Research Methodology and Reference Sources


            全国科学道德和学风建设宣传教育领导小组 (2011). 科学道德与学风建设宣讲参考大纲 (试用本)

            Badke, William. Research Strategies.

            University of Maryland Libraries. (2010). Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary Sources.

            Goodman, Albert. (1996). Introduction to Data Collection and Analysis.  [a good primer on scientific method].

            Research Channel  [Online lectures on subjects in humanities, social sciences, science, engineering, business, education, health, etc.;  http://www.researchchannel.org/].


            Lee, I. (2004). A Research Guide for Students.  [A collection of links to writing and style guides, library catalog information, etc.]

            Library Pathfinder, School of Law, the University of Akron. (2004). Personal Bibliographic/Research Softwares.

            Dell'Orso, F. (2004). Web Resources on Bibliography Formatting Softwares (BFS or so-called personal bibliography managers).


            PMC. Statistics on the Web.

            Friendly, Michael [Statistical Consulting Service and Psychology Department, York University]. (2004). Statistics and Statistical Graphics Resources.

            StatSoft, Inc.. (2004). Electronic Statistics Textbook.  [a detailed electronic book on statistics].




            Nanjing University (NJU). Thesis Research Seminar [TRS; postgraduate course]: Course Syllabus.  (KP)


            Williams, Jenny, & Chesterman, Andrew. (2002). The Map: A Beginner’s Guide to Doing Research in Translation Studies.  [Contents and chapter gists].

            Ling, Bin (凌斌, 北京大学法学院教授). (2015). 论文写作的提问和选题.《中外法学》2015年第1期.

            NJU: Department of English: Proposal for the Thesis Project (form to be filled in by 2nd-year graduate students on the degree tracks of Translation Studies and Bilingual Lexicography).  (KP)

            Ke, Ping. (Ed.). (2008-2016). Typical Thesis Structure.


            Typical Problems in Students' Theses.

            Ke, Ping. (Ed.). (2004-2021). The Problem of Logic.  [Lecture outline]

            Song, Huaichang (宋怀常). (2016). 中国人的逻辑缺陷. 国外创新.


            Sample proposal for a thesis project 1 [Geng Yundong. (2009). "On the Exemplification of Verb Entries in E-C Dictionaries for Advanced Chinese EFL Learners: A Perspective of Semantic-Syntactic Interface"; courtesy of the author]

            Sample proposal for a thesis project 2 [Wu Zhijie. (2004). "Chinese Word Segmentation in Machine Translation: A Cognitive Approach"; courtesy of the author]


            NJU: 外国语学院英语系. (2007). 本科学位论文写作规范 (mht). (Or: Right-click on this link, select "Save link as ..." to save the linked mht file, and then open the saved file with Internet Explorer or other web browser.).

            NJU: 外国语学院英语系. (2015). 英语语言文学、外国语言学及应用语言学专业语言学、翻译学、词典学方向硕博士学位论文写作规范 (Instructions for NJU English Linguistics/Translation/Lexicography Majors on the Preparation of Theses and Dissertations). (pdf)

            NJU: Department of English.(2003). Instructions on the Preparation of MA Theses & PhD Dissertations. (htm)

            NJU: 外国语学院英语系. (2014-2017). 翻译硕士 (MTI) 学位论文写作规范: 2014; 2017 (htm)


            Sample BA thesis  [Chinese and English abstracts, and TOC] [Zhang Yanping. (2006). A Critical Analysis of the Translations of Public Signs in Nanjing; courtesy of the author. The thesis was developed on the basis of a field study which was assigned as a practicum in the 4th-year Advanced Chinese-English Translation course. It won the First-class Award for Outstanding BA Theses of Nanjing University in 2006)

