library (2001, 2004) added.

      October, 2004 - More pages (including the Forum page) indexed by the Site search engine.

      September, 2004 - More E/C and C/E translation assignments were added to the English-Chinese and Chinese-English (EC & CE) Translation suite. Both E/C and C/E translation assignments are classified into Group A (chiefly for undergraduates) and Group B (chiefly for graduate students).

      September, 2004 - Photos taken in my recent trip to Singapore were added in the Visual Arts suite.

      August, 2004 - Photos taken in my recent trip to France were added in the Visual Arts suite.

      July, 2004 - Dynamic IE Title Bar Date-Time Clock Display and Drop Down World Clock was added.

      July, 2004 - Site search engine was added.

      July, 2004 - Message Forum (message board) opened (at the bottom of this page). Please feel free to make comments or suggestions about this site in the Forum. You may also paste there any questions you may have for other visitors to this site. The maximum length of each message is 5000 characters (not words). HTML content is allowed.

      June, 2004 - The Nature & Environment suite was added.

      May, 2004 - Images of natural wonders, scenic beauty and human interest began to be pasted at the top of the home page as "Image(s) of the Month".

      March, 2004 - Link to a very good clustering search engine "Vivisimo" was added. (Google has not yet made any effort to incorporate the clustering search capability into its search engine.)

      February, 2004 - Links to some transportation and weather information query sites were added on the Friendly Links page.

      January, 2004 - A new essay ("Being and Choice: a Look at Existentialism from the Perspective of Existentialist Literature" [Simplified Chinese]) was added in the Literature suite.


      A newly published paper ("'SARS' vs. 'Atypical Pneumonia': A Terminological Case Study" [Simplified Chinese; with Wu Zhijie] was added.

      Two new lecture outlines ("The Problem of Logic" and "The Use of Reference Sources in Translation") were added in the Research Methodology & Reference Sources suite.

      The "Reference Sources" suite was expanded to include pages and links related to research methods. The suite was renamed accordingly Research Methodology & Reference Sources.

      A diary kept by Yang Zi while traveling in the U.K. was added (kindly provided by the author).

      Links to Wikipedia (free multilingual encyclopedia), OneLook (dictionary lookup portal), and Google online search dialog boxes, and Systran Online Translation dialog box were added.

      More pictures (some taken in my recent visit to Singapore and Hong Kong) were added in the Visual Arts suite.

      Some new papers and links were added in the Language & Linguistics and Translation Studies pages.

      A new page created to facilitate the instruction of the new graduate course Language and Translation Technology.

      Overall layout redesigned.

      January, 2003



Corpus Linguistics Online Forum:

BNC (BYU-BNC) Search....

COCA Search....

Vivisimo Clustering Web Search..

OneLook Dictionary Search (1,000 dictionaries)

Answers.com Fast Facts Search.


SYSTRAN Machine Translation.

UNESCO Terminology Search.

UNTERM Search (UN Terminology)..







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Site updated:  January 12, 2025