Language and Translation Technology (LTT)




Antia, Bassey. (2000). Terminology and language planning. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. xxiv+264 pp. [ISBN: 90 722325 4 (Eur); MIIS Lib.]

Arnold, D., et al. (1994). Machine translation: An introductory guide. Blackwell Publishers. [ISBN: 185554217X.]

Austermühl, Frank. (2001). Electronic tools for translators. (A. Pym [Ed.]. “Translation Practices Explained”) Manchester, UK: St. Jerome Publishing. 192 pp. [ISBN: 1900650347; KP.]

Bowker, Lynne (2002). Computer-aided translation technology: A practical introduction. Ottawa: University of Ottawa Press. [ISBN: 0776630164; Nanjing University Lib.: 三楼外文阅览室, H085/X5; Amazon: $45.00.]

Diannaobao She. (Ed.).《电脑报》社 编著. 2005.Office办公应用疑难破解》. 汕头:汕头大学出版社. 180 pp. [ISBN: 7-81036-680-7; 20.00; KP.]

Esselink, Bert. (2000). A practical guide to localization ( (“Language International World Directory”) Revised ed.). Amsterdam & Philadelphia: John Benjamins. 490 pp. [ISBN: 1588110060; $32.95; KP.]

Granger, Sylviane,  et al. (2003). Corpus-based Approaches to Contrastive Linguistics and Translation Studies. Amsterdam: Rodopi.  [ISBN 9042010460]

Grefenstette, Gregory. (1998). Cross-language information retrieval. Kluwer Academic Publishing. [ISBN: 079238122X; Amazon: $70.00.]

Hauenschild, Christa, & Heizmann, Susanne. (Eds.). (1998). Machine translation and translation theory. “Text, Translation, Computational Processing, 1”. Mouton: De Gruyter. [ISBN: 3110154862; $93.35; MIIS.]

Hutchins, W. J. (1986). Machine translation: past, present, future. Chichester, U.K.: Ellis Horwood.

Kenny, Dorothy. (2001). Lexis and Creativity in Translation. A Corpus-based Study. Manchester, UK & Northampton MA: St. Jerome Publishing. ix+254 pp. [ISBN: 1-900650-39-8 (pbk). KP-Prof Mona Baker’s gift copy.]

Kennedy, Graeme. (2000). An Introduction to Corpus Linguistics (顾曰国导读). 北京:外语教学与研究出版社. 320 pp.-[KP-Pdf.]

Lawler, John, & Dry, Helen Aristar. (Eds.). (1998). Using computers in linguistics: A practical guide. London & New York: Routledge. xvi+297 pp. [ISBN: 0-415-16793-0; Amazon: 17.95; KP.]

Meyer, Charles F. (2002). English corpus linguistics. An introduction. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.168 pp. (pdf).

Nirenburg, Sergei, et al. (Eds.). (2002). Readings in MT. MIT Press. [ISBN: 0262140748; $55.00]

O'Hagan, Minako, & Ashworth, David. (2002). Translation-mediated communication in a digital world: Facing the challenges of globalization and localization. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters. [ISBN: 1853595802; Nanjing University Lib.: 三楼外文阅览室, H085/X6; MIIS Lib.]

Olohan, Maeve. (2004). Introducing Corpora in Translation Studies. Abingdon, UK: Routledge. x+222 pp. [2-2005/H085/052; ISBN: 0-415-26885-0 (pbk); Zhu Yubin-Photocopy.]

Quah, C.K. (2008). Translation and technology (《翻译与技术》).  外教社翻译硕士专业系列教材笔译实践指南丛书. 上海: 上海外语教育出版社. 221 pp. (Original work [Translation and technology. Palgrave Textbooks in Translating and Interpreting. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.] published 2006) [ISBN: 978-1-4039-1832-1. £18.99. TOC:] [KP]

Sager, Juan C. (1995). Language engineering and translation: Consequences of automation. “The Benjamins Translation Library”. Amsterdam & Philadelphia: John Benjamins. 346 pp. [; ISBN: 1556194773; $32.95.]

Sinclair, John. (1999). Corpus, concordance, collocation. “牛津应用语言学丛书”. 上海:上海外语教育出版社. By arrangement with Oxford University Press. (English ed.: 1991. Oxford: Oxford University Press) xviii+179 pp. [ISBN: 7-81046-574-0; KP.]

Somers, Harold. (Ed.). (1996). Terminology, LSP and translation. “Benjamins Translation Library”. xi+249 pp. [ISBN: 90 272 1619 3; MIIS Lib.]

Sonneveld, Helmi, et al. (Eds.). (1993). Terminology: applications in interdisciplinary communication. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. viii+244 pp. [ISBN: 90 272 21316 (Eur); MIIS Lib.]

Trujillo, Arturo. (1999). Translation engines: Techniques for machine translation. Springer-Verlag. 400 pp. [ISBN: 1852330570; $59.95.]

Van Eynde, Frank. (1993). Linguistic issues in machine translation “Communication in Artificial Intelligence Series”. Pinter Pub Ltd. [ISBN: 1855670240; Amazon: $110.00.]

Varile, Giovanni, & Zampolli, Antonio (Eds.). (1998). Survey of the state of the art in human language technology. (In “Studies in Natural Language Processing”) Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 530 pp. [ISBN: 0521592771; Amazon: $65.00. KP.]

Vasconcellos, Muriel (Ed.). (1988). Technology as translation strategy. “American Translators Association Scholarly Monograph Series, Vol II”. Ata Series-Crit. [ISBN: 9997730836; $50.00.]

Wang, Kefei et al. 王克非 等著. (2004).《双语对应语料库:研制与应用》. 北京外语教学与研究出版社. viii+268 pp.

Wang, Lifei 王立非, & Liang, Maocheng 梁茂成 (Eds.). (2007).《计算机辅助第二语言研究方法与应用》(Computer-aided second language research methods and their applications). 北京外语教学与研究出版社. iv+288 pp. [KP.] [Guide to the use of WordSmith, Range, Writer’s Workbench, ParaConc, Praat, LISREL.]

Wang, Xiaolong, Guan, Yi, et al. (Eds.). 王晓龙 关毅 等编著. (2005).《计算机自然语言处理》. 北京:清华大学出版社. ix+170 pp. [ISBN: 7-302-10089-6/TP1035; 23.00. KP.]

Wei Naixing, Li Wenzhong, Pu Jianzhong, et al. 卫乃兴、李文中、濮建忠 等著.《语料库应用研究》(国家社会科学基金项目). (2005). 上海:上海外语教育出版社. 226 pp.  [KP.]