Macros and Keyboard Shortcuts
Ke Ping
2. Keyboard Shortcuts Reserved for
3. Keyboard Shortcuts to Most
Frequently Used Commands in MS Word 2003
4. Macros Applicable to Paragraphs
(1) For
controlling paragraph styles in most writing tasks
(3) For
controlling line space
(1) For
controlling font styles in most writing tasks
6. Macros Used in Processing Texts
for Corpora
(1) For
processing texts copied from a webpage
(2) For
compiling entries in a corpus
Zei Ying Qiu Nin Fen Ii Ee, C.iao Y.uai Hang O.uo P.un.ün;
贼应求您分吃 蛙鸭 鹅,此要 外行喔 扑文韵;
T.üe S(i)ong Uu Lai Vui Ruan Mian Xie, Geng Kao B.ou D.uang.iang.
特约 松鼠来追软棉鞋,更靠 剥藕 结案 得汪洋。
1. 本身只有二个字母的拼音,原样照打,如:da(大),ai(爱),……。
2. 其余拼音都压缩成两个字母:前一个字母为声母,后一个字母为韵母(如字母 z 用来代韵母 ei)。
3. 只有三个双声母(zh, ch, sh)被单个字母(分别为 v, i, u)代替,其它声母不变,与标准拼音一样照打。
4. 拼音只有一个字母(如“啊、哦、鹅”) 时,双打时重复该字母(即 aa、oo、ee)。
5. 拼音里无声母(如“昂 [ang]”)时,用 a 代替声母,如 ah。
Alt + Shift + ,
Alt + Shift + End
Alt + Shift + `
Alt + Shift + 4
Alt + Shift + 5
Alt + Shift + F6
Alt + Shift + G
Alt + Shift + X
Ctrl + ’
Ctrl + 2 (Double-space in MS Office Word)
Ctrl + 3
Ctrl + F5 (Reduce active window’s size in MS Office
Ctrl + F6 (For online storage apps)
Ctrl + Alt + Left arrow
Ctrl + Alt + ,
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + F5
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + [
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + ]
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + A (Formerly assigned to GAIT)
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + M
Ctrl + Alt + 1 (Heading 1 in MS Office Word)
Ctrl + Alt + 4
Ctrl + Alt + 5
Ctrl + Alt + `
Ctrl + Alt + A
Ctrl + Alt + G
Ctrl + Alt + H
Ctrl + Alt + X
Ctrl + Alt + Z
Ctrl + Shift + F2
Ctrl + Shift + F7
Ctrl + Shift + F8
Ctrl + Shift + G (Word-count in MS Office
Ctrl + Shift + J (Style in MS Office
Ctrl + Shift + M
Ctrl + Shift + P (Font size in MS Office
Ctrl + Shift + S
Ctrl + Shift + ] (originally for MvTMPGEncXPressG)
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + F8
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + F2
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + Z
Ctrl + Alt + PageDown
Shift + F2
Shift + F7 (Information retrieval
in MS Office Word)
(Preset in Word or
assigned by Ke Ping in this
File (F) |
Alt + F4 |
FileCloseOrExit |
Ctrl + O |
FileOpen |
Ctrl + P |
FilePrint |
Ctrl + Alt + I |
FilePrintPreview |
Ctrl + S |
FileSave |
Alt + S |
FileSaveAll |
Edit (E) |
Ctrl + PageUp |
BrowsePrev[iousObject] |
Ctrl + PageDown |
BrowseNext[Object] |
Alt + K |
EditBookmark |
Ctrl + C |
EditCopy |
Ctrl + X |
EditCut |
Ctrl + F |
EditFind |
F2 |
RepeatFind |
F5 |
EditGoTo |
Insert / Ctrl + V |
EditPaste |
Alt + 1 |
EditPasteSpecial |
Ctrl + Y |
EditRedoOrRepeat |
Ctrl + G |
EditReplace |
Ctrl + A |
EditSelectAll |
Ctrl + Z |
EditUndo |
Shift + F5 |
GoBack[ToPreviousEditingPosition] |
Ctrl + 6 |
UnlinkFields |
View (V) |
Alt + B |
ViewStatusBar |
Alt + M |
ViewDocumentMapReadingMode |
Alt + J |
ViewFooter |
Alt + H |
ViewHeader |
Alt + P |
ViewPage |
Alt + 4 |
ViewTogglePageBoundaries |
Alt + ; |
ViewNormal |
Alt + ' |
ViewOnline (ViewWeb) |
Alt + \ |
ToggleFull[ScreenMode] |
Alt + Insert |
ReadingMode |
Insert (I) |
Alt + F3 |
AutoText Create (CreateAutoText) |
F3 |
AutoText Insert (InsertAutoText) |
Ctrl + 1 |
AutoText Edit (CreateAutoText) |
Ctrl + K |
