

A Critical Analysis of the Translations of Public Signs in Nanjing



ZHANG Yanping



Under the Supervision of

Professor Ke Ping



Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

for the Degree of Bachelor of Arts






Department of English

School of Foreign Studies

Nanjing University

May 30, 2006




       Upon the accomplishment of this thesis, I would like to convey my sincere gratitude to Professor Ke Ping, my supervisor, without whose help and support this thesis would not have been impossiblye completed and presented in its present form. His instructions and suggestions guided directed me in planning and implementing this to keep on my study in a methodical rewarding way. His earnestness in academic research inspired me and motivated me to carry out persist in my study despite the physically and mentally demanding field work involved in the study. Moreover survey. Besides, his strictness regard to in details prompted encouraged me to refine my revise the language and format of this thesis repeatedly and improve my command of English.

       My thanks also go to Professor He Chengzhou, who supported me to take up the present topic of study. se initial approval of my research subject matter encouraged me to go through my investigation on the spot, which called for piles of work. In addition, He was kind enough to encourage keep giving me to keep on with ita push in his class, which helped me to bring this thesis project my study to a desirable end.

       Besides, I want to give my thanks to my classmate and research partner, Li Xiaosa, for the efforts she ever made together with me to collect from many in the public places in Nanjing all the valuable translation samples needed for the study.

       Finally, I wish to thank my parents, whose from the bottom of my heart. Their enormous love and support have accompanied me throughout my four years’ study at Nanjing University. Without themir care, I could have gone nowhere.





       研究主要以纽马克的《翻译教程》(2001)为理论基础。纽马克认为不同的文体文本翻译应采取不同的翻译方法。他将文本分成三种类型:表达型、信息型和呼型;表达型文本适用语义翻译,信息型和呼型文本适用交际翻译。鉴于公共标识主要向公众传递信息和发出呼的功能, 作者认为公共标识语的翻译宜采用交际翻译。

       本研究是通过语料研究和问卷调查进行的,研究方法为定性分析。研究者实地调查了南京公共场所的双语标识牌,收集大量实例,分门别类地分析了翻译中存在的问题;并选择部分有代表性的标识语翻译收入问卷, 邀请母语为英语的人士回答了问卷。

       调查发现南京现有公共标识语的翻译多采用直译而忽略交际翻译, 导致了很多语用失误之处。在语料研究的基础上, 作者发现列举了一些最常见的错误类型,如词语误用、语法错误、译法不译文冗长累赘、不忠实原文等等。

       针对以上现状, 研究本文作者探讨了公共标识语汉英翻译中为达到交际效果译者而须宜采的翻译策略技巧,如解释性翻译、增译、减译(或不译)和改译等,并四种技巧,继而提出公共标识语翻译应遵守准确性、经济性和忠实性主要原则,即准确性、经济性和忠实性。本研究发现为了取得预期的达到交际效果,公共标识语的译文应遵从目标语同类可比文本的规范,即字数较少、使用简单的句子结构简单

       本研究虽然本研究存在一些缺陷和不足,但本研究的发现在实践和理论方面都有一定的意义。在实践方面,它针对公共标识语的翻译现状提出了可操作性强的翻译策略与方法和技巧;在理论上,本文说明了翻译研究并非只能用已有的翻译理论来解决翻译问题,而是需要把已有的翻译理论和其他学科的研究理论(如语料库语言学和语用学)相结合, 从而更有效地解决翻译中面临实际问题。





       The purpose of this research is to find out the some main principles governing, and translation strategies and methods workable in and skills to guide Chinese-English (C-E) translation of public signs so that the informative and vocative functions of such texts can be fulfilled.

      The theoretical basis of this thesis came from A Textbook of Translation, written by Newmark (2001). Newmark points out three main functions of language, namely the expressive, informative and vocative functions, and argues that informative and vocative texts should be communicatively translated. Considering that the chief functions of public signs are In the light of the informative and vocative functions of public signs, the study concluded that the communicative translation approach should be adopted applied in translating such texts.

       This research was based on field corpus study and surveys, and involved used comparable corpus and qualitative analysis. The author investigated many bilingual public signs in Nanjing, collected a number of them as samples and critically analyzed the main existing problems identified in of these translations. Besides, ten translations of public signs were selected and transcribed in a for the questionnaire, which was administered to a group of native English speakers (including a linguistics professor) to test their communicative effect. Some native English speakers, including a linguistics professor, were asked to respond to the questionnaire.

       The study found out that translators of public signs are inclined to translate adopt literally and translation while neglect the ing communicative function of the original translation. On the basis of corpus study, the thesis discovered some most common types of translation mistake, including namely, misuse of words, grammatical mistakes, inconsistency in referring to the same object, wordy translations and unfaithful translations, and came up with four translation strategies that are advised to be adopted by the translator to avoid these mistakes skills, namely, paraphrase, amplification, reduction (or zero translation) and adaptation. The thesis, and concludesd that accuracy, economy and faithfulness should be the main principles to be followed in the C-E translation of public signs. Theis research also found out that in order to achieve communicative effect, the translation of public signs should conform adapt to such the conventions of English public signs, such as shortness in length, plainness in vocabulary and simplicity in sentence structure.

       Despite its some limitations, the present research is significant in that it yields some important the findings regarding the problems existing in the C-E translation of public signs in Nanjing and offers some feasible solutions to these problems. of this are practically significant in that they provide workable translation methods and skills for C-E translation of public signs so that some translation problems can be solved more effectively.



Table of Contents



... ..............................................................................................................

Abstract .........................................................................................................

Chapter One  Introduction.

1.1  Literature Review..

1.1.1  Basic Concepts.

(1)  Public signs.

(2)  Language functions.

(3)  Translation methods.

1.1.2  Rationale for the Research.

1.1.3  Previous Researches.

Theoretical study.

C-E translation of public signs.

1.2  Research Purpose.

1.3  Organization of the Thesis.

Chapter Two  Methodology.

2.1  Samples.

2.2  Instrument

2.3  Sampling.

Chapter Three  Results and Discussions.

3.1  A Critical Analysis of the Problems in Translations of Public Signs.

3.1.1  Inaccurate Translations.

(1)  Misuse of words and grammatical mistakes.

(2)  Inconsistency in referring to the same object

3.1.2  Wordy Translations.

3.1.3  Unfaithful Translations.

3.2  Proper Translation Methods and Specific Strategies in the Translation of Public Signs.

3.2.1  Communicative Translation.

3.2.2  Translation Skills.

(1)  Paraphrase.

(2)  Amplification.

(3)  Reduction (or Zero Translation)

(4)  Adaptation.

Chapter Four  Conclusions.

4.1  Major Findings.

4.1.1  Ways of Adapting to the Conventions of English Public Signs.

4.1.2  Principles Guiding C-E Translation of Public Signs.

4.1.3  Methods and Skills in C-E Translation of Public Signs.

4.2  Implications of the Findings.

4.3  Limitations of the Study and Suggestions for Further Research.

References. ....................................................................................................

Appendix: Questionnaire.