Department of English,
School of Foreign Studies, Nanjing
Supporting Website:;
English-Chinese &
Chinese-English Translation (ECCET)
E/C & C/E Translation (ECCET): Course Syllabus
ECCET 1 – “Introduction to
Translation” (Spring Semester)
ECCET 2 – “The Theory and
Practice of Translation” (Fall Semester)
for Passing the Course and the Assessment Policy
ECCET 1 – “Introduction to
Translation” (Spring Semester)
ECCET 2 – “The Theory and
Practice of Translation” (Fall Semester)
(Designed in line with the
recommendations outlined in The National Syllabus for
Instruction in English for College English Majors [2000] instituted by the English Subcommittee
of China’s National Steering Committee for Teaching in
Foreign Language Programs in Institutions of Higher Education)
Time and Place: 14:00-15:50,
English-Chinese & Chinese-English
Translation (ECCET) is a core course
offered to juniors and some Year 1 master
students majoring in English Language and Literature or E/C Translation and Interpreting. The entire course is designed
in a modular way and consists of two groups of modules (ECCET 1 – “Introduction to Translation” and ECCET 2 – “The Theory and Practice of Translation”). Each module
group is taught in a separate semester, with an
examination administered and two credits awarded for the completed part of the
course in each semester.
The overall aim of the course is to cultivate students’ ability to perform real-life English/Chinese translation tasks. Theoretical and practical instruction is provided in translating written texts from English into Chinese and vice versa. At the end of the course, students are expected to be able to:
■ internalize [To take in and make an integral part of one’s attitudes or beliefs] the basic principles of translation, master the procedures and skills for analyzing source texts (especially difficult ones) and for generating appropriate target texts;
■ understand the similarities and differences between English and Chinese in morphology, syntax, textual structure, lexical and grammatical meanings, pragmatic conventions, rhetoric devices, and thought patterns, and acquire preliminary capabilities for handling culture-specific elements (realia) in the original;
■ develop an awareness of technical terms, knowing how to distinguish a term from a non-term and how to translate technical terms accurately;
■ command the skill of selecting and utilizing local and online reference tools as well as other aids and techniques developed for linguists and translators to solve complicated problems in translation; and
■ produce, independently and at the minimum speed of 250-350 words per hour for source texts of medium difficulty, translations that are on the whole accurate and complete in content, natural in expression, correct in terminology, and cohesive and coherent in textual structure.
The course should also help to foster a
strong sense of responsibility and a professional approach to tasks of
practical translation work. Students are discouraged from working by
wild guessing or on superficial understanding of the original and
will instead be instructed to fulfill translating and editing
commitments in an honest and responsible committed way.
Under the overall aim, instruction for each of the two module groups have
somewhat different focuses:
Instruction at this stage is primarily concerned
with helping students to understand the basic concepts and principles of
translation and to develop the habit and capabilities to analyze source language expressions and sentences into their
underlying syntactic
structures, as well as to detect and decode the multiple meanings the
source message may contain. By contrasting English with Chinese on the
referential, pragmatic, and intralingual levels of meaning and signification, the instructor will
alert the students to linguistic and cultural differences between the source
language and target language and help them to build up a basic capacity
to translate elements tinged with local or historical color.
Before the end of the semester, students are to be given some
systematic guidance on how to assess, select, and use local and online
reference tools to solve linguistic and subject-matter knowledge problems
in translation.
A substantial part of the teaching of
this module group involves helping
students to master the general rules to be followed as
well as specific strategies to be employed in addressing
various problems the translator will encounter at the stage of target text generation. Students will
learn how to use these rules and strategies, along
with the procedures for source text analysis they learned in ECCET 1, to render properly into the target language complex source
language/culture specific elements, proper nouns, technical terms, etc. in institutional, technical
as well as literary texts. Before the end of the semester,
students will receive some training in copy-reading (and,
optionally, translating-editing). Another objective of the instruction at this
stage is to further develop students’ competence to search for and utilize
quality reference tools to resolve difficulties in translation.
Zhuang, Yichuan (庄绎传). (1999).《英汉翻译教程》. 北京: 外语教学与研究出版社. vii+415 pp.
Ke, Ping (柯平). (1991/1993).《英汉与汉英翻译教程》. 北京: 北京大学出版社. 206/209 pp.