            Sample MTI thesis 1  [Shen Yuming. (2016). 社会符号学翻译方法在《枪》 的汉译中的应用 (The Application of the Socio-Semiotic Approach to Translation in the E-C Translation of Mark Haddon’s “The Gun”) (Pre-oral examination version marked by Ke Ping; both typographical styles and text encoding quite incorrect; to be read mainly for the purpose of learning how to revise your draft thesis and never to be used as a document template); courtesy of the author]

            Sample MTI thesis 2  [Pei Saiwei. (2016). 核心句分析法在英语长句汉译中的应用――以”波普尔的证伪启发法是否利于发展批判性思维?“的中译为例 (The Application of Kernel Sentence Analysis in Translating Long English Sentences: With Examples from Is Popper’s Falsificationist Heuristic a Helpful Resource for Developing Critical Thinking?") (You are strongly advised to download its MS Word version and draft your own thesis directly in the saved Word document, i.e. using the saved Word document as a document template); courtesy of the author]

            Sample MA thesis 1  [Yan Weiwei. (2004). An Evaluation of the Output Quality of Some Prevalent EC MT Programs; courtesy of the author. This is in fact a MS Word file saved as a webpage. A webpage, however, does not tell you about the format of the original MS Word file. To consult the original MS Word file for the right page setup, styles of chapter and section headings, different kinds of paragraphs, the reference section, etc. of the thesis, click Here to download the Word file (zip), unzip and open the downloaded file, pull down the “Tools” menu in the MS Word file window and launch the “Options” dialog box to make the style column visible.] Note: If you happen to be accessing this site via its mirror at http://www.eccentrix.com/, please click on any of the following two links to download the zipped Word file: http://www.iccsl3.com/keping/TOC/RMRS.html or http://dhost.info/pingke/TOC/RMRS.html]

            Sample MA thesis 2  [Chinese and English abstracts] [Gui Tao. (2007). A Normative Approach to the Text Generation of English Abstracts for Papers in Literary Studies; courtesy of the author]


            NJU: 外国语学院: 外国语学院硕博士论文摘要撰写规定 (Stipulations on the Writing of Thesis Abstracts).

            Typical Structure of the Abstract of a Research Paper.  (Based on Swales, J. M. [1990]. Genre analysis: English in academic and research settings. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press)

            Sample Abstract  [From a book by Professor Don Snow which will be published by Hong Kong University Press; courtesy of the author]


            中国政府国务院学位委员会和教育部. (2014). 关于博士硕士学位论文抽检办法的通知


            Kenyon, Charles. (2006). Microsoft Word: Frequently Asked Questions; Addins, Tutorials, Templates, Documents, and Other Downloads for MS Word.

            Kenyon, Charles. (2006). Microsoft Word: Downloads

            Ke, Ping (柯平). (2009). 微软Office Word默认全局模板的开发及其在语言和翻译专业教学与科研中的使用.(国际翻译家联盟 [FIT] 第18届世界翻译大会 [2008年8月, 中国上海] 论文;《外语电化教学》[上海外国语大学] 2008年第5期,第63-70页.)

            An example of wrongly defined Normal paragraph in MS Word.

            Ke, Ping. (2005-2018). MS Office Word's default global template (Normal.dot) (Latest release: May 25, 2020):

                 -  How to install in Word 2003 / How to install in Word 2019 (and later versions) (doc) (Be sure to read these carefully before installing). [Updated]

                 -  Download: Normal.dot (zip); Normal.dot (rar); Normal.dotm (zip). Download site 2: Normal.dot; Normal.dotm

                 -  Most Commonly Used Macros encoded in MS Office Word's default global template (Normal.dot). [Updated]

                 -  An AutoText List of Terms, Labels, & References Used in Language and Translation Studies prepared for our students and colleagues and encoded in Normal.dot (Latest version: May 25, 2020). Download (zip) Open: Site 2

                                and MS Office Word 2007's default global template (Normal.dotm) (latest version: January 9, 2011):   -  Download: MS Office Word 2007's document building blocks template (Building Blocks.dotx) (zip) (latest version: July 5, 2009):  (Site 1)  (Site 2)

