English-Chinese and Chinese-English Translation


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            I.      Course Syllabus, Reading List, etc.

            II.     Stuff about the Study and Practice of Translation

            III.    Translation Assignments

            IV.    Research Projects and End-of-Semester Assessment Items

            V.     TEM-8: Selected Passages for Translation

            VI.    Sample Annotation Translation (Translation with Commentary)

            VII.   Sample Translations

            VIII.  Vocational Examinations for Professional Translators

            IX.    Standards for Professional Translation Service

            X.     Translation Education and Service


I.  Course Syllabus, Reading List, etc.


           NJU:  "10010150 - Introduction to Translation (IT)": Syllabus (KP) "E/C & C/E Translation" (ECCET) (ECCET 1 - "Introduction to Translation" and ECCET 2 - "The Theory and practice of Translation"): The general syllabus for the two courses and the weekly schedules for Semester 1 and Semester 2

           NJU: 南京大学翻译硕士 (MTI) 专业学位课程 "英汉基础笔译 (FWT)": 课程大纲 (KP)

           University of Macau (UM): "Introduction to the Theory and Practice of Translation (ITPT)": Syllabus  (KP)

           NJU: Translation and Studies of Translation: A Minimum Reading List (for undergraduates)  (KP)

           NJU: "English-Chinese Translation" (Nanjing University Specialist Diploma in Translation [SDT] course in Singapore): Syllabus  (KP)

           NJU: 南京大学翻译硕士 (MTI) 专业学位课程首次招生 (2008)

           English-Chinese and Chinese-English Translation: Diagnostic Tests


II.  Stuff about the Study and Practice of Translation


            Ke, Ping. (2004). What Makes A Good Translator? (Updated version; Draft version)

            Ke, Ping. (1996). Meaning in Translation. BABEL, 42 [No 2 / 1996], 74-83

            Ke, Ping. (2007). Numerical Expressions

            Ke, Ping, & Li, Huadong [柯平, 李华东]. (2014). 翻译活动的本质与翻译人才的培养 ——柯平教授访谈录. 载 王祖有等著《外语名家访谈录》(北京:国防工业出版社,2014 年), 第201-214页

            Pletka, Radek: 12 Tips for Freelance Translator Success  (txt)


III.  Translation Assignments


E/C Translation - Set A  (ECTa):

           ECTa1.  Ovett Wins 800 Metres..

           ECTa2.  Miss U.S.A.

           ECTa3.  Isoket

           ECTa4.  Casablanca

           ECTaL.  Long Translation Project: Shotgun Cheatham's Last Night Above Ground


           ECTa5.  The Study of Dreams

           ECTa6.  The American Express Credit Card

           ECTa7.  Felicia's Journey

           ECTa8.  Ford Windstar Cutaway at Beijing Auto Show

           .ECTa9. Economic Outlook on China.


C/E Translation - Set A  (CETa):

           CETa1.  刘江抒情油画系列

           CETa2.  信业国际化工展示中心(录像片解说词)

           CETa3.  外商资信状况查询

           CETa4.  上海世博会申办报告

           CETa5.  中銀慈善活動捐款渠道


           CETa6.  出境健康检疫申明卡

           CETa7.  西安.

           CETa8.  关于中国经济的几个热点问题

           CETa9.  英特网浏览器:应有尽有


           CETaL 长篇翻译项目:南京2014年夏季青年奥运会申办报告 (主题13: 交通)

           .CETa9. 文化交流.



E/C Translation - Set B  (ECTb):

           ECTb1.  Speech by Professor Iu Vai Pan, Rector of University of Macau, at the Closing Ceremony of UM 20th Anniversary, University of Macau 

           ECTb2.  The Stock Market and Investment

           ECTb3.  Court Reverses Break-up of Microsoft

           ECTb4.  Organic Agriculture (TV script; for copy-editing)

           ECTb5.  White House Given Deadline on CIA Leak

           ECTb6L Spaceships of the Future

           ECTb7.  Nadine Gordimer: My Father Leaves Home

           ECTb8.  Parco M. Siu: Ways of Prevention of SARS


C/E Translation - Set B  (CETb):

           CETb1.  助教工作

           CETb2.  合同正式签订前确认共识

           CETb3.  校改练习:爱的呼唤(电视纪实报道脚本)

           CETb4.  艾滋病

           CETb5L.长篇翻译项目:南京2014年夏季青年奥运会申办报告 (主题14: 技术)

           CETb6.  上海国际冶金工业展开幕式致词

           CETb7.  黎明前的北.