InsertHyperlink |
*Ctrl + Alt + F |
InsertFootnoteNow {*Now used for NFg} |
Ctrl + Return |
InsertPageBreak |
Alt + G |
InsertPageNumbers[AtTheTopOrBottomOfThePage] |
Alt + C |
InsertTableOfContents |
Alt + X |
MarkIndexEntry |
Format (O) |
Ctrl + B |
Bold |
Ctrl + E |
CenterPara[graph] |
Alt + 2 |
Fontsize |
Alt + 3 |
Font |
Alt + 4 |
FormatChangeCase |
Alt + S |
FormatBulletDefault |
Alt + Shift + [ |
FormatParagraph/BulletOneLevelUp |
Alt + Shift + ] |
FormatParagraph/BulletOneLevelDown |
Ctrl + D |
FormatFont |
Ctrl + [ |
ShrinkFontOnePoint |
Ctrl + ] |
GrowFontOnePoint |
Ctrl + H |
Hidden |
Ctrl + I |
Italic |
Ctrl + Shift + K |
FontSmallCaps |
Ctrl + E |
CenterPara[graph] |
Ctrl + J |
JustifyPara[graph] |
Ctrl + L |
LeftPara[graph] |
Ctrl + R |
RightPara[graph] |
F8 |
(Single-space a paragraph) |
Ctrl + 5 |
SpacePara[graph]1.5 |
Ctrl + 2 |
SpacePara[graph]2 |
Ctrl + - |
Subscript {Toggle} |
Ctrl + = |
Superscript {Toggle} |
Tool (T) |
Alt + Shift + F11 |
MicrosoftScriptEditor |
Alt + . |
NextChangeOrComment |
Alt + , |
PreviousChangeOrComment |
Alt + 5 |
Macro1 |
Alt + 6 |
ToolsT[raditional]C[hinese]S[implified]C[hinese]Translation |
Alt + 7 |
ToolsSpell[check]Selection |
Alt + F8 |
ToolsMacro |
Window (W) |
Alt + \ |
ToggleFull[ScreenMode] |
Alt + F6 |
Next[File]Window] |
Alt + S |
WindowArrangeSideBySide |
(1) For controlling paragraph styles in most writing tasks |
Ctrl + Shift + 0 (…9) |
Heading 0 through Heading 9, eg.: |
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + 0 / Ctrl+Shift+0 |
Heading 0 (Arial / 黑体, 18 pt [小二号]. Centered. Line space: Single space. 10 pt before and 15 pt after paragraph. On the same page with the next paragraph. For the title of a thesis, paper, book, etc.) |
Ctrl + Shift + 1 |
Heading 1 (Arial / 黑体, 21 pt. Centered. Line space: Single space. 21 pt. after paragraph. Orphan control and on the same page with the next paragraph. For level 1 headings) |
Ctrl + Shift + 2 |
Heading 2
(Arial / 黑体,
18 pt [小二号].
Centered. Line space: Single space. 18 pt after paragraph. Orphan control and
on the same page with the next paragraph. For level 2 headings)
Ctrl + Shift + 3 |
Heading 3 (Arial / 黑体, 15 pt [小三号]. Centered. Line space: Single space. 15 pt. after paragraph. Orphan control and on the same page with the next paragraph. For level 3 headings) |
Ctrl + Shift + 4 |
Heading 4 (Arial / 黑体, 12 pt [小四号]. Flush left. Line space: Single space. 10 pt. after paragraph. Orphan control and on the same page with the next paragraph. For level 4 headings) |
Ctrl + Shift + 5 |
Heading 5
(Arial / 黑体, 10.5 pt [五号],
Italic. Flush left. Line space: Single space. 5 pt. after paragraph. Orphan control
and on the same page with the next paragraph. For level 5 headings)
Ctrl + Shift + 6 |
Heading 6
(Arial / 黑体, 10.5 pt [五号],
Italic. Flush left. Indent 0.74 cm [1.91 字符] from left. Line space: Single space. 5
pt. after paragraph. Orphan control and on the same page with the next
paragraph. For level 6 headings)
Ctrl + Shift + N |
正文 (Normal) (Times New Roman / 宋体; 11 pt / 五号. Line space: 13.2 pt) |
正文Blue (NormalBlue) (正文+ Blue. Flush left.) |
Ctrl + Shift + C |
Chinese (Times New Roman / 宋体; 10.5 pt / 五号. Justified. Line space: 14.4 pt) |
Ctrl + Shift + I |
Indent (Arial / 楷体; 9 |
Ctrl + Shift + H |
Hanging Indent
(Arial / 楷体; 9 pt / 小五.