            Johns, J., Fox, T., & Silvia, R. (Eds.). (2004). Citation Guide. [This document is allowed by the editors to be freely distributed contingent upon the fact that it is distributed as a whole document.] Retrieved December 25, 2004, from http://www.SourceAid.com

            American Psychological Association. (2010). Publication Manual of the APA (6th ed., 2010),

            Dr. Scribe, Abel. (2010). APA Style Lite for College Papers  (https://c.ymcdn.com/sites/www.icahdq.org/resource/resmgr/PubCFP/apacrib.pdf, a brief yet comprehensive one-page guide to writing and documenting sources in APA style; developed from APA Style Crib Sheet)

               林天祐. (2010). APA 格式第六版,

            Degelman, Douglas Ph.D., & Harris, Martin Lorenzo Ph.D. [School of Psychology, Vanguard University of Southern California] (2007). APA Style Essentials [A lucid one-page summary of the core elements of APA style that all members of an academic department can adopt as minimal standards for any assignment that specifies APA style],

            Dewey, Prof. Russ [Georgia Southern University] and Dr Abel Scribe. (2007). APA Research Style Crib Sheet:  (Site 1)  (Site 2)  (Site 3). [A brief yet comprehensive one-page guide to documenting sources in APA style. This document has the authors' permission to be reproduced freely with the condition that the first paragraph of the body text is included.] Retrieved July, 22, 2008, from http://www.docstyles.com/apacrib.htm

            Library of the University of British Columbia Library (2008). Getting Started with APA Style [A clear four-column table of "Kind of Sources", "Reference List", "Citations in Text (Direct Quote)", and "Citations in Text (Paraphrase)".].

            The Libraries of the University of North Carolina at Greensboro. (2008). Guide to APA Reference List [Giving both print and electronic source examples for most reference items.].

            Publishers of the Citation StyleGuide. (2004). APA Style Made Easy  [A very detailed and handy one-page sample APA style reference list, including as many as 95 types of reference source listed in The Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association]. Retrieved January 24, 2005, from http://thewritedirection.net/

            Nanjing University (NJU): Department of English. (2006): Sample APA/MLA Reference Lists.

            Ke, Ping. (2005): A Few Differences Between the Harvard System [Used in a number of publications in Translation Studies] and the APA System.

            Apastyle.org. (2003). FAQs.  [Answers to some questions on APA style to help clarify frequent areas of confusion]

            Columbia University Press. (2002). Basic Columbia Guide to Online Style.

            《科学技术报告、学位论文和学术论文的编写格式(中华人民共和国国家标准 UDC 001.81 GB 7713-87)》(1987): Site 1  2  3  (mht)

            《文后参考文献著录规则(中华人民共和国国家标准,代替 GB/T 7714-1987)》(2005): Site 1  2  3  (pdf)


            Ke, Ping. (2004). The Use of Reference Sources in Translation.  [Lecture outline]

            Kowalczyk, Krzysztof. (2000). Comparison of English Dictionaries for a PC. Fifthgate.org.


            MS Bing

            Clustering Search Engine - Vivisimo  (http://www.vivisimo.com).

            全球最大中文搜索引擎 - 百度  (http://www.baidu.com/)  [1999年底创建于美国硅谷,2000年落户中国,全球十大网站之一,超过4亿的中文网页,“超链分析”专利技术(通过分析链接网站的多少来评价被链接的网站质量),每天新增20万条以上新闻].

            Infoplease. Internet Statistics and Resources


            Digital Library: Integrated Sources

            Digital Library: Best Subject Websites

            中国国家图书馆 (http://www.nlc.gov.cn/).