           CETb8.  总理在两会记者招待会上的答问



E/C Translation - Set C  (ECTc):

           ECTc1.  On Wisdom

           ECTc2.  Bush Behind the Smiles

           ECTc3.  Football Hooliganism

           ECTc4.  How Richard Branson Works Magic

           ECTc5.  UNESCO: Report by the Director-General

           ECTc6.  What are Transgenic Plants and Animals?

           ECTc7.  Nietzsche and Classical Education


C/E Translation - Set C (CETc):

           CETc1.  国企改革

           CETc2.  诸葛亮评传

           CETc3.  中等收入人群成为长三角社会主体

           CETc4.  译文比较:黛玉见熙风

           CETc5.  婚宴配套计划

           CETc6.  携手努力,促进亚太经济持续增长

           CETc7.  南京大学年报

           CETc8.  屠呦呦秉持的,不是好事者争论的


IV.  Research Projects and End-of-Semester Assessment items

           Ke, Ping. (2005-2022). Research Projects and End-of-Semester Assessment Items

           Zhang, Yanping (2006). A Critical Analysis of the Translations of Public Signs in Nanjing. (BA thesis developed on the basis of a field study which was assigned as a research task in the 4th-year Advanced Chinese-English Translation course; won the First-class Award for Outstanding BA Theses of Nanjing University in 2006; courtesy of the author) [Chinese and English abstracts, and TOC]


V.  TEM-8: Selected Passages for Translation


           1.1    Why Having Children?

           1.2    中国科技馆

           1.3    Untimely Death

           1.4    乔羽垂钓

           1.5    Human Effort

           1.6    "Winner" and "Loser"

           1.7    What Books can Give Us

           1.8    The New Life

           1.9    心灵的花园


           2.1    冬保

           2.2    徐霞客

           2.5    奥斯丁的小说

           2.3    Reagan's Campaign for the 2nd Term in the White House

           2.6    我的导师

           2.2    American Literature

           2.7    温哥华的中国人

           2.8    大自然的恩赐


VI.  Sample Annotation Translation (Translation with Commentary)


           Environmental Law (KP)


VII.  Sample Translations


           Peck, Richard: A Long Way from Chicago (KP).  [790 K]

           O'Connor, Frank: My Oedipus Complex (KP).  [111 K]

           Greene, Graham: The End of the Affair (KP) [MS Word: Tools\Options\ Convention\Web Options\Encoding: Simplified Chinese (GB2312); Font: Simplified Chinese] [588 K]

              南京大学英语系毕业研究生、2011年韩素英青年翻译奖汉英翻译一等奖并英汉翻译优秀奖得主、兰州大学外国语学院青年教师、英国 牛津大学Intellectual History 博士万兆元2011年参加韩素英青年翻译奖竞赛时提交的汉英参赛译文.


VIII.  Vocational Examinations for Professional Translators


           The Chartered Institute of Linguists (IoL) of the United Kingdom: Diploma in Translation (as effective from 2006). (pdf, mht)

           Newmark, Peter. (1988). Revision Hints for Translation Exams and Deadlines


IX.  Standards for Professional Translation Service

             中华人民共和国国家标准 GB/T 19363.1-2003: 翻译服务规范 (Specification for Translation Service).

            中华人民共和国国家标准 GB/T 19682-2005: 翻译服务译文质量要求 (Target Text Quality Requirements for Translation Services).


X.  Translation Education and Service


             Ke, Ping, & Bao, Chuanyun [柯平, 鲍川运]. (2002-2004). 世界各地高校的口笔译专业与翻译研究机构.《中国翻译》2002年第4、5、6期

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