Nature and Environment


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        Ke Ping (Ed.). (Since October, 2006). Environmental study: Recent developments

        柯平 编. (2004- ). 一些触目惊心的环境数字 (Ke Ping [Ed.]. [Since June, 2004]. Some Alarming Environmental Statistics) [Regularly updated]


        斯蒂芬·施奈德. (1997).《地球——我们输不起的实验室》. [Stephen Schneider (climatologist at Stanford): Laboratory Earth: The Planetary Gamble We Can't Afford to Lose) (Science Masters Series. Harpercollins; 1st ed edition, January 1, 1997). 诸大建 周祖翼 译. 上海科学技术出版社. 1995]

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        WWF: Humans living far beyond planet's means  (Reuters Science News 20061024)

        Earth can't meet human demand for resources  (Reuters Science News, 20020624)

        No doubts global warming is real, US experts say  (Reuters Science News, 20031203)

        Green group says diesel soot is big cancer risk  (Reuters Science News, 20021003)


        他山之石:德国环境怎么变好的 (环保人网20041124;2004年11月30日转引自 invalid link

        Wind industry bids to win over doubters: The European wind energy industry, thriving as climate change tops the global agenda, says it could eventually supply all the continent's electricity  (Reuters Science News, 20041126)


        柯平:真是为了保护紫金山吗 [图]?


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