            图书导航系统 (四医大)

            CNKI [China National Knowledge Infrastructure 中国国家知识基础设施(工程)] 搜索  (synjdx / synjdx) (Ctrl+Shift+F12)

            ProQuest Login (ipauto / ipauto) (Alt+Shift+F12)


            中国国家图书馆/北京超星伟业公司:超星数字图书馆.  [国家863计划中国数字图书馆示范工程,全球最大的中文在线数字图书馆]



            Lingoes (a good, free, integrated reference tool)....

            OneLook Dictionary Search..


            Dictionary Links

            Antimoon.com: Learn English effectively. Review of the Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary.

            WordNet  [Online lexical reference system whose design is inspired by current psycholinguistic theories of human lexical memory. English nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs are organized into synonym sets (synsets), each representing one underlying lexical concept. Different relations link the synsets. Developed by the Cognitive Science Laboratory at Princeton University under the direction of Professor George A. Miller (Principal Investigator). Version 2.0 contains 152059 entries, 115424 synsets, and 203145 definitions. Download: http://www.cogsci.princeton.edu/~wn/wn2.0.shtml].

            Babylon  (multilingual dictionaries and glossaries. Dictionary and glossary download: http://www.babylon.com/gloss/).



            Answers.com Fast Facts Search.

            msn Encarta [encyclopedic references]..


            奚德通. (2006). [汉英]专有名称翻译大词典. (《名片英语大全》[2003] 网络版). In 中国在线翻译网.

            Frank Dietz [ATA-accredited translator]. Over 2200 Glossary Links:  (1)  (2)  (3).

            Glossarist: Directory of Glossaries on All Subjects.

            Inbox Translation Ltd. [UK]. (2014). 3000+ Translation Glossaries.

            Glossaries & Hyperlinks Related to Language & Translation

            The United Nations (UN) Multilingual Terminology Database  [70,000 Entires, In 6 Official Languages, Daily Updates]

            UNESCO Terminology Search Page


           Davis, Mark. (2004-). BYU-BNC: British National Corpus (BYU-BNC) [The BYU version of British National Corpus (BNC, originally created by Oxford University Press in the 1980s-early 1990s, and now exists in various versions on the web), a balanced corpus of contemporary British English, freely available online. Contains 100 million words of text from 1980s-1993].

           Davis, Mark. (2002-). The Corpus of Contemporary American English (COCA) [The first large, balanced corpus of contemporary American English, freely available online. Contains more than 450 million words of text, including 20 million words each year from 1990-2007, and it is equally divided among spoken, fiction, popular magazines, newspapers, and academic texts. The corpus will also be updated at least twice each year from this point on, and will therefore serve as a unique record of linguistic changes in American English.].

            中国教育部语言文字应用研究所研制. 国家语委现代汉语 (通用平衡) 语料库. [语料时间跨度为1919年-2002年;全库约1亿字符,其中2000万字的语料在线提供免费检索]. In 语料库在线 (教育部语言文字应用研究所计算语言学研究室建设网站).

            北京外国语大学中国外语教育研究中心. (2008- ). 中英双语在线 (Chinese-English Online [CEO]):  (1)  (2)

            北京大学计算语言学研究所. babel 汉英平行语料库 (The Babel English-Chinese Parallel Corpus): 英文检索入口 (The Babel English-Chinese Parallel Concordancer).....

            北京邮电大学. (2004- ). 句酷 (Jukuu). [Online and local English-Chinese and Chinese-English translation examples]..

               浙江太阳风翻译公司. (2005- ). China Online Translation (中国译典). 翻译例句.

            Linguee GmbH. (2014). Linguee..

            Library Classics Collector's Edition: Index of Authors

            Library Classics Collector's Edition: Index of Ttitles


            Colleges and Universities All Over the World  (http://www.yahoo.com)







            Merlot  [Multimedia educational resource for learning & online teaching. A free and open resource designed primarily for faculty and students of higher education. Links to online learning materials are collected here along with annotations such as peer reviews and assignments.]

            NJU: A research proposal by an MA student on the Translation Studies degree track


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