Prof. KE, Ping

Department of English, School of Foreign Studies, Nanjing University, 163 Xianlin Dadao, Nanjing, 210023, CHINA 22 Hankou Lu, Nanjing, 210093, CHINA


Course Website:;;

Classroom Wireless LAN FTP Server:


Language and Translation Technology (LTT)


Course Description. 1

Course Objectives. 2

Course Resources. 3

(1)   Main texts (required reading) 3

(2)   Recommended reading. 3

(3)   LTT resources page on course websites (any of the following) 3

Methods of Instruction. 4

Assessment 4

Course Outline. 5

“语言与翻译技术”课程教学大纲... 6

课程编号... 6

课程简介... 6

课程目标... 7

授课方式... 7

课程资源... 7

(1)   主要教材 (必读书目) 7

(2)   推荐阅读书目... 8

(3)   资源网页... 8

考评... 8

课程纲要... 9



Time: 10:10-12:00, Tuesday, Spring semester.   Venue: I-519, Xianlin Campus, Nanjing University.   Instructor: Prof. Ke Ping (   Office hours: 12:00-14:00, Tuesday (by appointment).   Office: Rm. 419, Qiaoyu Building (侨裕楼), Nanjing University Xianlin Campus, 163 Xianlin Dadao, Nanjing, China


Course Description

In this age of information, great challenges arise for linguists and translators. Designed for graduate students and honor undergraduate students specializing in Linguistics and Translation Studies, this course introduces technologies and technical tools linguists and translators use today in their practice. Students who take the course are expected to have computer literacy and the ability to work with the computer at an above elementary level.

       The course consists of three foundation modules and three core modules. The foundation modules are:


       (1)  The setting-up, maintenance, and safety of a linguist/translator's personal computing environment

       (2)  Advanced uses of essential office applications (including the selection and advanced uses of web browsers and mail clients)

       (3)  Document organization


       The core modules include:


       (1)  The Use of Computer Technology in Linguistic/Translation Practices & Research (an overview of the fields of computational linguistics, natural language processing [NLP], and corpus linguistics [CL], and of how technologies developed in these fields are applied to linguistic and translation study)

       (2)  Computer Translation (an introduction to the mechanisms and techniques of machine translation [MT] and computer-assisted translation [CAT], followed by a critical appraisal of some popular MT systems and CAT tools and a hands-on training on the use of several softwares for linguistic study and CAT)

       (3)  Terminology Management (a survey of major terminological tasks terminologists and translators have to wrestle with, and instruction on compiling bilingual/multilingual terminology databases [term banks] as well as using term banks and other reference sources to solve problems in translation)


       Other modules that may be covered on an optional basis include:


       Internet technologies

       Software and website localization


Course Objectives

            to help students to stay in effective control of their personal computing environment and to improve their skills in using professional softwares to perform sophisticated tasks related to language and translation

            to introduce students to the fundamentals of NLP and CL, assisting them in mastering necessary expertise and technical tools developed in these disciplines to do applied and research work in the fields of language and translation

            to keep students informed of the principles and mechanisms of MT and CAT, helping them to form an educated opinion about major MT and CAT systems, and to give instruction in the use of CAT tools

            to acquaint students with the principles of terminology management and to instruct in the skills of developing and using term banks as a translation tool, and

            [optional]  to impart basic knowledge of Internet technologies and multilingual language engineering


Course Resources

(1)  Main texts (required reading)

Austermühl, Frank. (2001). Electronic tools for translators. Manchester, UK: St. Jerome Publishing. 192 pp. [ISBN: 1900650347. KP. TOC]

Kennedy, Graeme. (2000). An introduction to corpus linguistics (顾曰国导读). 北京:外语教学与研究出版社. 320 pp. [KP-Pdf file available]

Quah, C.K. (2008). Translation and technology (《翻译与技术》).  外教社翻译硕士专业系列教材笔译实践指南丛书. 上海: 上海外语教育出版社. 221 pp. (Original work [Translation and technology. Palgrave Textbooks in Translating and Interpreting. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.] published 2006) [TOC:]


(2)  Downloadable course slides.


(2)  Recommended reading

       See the "LTT: Recommended Reading (KP)." page on the Course Supporting Website.


(3)  LTT resources page on course websites (any of the following)


(5)  Toolkit CD

Upon the request of the students who take the course, the instructor may prepare for the class a toolkit cd which includes some utilities and applications most needed for the study of the course.


Methods of Instruction

Two classroom contact hours per week. A combination of lectures and onscreen presentations. The core modules and foundation modules will be taught concurrently, with most class sessions covering content from both the two modules.

       Students are to complete take-home assignments and projects on their personal computers.



This is a performance course. The assessment will be based on:


       (1)  class attendance and contribution to the course (responding to questions, raising good questions or suggestions, active participating in class discussions, finding and sharing quality learning resources, etc.) (20%);

       (2)  presentations on in-class and home assignments (hands-on operations, required reading, mini-research tasks, etc.) (30%);

       (3)  end-of-semester research project (must be informed by course content) or final examination (50%).