Indent 0.74 cm [1.91 字符] from left and right borders. Hanging
indent 1 |
Ctrl + Shift + B |
Bib(liographic)Indent (Times New Roman / 宋体; 10.5 pt / 五号. Hanging indent 0.74 cm [1.91 字符]. Paragraph space: 0.2 line after
paragraph. Line space: 11.6 pt) |
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + ; |
CaseTitle (= Indent +
Arial / 黑体, 10 pt, bold, italic, crimson font. Centered. Background:
Grayish blue) |
Ctrl + Shift + ; |
Case (= Indent + Font shading: Bluish grey [RGB 218, 215, 253]) |
Ctrl + Alt +
Shift + T |
(Arial / 微软雅黑, bold, 9 pt. Centered |
Ctrl + Shift + T |
(Arial / 微软雅黑, 9 pt. Flush left. Line space: Fixed 12.6
Alt + Shift +
T |
TableHangingIndentText (Arial / 微软雅黑, 9 pt. Flush left.
Hanging indent 1.91 |
Ctrl + Shift +
E |
Source (Arial / 楷体, 6
pt. Right flush. Indent 0.3 cm from left and right borders. Line space:
single line) |
(2) For controlling paragraph styles when writing a letter, thesis, webpage, etc. (Styles most frequently employed in MA and PhD theses as stipulated by the Department of English of Nanjing University) |
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + 2 |
Heading 2NJU (Thesis Heading 2) (= Heading 2 + Flush left. For level 2 headings) |
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + 3 |
Heading 3NJU (Thesis Heading 3) (= Heading 3 + Flush left. For level 3 headings) |
Ctrl + Shift + L |
Thesis/Letter (Times New Roman / 宋体; 12 pt / 小四. Line space: 1.5 line. For body texts) |
Ctrl + Alt
+ Shift
+ B |
ThesisBib(liographic)Indent (= Thesis/Letter + Hanging indent 1.91 字符 [0.74 cm]. For items in the “References” / “Works Cited” section) |
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + I |
ThesisIndent (= Thesis/Letter + Indent 1.91 字符 [0.74 cm] from left and right borders. For block quotations) |
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + H |
ThesisHangingIndent (= Thesis/Letter + Indent 1.91 字符 [0.74 cm] from left and right borders + Hanging Indent |
Alt + Shift + ; |
Webpage (Arial / 微软统一码 [Arial Unicode MS], 10 pt. Flush left. Line space: Fixed 12.6 pt; Paragraph space: 0.2 line after paragraph) |
(3) For controlling line space |
F8 |
Single-space a paragraph. |
(For adjusting font styles, highlighting and dehighlighting
a text, reviewing a text, etc.)
(1) For controlling font styles in most writing tasks |
Alt + 0 |
Highlight text in Light yellow, with font color set to Automatic. |
Ctrl + 0 |
Set font to Arial / 楷体; 9 pt / 小五, Black. |
Ctrl + 7 |
Set font to Times New Roman / 宋体; 10.5 pt / 五号. |
Ctrl + 8 |
Set font to 10 pt. |
Alt + 9 |
Highlight text in Bluish gray, with font color set to Automatic. |
Ctrl + 9 |
Set font to Times new Roman / 宋体; 9 pt / 小五, Dark blue. |
+ Q |
Set font to Arial / 楷体, 五号, toggled between Bold and not Bold. |
Ctrl + W |
Set font to Arial / 黑体, toggled between Bold and not Bold. |
Alt + / |
Set font to Times New Roman / 楷体, 8.5 pt, Indigo; Hidden. |
Ctrl + / |
Set font to Times New Roman
/ 楷体 8.5 pt Indigo; Font shading: Bluish grey [RGB
218, 215, 253]. {For inserting notes in Case; = Case+F12.} |
Ctrl + \ [backslash] |
Dehighlight text
and set font to Arial / 楷体, 8.5 pt, Red,
Underlined, and toggled between Bold and not Bold. |
Alt + Shift + F7 |
Highlight text in 50% Gray, Not underlined, with font set to White and toggled between Bold and not Bold. |
F8 |
Single-space a paragraph. |
F9 |
Dehighlight text and remove all formats (except Bold and Italicized). |
Alt +
F9 |
Dehighlight text, remove all formats (except Bold and Italicized), and restore Font size to 12 pt. |
Ctrl +
F9 |
Dehighlight text, remove all formats (except Bold and Italicized), and restore Font size to 10.5 pt / 五号. |
Ctrl + Alt + F9 |
Dehighlight text, remove all formats (except Bold and Italicized), and restore Font size to 11 pt. |
Set font to |
Alt +
Shift + F10 |
Highlight text in 2162853 shading, with font set to White and toggled between Bold and not Bold [Shading: RGB 165, 0, 33 (the color right of Dark red in the color matrix of MS Office 2003; ≈ cardinal red: RGB 153, 0, 54)]. |
F11 |
Set font to Blue, not Struck through, not Hidden, not Underlined, and not Bold |
Ctrl + F11 |
Highlight text in Blue shading, Not underlined, with font set to White and toggled between Bold and not Bold. |
F12 |
Set font to Times New Roman / 楷体, 8.5 pt, Indigo; not Hidden. |
Alt + Shift + F12 |