Newmark, Peter. (2001). A Textbook of Translation. 上海: 上海外语教育出版社 (First published 1988 by Prentice Hall International [UK] Ltd). xii+292 pp. [Sch. Lib.: J 19/W 58; 21871 外英PE-3]
Sun, Wanbiao (孙万彪). (2003). 上海英语中级口译资格证书考试《中级翻译教程》. 上海外语教育出版社. xxvi+301 pp.
Nida, E. A. & Taber, C. R. (2004). The Theory and Practice of Translation. 上海: 上海外语教育出版社 (First published 1969, 2003 by Koninklijke Brill NV, Leiden, The Netherlands). XII+220 pp.
__. & Reyburn, William (1981). Meaning Across Cultures. American Society of Missiology Series, No. 4. NY: Orbis Books. 90 pp. [Univ. Lib.: B 961/W 14].
Tan, Zaixi (谭载喜). (1991). 《西方翻译简史》. 北京: 商务印书馆. 324 pp.
__. (1999).《新编奈达论翻译》. 北京: 中国对外翻译出版公司. xxvi+342 pp.
Yu, Yungen (喻云根). (1996).《英美名著翻译比较》. 汉口:湖北教育出版社. iii+432 pp.
Zou, Zhenhuan (邹振环) (1996).《影响中国近代社会的一百种译作》. 北京: 中国对外翻译出版公司. 442 pp.
Baker, Mona. (1992). In Other Words. A Coursebook on Translation. London & NY: Routledge. xix+654 pp. [ISBN: 0415030862; Amazon: $26.95]
Nida, E. A. (1993). Language, Culture, and Translating. 上海: 上海外语教育出版社. [Univ. Lib.: H0/X22]
Pinkham, Joan. (2000). Translator’s Guide to Chinglish (《中式英语之鉴》). 北京: 外语教学与研究出版社. vi+561 pp.
Wang, Zuoliang (王佐良). (1989). 《翻译: 思考与试笔》. 北京: 外语教学与研究出版社. 213 pp.
__. (1991). A Sense of Beginning: Studies in Literature and Translation (论新开端). 北京: 外语教学与研究出版社. 163 pp.
Wilss, Wolfram. (1996). Knowledge and Skills in Translator Behavior. Amsterdam & Philadelphia: John Benjamins. viii+259 pp. {A clear discussion of various aspects of translation, including translator training, MT, etc.} [北图 2-97/ H 059 /W75; ISBN: 1556196962; Amazon: $87.00]
Available on course website.
teaching typically consists of lectures/discussions on one or more major
theoretical/practical problems in English-Chinese and Chinese-English
translation, and of instruction in both general principles and specific methods
practitioners need to address those problems. The problems for
lecture/discussions are selected and their sequence in classroom presentation
determined on the basis of the difficulties real-life translators typically
encounter at successive stages of a translation project, and
of the judgments taken of the students’ language proficiency and cognitive
receptability. To ensure that those
theoretical/practical problems in E/C translation are truly apprehended and the
principles and methods required to approach and address them mastered, the instructor will may ask the students to
do some in-class translation exercises (with the text projected onto the
projection screen) before carrying on with the lecture.
By way of complementing classroom
teaching, home assignments (including short-text
translation exercises, mini-research projects, and optional long translation project) will be assigned. Students
will be asked to present to the class their finished
assignmentswhile the
instructor will discuss in class the homework assigned
and completed by the students without fail.
Depending on time available, tutorial sessions may be arranged in each semester.
The instructor will inspire students
to explore into the principles and mechanisms underlying what they are learning
at the operational level so that they can know not only the WHAT and HOW, but
also WHY, of the general procedures followed and specific strategies employed
in translation. Students are encouraged to pose questions or initiate
discussions as the class meets every week.
Assignments for the course fall into
three types:
(1) in-class translation exercises (designed to help students to consolidate what they have just learned from the lectures or class discussions);
(2) home assignments, including short-text
annotation translation exercises (short texts of different
genres, usually of 300-600 words, assigned to be
translated out of class and discussed in class) and/or mini-research projects; and
(3) (optional)
long translation project (real-life
translator’s situation simulated in which students are required to translate out of class a full-length work or part of it
within a period of time of 4 to 10 weeks).; and
Students are requested to complete all
assignments on time. Late submission will result in a deduction from their
scores for coursework.
Examination at the end of the
course in each semester will take the form of either the final examination or the end-of-semester
research project/paper.
Requirements for passing the course in each semester are as follows.