       The research project is to be completed by students in groups of three to six members. The division of labor among the group members and the contributions of each group member to the project must be clearly delineated in a research report which each student completes on an individual basis. All research groups may be requested by the instructor to present their project to the class on a collective basis. Typical project topics include the following:


            a study of the advanced application of professional computer softwares (eg. MS Office suite) in linguistic/translation practices or research

            a solution to some theoretical or practical problem in natural language processing (NLP) [computer analysis, understanding, manipulation, and generation of natural language]

            a task of applying NLP or corpus linguistic knowledge to the study of language, translation, or literature

            a study of computer translation, either machine translation (MT) or computer-aided translation (CAT)

            an annotated computer translation task

            the creation of a computerized term bank and a study of the related problems in computer terminology management

            the construction of a website with a focus on linguistic/translation practice or research (must include sufficient content created by the students themselves and be accessible online [a valid URL of the website should be provided in the research report of each member of the group as well as in the group’s collective project presentation file])

            a study or task of localization [process of translating software user interfaces or websites from one language to another]


       At the end of the semester, each student should submit to the instructor a computer printout of the research report he or she has completed. The research report is to report on the project from each student’s own perspective (including the background, design, and implementation of the project; major research findings and their implications; the role he or she played in the process of researching the project, etc.).

       Each research group should save its project presentation file (usually a MS PowerPoint or MS Word document) and all its linked media files (graphics, videos, audios, etc.) and resource files (software installation packages, dynamic linked libraries, etc.) in a folder on a USB disk and be ready to copy (upon request) the folder to the instructor’s computer. To avoid too bulky project presentation packages, please be watchful of the size of linked media and resource files included in the project folder. Do downsize multimedia files and see to it that a graphic file is usually no more than 100 Kb in size and the overall size of all video and audio files used in one project does not exceed 20Mb. Whenever possible, stay away from resource files bigger than 10 Mb. Students are reminded that for project presentation report’s submission only electronic files are accepted, so they do not need to get their report printed out.


Course Outline


Class Schedule


(Page updated: June, 2004; August, 2007; July, 2010; June, 2012; August, 2014; June, 2015, July, 2016, March, 2018)




课程时间:春季学期周二10:10-12:00   地点:南京大学仙林校区I-519   教师:柯平教授 (   办公时间:周二12:00-14:00 (预约)









       (1)  语言和翻译工作者个人计算环境的设置、维护和安全

       (2)  基本办公软件的高级使用(包括网络浏览器和邮件客户端软件的选择与高级使用)

       (3)  文件组织与管理




       (1)  计算技术在语言和翻译实践与研究领域中的运用(将计算语言学的相关研究成果及自然语言处理和语料库语言学领域的相关技术用于语言和翻译领域中的实践与研究)

       (2)  计算机翻译(机器翻译和计算机辅助翻译的机制与技术;对一些常用机器翻译系统和计算机辅助翻译工具的评估;与语言研究和计算机辅助翻译相关的软件使用等)

       (3)  术语管理(术语和翻译工作者在术语管理方面须做的工作;双语或多语术语库的研制;利用机读术语库和其它数字参考资源解决翻译中的问题等)









            [可选内容] 介绍因特网技术和多语种语言工程的基本知识






(1)  主要教材 (必读书目)

Austermühl, Frank. (2001). Electronic tools for translators. Manchester, UK: St. Jerome Publishing. 192 pp. [ISBN: 1900650347. KP. TOC]

Kennedy, Graeme. (2000). An introduction to corpus linguistics (顾曰国导读). 北京:外语教学与研究出版社. 320 pp. [KP-Pdf file available]

Quah, C.K. (2008). Translation and technology (《翻译与技术》).  外教社翻译硕士专业系列教材笔译实践指南丛书. 上海: 上海外语教育出版社. 221 pp. (Original work [Translation and technology. Palgrave Textbooks in Translating and Interpreting. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.] published 2006) [TOC:]


(2)  课程幻灯片(下载).


(2)  推荐阅读书目

       课程支持网站Ke Ping’s Site)上的“LTT: Recommended Reading”网页。


(3)  资源网页

       课程支持网站Ke Ping’s Site)上的LTT资源网页(点击以下任何一个链接均可)。


(5)  工具光盘





       (1)  出勤和对课程的贡献(主动提问和答问、完成课堂练习、参加课堂讨论、寻找与分享优质学习资源等)(20%)

       (2)  课堂与课后作业(机上操作、指定阅读、小型研究任务等)完成情况 (30%)

       (3)  期末研究项目(重点考察学习者发现与解决实际问题的能力)或期末考试(重点考察学习者掌握课堂讲授与主要教材中重要内容的情况)得分 (50%)









            建立一个语言或翻译研究网站(上面必须有足量的自创内容,并真实上网 [个人研究报告集体演示文件中须提供该网站的有效网址]




       各研究小组须将本组所完成的研究项目集体演示文件(一般为MS PowerPoint MS Word 文档)及其中链接的所有媒体文件(图片、视频、音频等)与资源文件(计算机软件安装包、计算机程序的动态链接库等)单独保存在自己优盘上的一个文件夹里,并随时准备将此文件夹拷贝到授课教师的计算机上备检。为避免项目报告文件夹过大,请各小组控制链接媒体文件与资源文件的体积,具体做法为缩小多媒体文件的尺寸,使每张图片的大小不超过100 Kb,全部视频或音频文件的大小不超过20 Mb;尽量不选用大小超过10 Mb的资源文件等。教师只接受项目结果报告的电子文件,因此同学无须将报告打印出来





