Professor KE, Ping

Department of English, School of Foreign Studies, Nanjing University, 163 Xianlin Dadao, Nanjing, 210023, CHINA 22 Hankou Lu, Nanjing, 210093, CHINA


Course Supporting Website:;


Contrastive Linguistics (CL): Course Syllabus



Course Id          050201D52

课程编号          050201D52


Course Type       ___

课程类型          ___


Total Class Hours           32

学时                                   32


Credit Hours                    2

学分                                   2


Designed for

        Graduate students specializing in Linguistics, Translation Studies, Bilingual Lexicography, Chinese as A Second Language, Communication, etc.




Course Objectives

        This introductory course discusses major differences between English, Chinese, and some other languages in phonetics, phonology, morphology, syntax, lexis, textual structure, and pragmatics. Special problems posed by these differences are examined to demonstrate the insights provided by contrastive analysis for the practice and study in such related fields as general linguistics, applied linguistics, linguistic translation, second language acquisition and teaching, bilingual lexicography, cross-cultural communication, and other subjects of study which involve the use of a second language.




Prerequisite for the Course

        1.     Advanced level of proficiency in English

        2.     Basic knowledge in linguistics or Translation Studies


        1.     高阶英语水平

        2.     语言学或翻译学基本知识


Topics for Lecture and Presentation and Links to Assignments

        1.     Introduction

                 Assignment 1

        2.     Principles and methods of comparing and contrasting languages

                 Assignment 2

        3.     Contrastive analysis of the phonetic and phonological structures of English and Chinese

                 Assignment 3

        4.     Contrastive analysis of the lexical and semantic structures of English and Chinese

                 Assignment 4

        5.     Contrastive analysis of the morphological and syntactic structures of English and Chinese

                 Assignment 5

        6.     Contrastive analysis of the textual structures of English and Chinese

                 Assignment 6

        7.     Contrastive analysis of the pragmatic norms of English and Chinese (Optional)

                 Assignment 7


        1.     课程介绍

                 课后作业 1

        2.     语言比较和对比的原则与方法

                 课后作业 2

        3.     英汉语语音和音系结构对比分析

                 课后作业 3

        4.     英汉语词汇和语义结构对比分析

                 课后作业 4

        5.     英汉语词法和句法结构对比分析

                 课后作业 5

        6.     英汉语语篇结构对比分析

                 课后作业 6

        7.     英汉语语用规范对比分析 (选讲内容)

                 课后作业 7


Methods of Learning and Instruction

        Textbook study, lectures, discussions on completed assignments, class presentations on lecture topics (see above) and mini-contrastive researches into significant problems identified by students themselves in their use or study of a second or foreign language, etc. and contrastive studies they make of problems in the use or study of English and Chinese.


        主要教材研读、课堂讲授、课后作业讨论、课堂报告(围绕讲授专题 [见上] 及同学本人在学习与使用本族语和外语过程中发现的有意义问题进行的小型对比研究展开)等。


Main Texts (主要教材)

              许余龙. (1992).《对比语言学概论》. 上海:上海外语教育出版社.

              Ke, Ping. (2016). An Introduction to Contrastive Linguistics. Beijing: Peking University Press.


Supplementary Reading (推荐阅读书目)

            Deng, Yanchang, & Liu Runqing [邓炎昌, 刘润清]. (1989). Language and Culture. (《语言与文化》) 北京:外语教学与研究出版社.

            Fisiak, J. (Ed.). 1980. Theoretical Issues in Contrastive Linguistics. Amsterdam: John Benjamins B.V. 430 pp.

            __. (Ed.). (1984). Contrastive Linguistics: Prospects and Problems. Berlin: Mouton.

            Granger, Sylviane et al (2003). Corpus-based Approaches to Contrastive Linguistics and Translation Studies. Amsterdam: Rodopi.

            Hatim, Basil. (1997). Communication Across Cultures, Translation Theory and Contrastive Text Linguistics [上海外语教育出版社“国外翻译研究丛书”之2]. Exeter: University of Exeter Press.

            Hartmann, R. R. K. (1980) Contrastive Textology. Heidelberg: Julius Groos.

            Hu, Yushu [胡裕树] 主编. (1981).《现代汉语》(3rd edn.). 上海:上海教育出版社.

            Hu, Zhuanglin, & Jiang, Wangqi [胡壮麟, 姜望琪] 主编. (2002). Linguistics: An Advanced Course Book [《语言学教程》]. 北京:北京大学出版社. xiii + 794 pp.

            Pan, Wenguo [潘文国]. (1997).《汉英语对比纲要》. 北京:北京语言文化大学出版社.

            Shao, Zhihong [邵志宏]. (1997).《英汉语研究与对比》. 上海:华东理工大学出版社.



Instructor        KE Ping

任课教师      柯平


Assessment Policy

            Class attendance and involvement: 20%

            Assignments: 15%

            Presentation(s) on designated reading (see above) and mini-contrastive research into significant problems identified by students themselves when studying or using their first/second languages): 15%

            Term paper: 50% (Assignment sheet)


            到课与课堂参与: 20%

            课后作业: 15%

            课堂报告(围绕指定阅读主题 [见上] 及对本人学习或使用母语或外语时发现的有意义问题进行的小型对比研究进行): 15%

            学期论文: 50%内容与格式要求


Syllabus Designer  KE Ping

大纲撰写人       柯平



Page updated on: December 15, 2014; March 2, 2015; July 30, 2016; March 20, 2017; April 10, 2017 September 11, 2018, February 25, 2019
