Language and Linguistics


            Linguistics and Language Glossary.  (www.glossarist.com)

            Translation, Interpretation, and Language Terms.

            Summer Institute of Linguistics (SIL). (2005). Linguistic Resources on the Internet  [A topically organized list of resources elsewhere on the Internet that may be of interest to the linguist]

            Departmento de Filoloxía Inglesa, Universidade de Santiago-Galicia. English Language and Linguistics: Links.

            Pc530.net  (2004). Language and Linguistics  [Links]

            Linguistics: Weblinks.  (The WWW Virtual Library)

            Linguistics: Book Subjects.  (John Benjamins).

            Journals  (John Benjamins).

            Przemek Kaszubski. (2003). Links to Corpus Linguistics & Related Sites.

            Xiao, Richard Zhonghua, etc. (2005-2010). Corpus Linguistics Online 语料库语言学在线 (www.corpus4u.org)  [A portal that started on the 1st April 2005, aiming at promoting corpus research and use in China.].

            Xu, Jiajin [北京外国语大学中国外语教育研究中心]. 语料天涯.

            Lu, Wei. 二语星空――第二语言教学与研究网络资源.

            Semiotics: Weblinks.

            Compulang.com. (2002). English: Recommended Sites.

            University Departments, Programs and Centers.

            UC Berkeley Linguistics Courses.

            Brown University: Courses in Cognitive and Linguistic Sciences.



            Nanjing University (NJU): Contrastive Linguistics: Course Syllabus

            University of Macau (UM): Language Studies for Translation (LST): Course Syllabus

            UM: "LST": Course PPT Files

            Ke, Ping. (2005-2019). Research Projects and End-of-Semester Assessment Items


            柯平. (2002). 语法比较的标准. (中国英汉语比较研究会第四次全国学术研讨会[2000 厦门]论文). In 杨自俭 (主编).《英汉语比较与翻译-4》. 上海外语教育出版社. 第86-97页.



            Konnikova, M. (June 2, 2014). What’s lost as handwriting fades. New York Times. Retrieved from http://www.nytimes.com/2014/06/03/science/whats-lost-as-handwriting-fades.html?_r=0.



            The Center for the Study of Language and Information (CSLI), Stanford University.

            The Stanford Natural Language Processing Group (including Christopher Manning [Assistant professor of Computer Science and Linguistics, Stanford University]'s Site).

            Language Technologies Institute (LTI), Carnegie Mellon University.

            中国科学院计算技术研究所. (2005). 中文自然语言处理开放平台 (CNLP).

            詹卫东 [北京大学计算语言学研究所] (2005). 个人网页  (“计算语言学概论”与“中文信息处理基础”课程教学材料、科研论文、科学史随笔、专业前沿人物链接等).



            Pavel, Silvia. (2008). The Pavel Terminology Tutorial.

            The Translation Bureau of Public Works and Government Services Canada. (2018). Handbook of Terminology (Originally written in French by Silvia Pavel and Diane Nolet). xx+154 pp. (pdf).

            Khurshid Ahmad, (2006). Language Engineering and the Processing of Specialist Terminology.


            柯平 吴志杰. (2003). SARS 与“非典” —— 对一个术语定名失当问题的探讨.《中国语文》. 2003年第6期. 第564-569页

            柯平. (1994). 英国地名趣谈.《剑河畔》

            Abuse of idioms in writing: an example  (一个成语高手的“另类”作文)



            WordNet  [Online lexical reference system whose design is inspired by current psycholinguistic theories of human lexical memory. English nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs are organized into synonym sets (synsets), each representing one underlying lexical concept. Different relations link the synsets. Developed by the Cognitive Science Laboratory at Princeton University under the direction of Professor George A. Miller (Principal Investigator). Version 2.0 contains 152059 entries, 115424 synsets, and 203145 definitions. Download: http://www.cogsci.princeton.edu/~wn/wn2.0.shtml].

            柯平. (1996). 综合性双语词典中的释义问题.《外语教学与研究》. 1996年第4期 [总第108期]. 第57-62页.



            中国高等学校英语专业英语教学大纲 (2000).

            沈艳枝. (2004). 国会制辩论赛和我国的英语教学  (Courtesy of the author).

            Ke, Ping. (2018). Concluding Remarks at the Closing Ceremony of the 17th Jiangsu Provincial ''Navigation Cup'' High School English Speaking Contest.

            Merlot.  [Multimedia educational resource for learning & online teaching. A free and open resource designed primarily for faculty and students of higher education. Links to online learning materials are collected here along with annotations such as peer reviews and assignments.]

            Listening Express.

           普特英语听力 (http://www.putclub.com/index.php).

           100 Movies for Imitation (英语之声).

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