(1) reading
at least one textbook intensively;
(2) attendance at all class sessions and full participation in class activities (students are reminded that skipping classes might cause them to fail the course);
(3) effective
completion of all assignments, including in-class translation exercises and home assignments; and
(4) passing the final examination / completing the end-of-semester research project or research paper.
The assessment of a
student’s performance in each semester will be
based on the following components:
(1) attendance at and contribution to
the class (responding to questions and raising good questions or suggestions,
active involvement in class discussions, etc.) (15%);
(2) scores obtained for presentations
on in-class exercises and home assignments (25%); and
(3) scores obtained for the final examination,
end-of-semester research project, or term paper (60%).
■ The concept of translation
■ Types of translation
■ The makings of a good translator
■ Basic semantics for
■ Translation standard
■ Using
reference tools in translating (1)
■ Mini-research: Comparative reading of source texts and their translations
■ Intralingual factors involved in the analysis of the source text
■ Extralingual (non-cultural) factors involved in the analysis of the source text
■ Course orientation
■ Instructor’s
comments on the results of previous semester’s final examination in translation
■ Source
text analysis: Extralingual (cultural) factors involved in the analysis of the
source text
■ Word
■ Deixis
■ Passive constructions
■ The choice of sentence subjects
■ Splitting and merging sentences
■ Compensatory
■ Mini-research: The use of reference tools in translation
■ Checking the accuracy of the translation against the original
■ Removing translationese
■ Using
reference tools in translating (2)
■ Proper nouns and technical
■ Numerical expressions
■ Public signs and advertisements
■ Metaphors
■ Sound symbolism [Optional]
■ Translating-editing [Optional]
■ Error analysis [Optional]
■ Mini-research: Textual study of the translation of publicity material
Depending on time available, a few topics listed above here may be not covered
in class in the current academic year.
(Page revised: April, 2008; February, 2009; May 2009; February, 2010; September, 2011; August, 2012; September, 2014; March, 2015; June, 2015; February, 2017; April, 2017, February, 2018; January, 2020)
根据高等学校外语专业教学指导委员会英语组《高等学校英语专业英语教学大纲》[2000] 制定
课程时间与地点: 每周二 14:00-15:50;南京大学仙林校区. 教师:柯平教授 []. 办公时间:周二 12:00-13:50 (侨裕楼419;需预约)
柯 平
“英汉与汉英翻译”(ECCET)是为高等院校英语专业与翻译专业高年级本科生及部分一年级硕士生开设的一门核心课程。课程为模块化设计,完整课程由模块组一(ECCET 1 -“翻译导论”)和模块组二(ECCET 2 -“翻译理论与实践”)构成,分别在每学年的春季学期和秋季学期里教授。每学期课程独立选修与考核,通过者可获得两个课时学分。
■ 理解消化并自觉依循翻译基本原理,掌握英汉复杂词语、句子和语篇的分析理解方法,掌握生成合格译文的基本技能;
■ 从词法形式、句子结构、篇章结构、词义和语法意义、语用规范、修辞手段、思维逻辑等方面把握英汉两种语言的异同,具有处理原文中带有民族文化特色的成分的初步能力;
■ 具备术语意识,有辨识和准确翻译术语的能力;
■ 掌握本地和在线参考工具的使用以及独立从事英汉互译工作所需的其他技术与技能;
■ 以每小时250-350个英文单词的速度将中等难度的原文文本译成目标语文本,做到原文理解接近准确完整,译文表达规范,术语使用正确,篇章结构基本上自然连贯。
重点帮助学生掌握处理译文生成阶段常见的各种问题的一般规则与具体策略,使他们能结合ECCET 1中所教授的原文分析方法,将政治、经济、商贸、新闻、外交、科技、法律、文学等领域内原文文本中的语言和文化特异性成分、专名、术语等复杂内容译成恰当的目标语。学期结束前,教师将安排一定时间指导学生进行译文审校与编译工作(后者为可选内容)。在此阶段的教学中,教师将继续注意培养学生搜寻与综合使用各类优质参考工具以解决翻译难题的能力。
Zhuang, Yichuan (庄绎传). (1999).《英汉翻译教程》. 北京: 外语教学与研究出版社. vii+415 pp.
Ke, Ping (柯平). (1991/1993).《英汉与汉英翻译教程》. 北京: 北京大学出版社. 206/209 pp.