Highlight text in Dark blue shading, not Underlined, with font set to White and toggled between Bold and not Bold. |
(2) For wavy-underlining text segments in a paragraph so that they may
be easily found and copied into a new document (doc1) using the macro “CtrlShiPeriod_FindAndCopyWavyUnderlinedAndColoredText SegmentsIntoDoc1”
Ctrl + F7 |
Set font to 50% gray, Wavy underlined, toggled between Bold and not Bold. {For recording, e.g. your own growth with your kids.} |
Alt + F7 |
Set font to 80% gray, Wavy underlined, toggled between Bold and not Bold. {For recording, e.g. major events in your kids’ growth.} |
Ctrl + F10 |
Set font to Dark red, Wavy underlined, and toggled between Bold and not Bold. {For recording, e.g. your kids’ growth in physique, endurance, self-discipline, and knowledge of or skills in daily life.} |
Alt + F10 |
Set font to 9634006, Wavy underlined, and toggled between Bold and not Bold. [≈ Magenta] {For recording, e.g. your kids’ growth of character and emotions, and their development in the sense of morality and compassion.} |
Ctrl + Alt
+ F10 |
Set font to 2162853, Wavy underlined, and toggled between Bold and not Bold. {For recording, e.g. your kids’ significant experiences with the arts, their development in the sense of beauty, and their growth in knowledge of or skills in the arts.} |
Set font to Blue, not Struck through, not Hidden, Wavy underlined, and toggled between Bold and not Bold. {For recording, e.g. your kids’ direct speech and their growth in knowledge of or skills in language.} |
Ctrl +
F12 |
Set font to Light blue, Wavy underlined, and
toggled between Bold and not Bold.
{For recording, e.g. your kids’ significant experiences of wider
society and their growth in knowledge of or skills in the humanities and
social sciences.} |
Alt + F12 |
Set font color to
blue, Wavy underlined,
and toggled between Bold and not Bold. {For recording, e.g. your kids’ significant
experiences with Nature, their growth in cognitive ability, powers of reason
and critical thinking as well as knowledge of or skills in science and
technology.} |
(1) For processing texts copied from a webpage |
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + F4 |
Delete redundant spaces and hard carriage returns, insert a tab at the beginning of each paragraph, and substitute curved quotation marks for straight ones, etc. in English webpages. {If you use MS Word 2003, please redesignate keyboard shortcut for this macro and answer “Yes” when prompted to save the before exiting Word [you may use other combinations keys if “Ctrl + Alt + Shift + 4” does not work on your computer].} |
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + F5 |
Delete all hard carriage returns (to merge multiple paragraphs) and redundant spaces, and substitute curved quotation marks for straight ones, etc. in English webpages. {If you use MS Word 2003, please redesignate keyboard shortcut for this macro and answer “Yes” when prompted to save the before exiting Word [you may use other combinations keys if “Ctrl + Alt + Shift + 5” does not work on your computer].} |
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + F6 |
Delete redundant spaces and hard carriage returns, insert a tab at the beginning of each paragraph, and substitute tabs for spaces, etc. in Chinese webpages. |
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + F7 |
Delete all hard carriage returns (to merge multiple paragraphs) and redundant spaces, and substitute tabs for spaces, etc. in Chinese webpages. |
(2) For compiling entries in a corpus |
Ctrl + Shift + . |
Find and copy wavy underlined and colored text segments from an open document into Doc1 (running 20 times or 10 groups). |
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + 8 |
Mark with “★★” paragraphs with an incorrect number (< or >11) of tabs. |
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + 9 |
Insert sources and the date at specified tab stop positions. |
Ctrl+Alt+Shift+Insert |
Insert sources at the end of each paragraph in a table or tables. |
* My graduate
student Xu Derong wrote the specification of part of the macros listed here.
His kind help is hereby gratefully acknowledged.
[Page last
updated on May 5, 2011; June, 2011; April, 2012; March 2013; September, 2014;
February, 2015;
December, 2015; December, 2016; April & June, 2017; January, 2018; April,