Newmark, Peter. (2001). A Textbook of Translation. 上海: 上海外语教育出版社 (First published 1988 by Prentice Hall International [UK] Ltd). xii+292 pp. [Sch. Lib.: J 19/W 58; 21871 外英PE-3]
Sun, Wanbiao (孙万彪). (2003). 上海英语中级口译资格证书考试《中级翻译教程》. 上海外语教育出版社. xxvi+301 pp.
Nida, E. A. & Taber, C. R. (2004). The Theory and Practice of Translation. 上海: 上海外语教育出版社 (First published 1969, 2003 by Koninklijke Brill NV, Leiden, The Netherlands). XII+220 pp.
__. & Reyburn, William (1981). Meaning Across Cultures. American Society of Missiology Series, No. 4. NY: Orbis Books. 90 pp. [Univ. Lib.: B 961/W 14].
Tan, Zaixi (谭载喜). (1991). 《西方翻译简史》. 北京: 商务印书馆. 324 pp.
__. (1999).《新编奈达论翻译》. 北京: 中国对外翻译出版公司. xxvi+342 pp.
Yu, Yungen (喻云根). (1996).《英美名著翻译比较》. 汉口:湖北教育出版社. iii+432 pp.
Zou, Zhenhuan (邹振环)
(1996).《影响中国近代社会的一百种译作》. 北京: 中国对外翻译出版公司. 442 pp.
Baker, Mona. (1992). In Other Words. A Coursebook on Translation. London & NY: Routledge. xix+654 pp. [ISBN: 0415030862; Amazon: $26.95]
Nida, E. A. (1993). Language, Culture, and Translating. 上海: 上海外语教育出版社. [Univ. Lib.: H0/X22]
Pinkham, Joan. (2000). Translator’s Guide to Chinglish (《中式英语之鉴》). 北京: 外语教学与研究出版社. vi+561 pp.
Wang, Zuoliang (王佐良). (1989). 《翻译: 思考与试笔》. 北京: 外语教学与研究出版社. 213 pp.
__. (1991). A Sense of Beginning: Studies in Literature and Translation (论新开端). 北京: 外语教学与研究出版社. 163 pp.
Wilss, Wolfram. (1996). Knowledge
and Skills in Translator Behavior.
(1) 帮助学生理解与巩固课堂讲授或讨论内容的课堂翻译练习;
(2) 课后作业(包括每篇长约300-600字、文本类型各异的短文评注式翻译练习以及小型研究作业);
(3) (可选)长篇翻译作业(模拟现实世界中译者的工作状况,在4-10周时间内连续翻译一部原文作品或其中的长篇选段,以综合锻炼学生解决真实翻译项目实施过程中可能遇到的各种问题的能力);
(1) 在该学期指定教材中选择至少一本精读;
(2) 课堂专心听讲,积极参与互动;有事请假(提示:旷课可能导致课程成绩不及格);
(3) 用心完成所有作业,包括课堂翻译练习和课后作业;
(4) 通过期末考试 / 完成期末研究项目或研究论文。
(1) 课堂学习情况得分(根据到课情况及课堂提问、答问、参与讨论等情况评定)(15%);
(2) 课堂练习与课后作业(包括短文评注式翻译练习与小型研究作业)得分(根据练习与作业的课堂报告评定)(25%);
(3) 期末考试、期末研究项目或研究论文得分 (60%)。
■ 翻译的概念
■ 翻译类型
■ 翻译工作对译者素质与能力的要求
■ 小型研究作业:中国人大本年度例会期间外长和总理中外记者招待会现场口译内容文字整理稿视译
■ 翻译语义学基础
■ 翻译标准
■ 翻译参考工具的使用 (1)
■ 小型研究作业:原文与译文对照阅读
■ 影响原文理解的语内因素
■ 影响原文理解的语外因素 (非文化因素)
■ 课程介绍
■ 前一学期翻译课期末考试结果讲评
■ 影响原文理解的语外因素 (文化因素)
■ 语序
■ 指示关系
■ 被动结构
■ 主语的选择
■ 句子的分合
■ 补偿手段
■ 小型研究作业:参考工具在翻译中的应用
■ 校验译文
■ 去除翻译腔
■ 翻译参考工具的使用 (2)
■ 专名与术语
■ 数字
■ 公示语与广告
■ 比喻
■ 拟声词 [选讲题]
■ 编译 [选讲题]
■ 错译分析 [选讲题]
■ 小型研究作业:外宣材料翻译文本研究