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最新更新: Thu, 2002-06-06 10:20
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图书馆网上资源 |
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该系统收录馆藏中央大学、金陵大学出版的期刊,提供包括全文检索在内的多项检索功能。(初次访问请下载并安装djvu插件和电子文献阅读器) |
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《Nature》是世界上最早的国际性科技期刊,自从1869年创刊以来,始终如一地报道和评论全球科技领域里最重要的突破。内容包括:《Nature》周刊、8种月刊和6种评论杂志。 |
国外站点 | |
本站点由江苏省高等教育文献系统与超星公司合作建设,超星公司授权江苏省高等教育文献系统在江苏省范围内的高等院校建立镜像站点使用超星公司的资源,目前,在南京师范大学建立第一个站点,超星数字图书馆目前提供30万种图书的电子资源,由于数据量较大,正在逐步上载中,表有“*”或“X”的部分只有部分图书。第一次使用前,请下载并按装超星数字图书阅读器。 |
国内镜像 | |
本站点由江苏省高等教育文献系统与国家科委西南信息中心,重庆维普资讯共同建设,经重庆维普资讯授权,向江苏省范围内的高等院校提供服务,包括1989年以来的中文科技期刊全文数据库。使用前,必须下载下载维普浏览器,以便阅读全文。2002年3月25日更新,使用时先点击“登录”,再点击“高级检索”下面的“中文科技期刊数据库”或右侧面上的链接。 |
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Kluwer Online是Kluwer Acdemic Publisher出版的600余种期刊的网络版用户可以通过在calis中心的镜像站免费检索、阅览和下载全文。 |
国内镜像 | |
联合西文期刊篇名目次库是中国科学院文献情报中心、中国国家图书馆(北京图书馆)、江苏省高校图工委、全国地质图书馆为进一步实现图书馆馆际之间馆藏西文期刊的共知、共建、共享的目的,共同出资购买美国EBSCO公司Current Citations数据库1999年全部(总计15000余种西文期刊,包括自然科学和社会科学)篇名目次数据为基础建立的。EBSCO公司以 每周更新的方式,从网上提供该公司1999年全部西文期刊的篇名目次数据。 |
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南京大学中国社会科学研究评价中心,来源文献检索主要用来查询本索引所选用的源刊的文章的作者(所在单位)、篇名、参考文献等。其检索途径有:论文作者、篇名(词)、作者机构、作者地区、期刊名称、机构名称、标引词、学科类别、基金项目以及年代等10余项。 |
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Research Library |
UMI公司专为大学图书馆和研究图书馆设计的综合性学术期刊数据库,收录2308 种综合性期刊和综合性报纸,其中1472种全文刊。以及全世界20万个公司的商业信息。包括以下数据库: |
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美国学术出版社(Academic Press)出品,其出版物的学科范围涉及医学、生物、计算机、经济、法律、物理、数学、心理学、化学、历史、社会学、环境科学、哲学、语言学、地理等学科。均是学术品质非常高的刊物,其中被《科学引文索引》(SCI)收录的核心期刊有109种。Academic Press电子期刊的Internet 网络版"国际数字电子访问图书馆"(International Digital Electronic Access Library), 简称IDEAL。 |
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由UMI公司学位论文数据库,包括以下领域的学位论文: |
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BIOSIS Previews (包括 Biological Abstracts,BA, BA/RRM) ,设在东南大学图书馆的镜像站点,南京大学校园网用户可直接访问。 |
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Institute of Science Information (ISI) WEB 版的 SCI 引文数据库, 校内用户可以直接访问,利用 ISI 提供的 5000 余种科技期刊。南京大学图书馆购买了其中的 Science Citation Index Expanded. 用户可以参考 ISI 提供的使用指导,学习如何使用 Web Of Science. 并有 PDF文件可供下载. |
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CALIS 提供的当前世界上规模最大、内容更新最快的期刊数据库之一,UnCover数据库建于1988年。到目前为止,该库收录期刊已超过17000 种,拥有期刊文章(或文摘)七百多万篇,并且还在以每天5000 篇的速度不断扩充。UnCover数据库中广泛覆盖了多种学科的主题,大约有51%属于科学、技术、医学和农林,40%属于社会科学、政治、商业,剩余的9%为艺术和人文科学. |
国外站点 | |
该数据库1990年建于美国霍普金斯大学,是专门汇集存储人类基因组数据的数据库,包括全球人类 DNA结构和100,000种人类基因序列研究的分析成果:人类基因组,包括基因、克隆、断裂点、细胞遗传标记物、易断位点,重复片段等。人类基因组示意图, 包括细胞遗传图关联图,辐射杂交图、综合图等。人类基因组内的变异, 包括基因突变和基因多态性,等位基因发生频次等数据资料。 |
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著名的美国《科学》杂志(Science Magazine)电子版,由国家自然科学基金委(NSFC)、国家教委、国家科委和中国科学院联合引进。 |
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中国学术期刊(光盘版)电子杂志社,1997-2000年度中国学术期刊全文数据库,首次使用者,请先下载并在本机安装全文浏览器,2001年5月17日前安装的全文浏览器,也必须重新下载、安装。 |
本地站点 | |
中国学术期刊(光盘版)电子杂志社,1994-2000年度的中国学术期刊题录数据库,只提供题录信息,无文摘和全文。 |
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中国学术期刊(光盘版)电子杂志社,1985-1998年度的专利目录、文摘数据。 |
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试用的数据库 |
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英国皇家物理学会(Institute of Physics, IOP)出版有30多种物理学电子期刊,是物理学及相关学科学者和研究人员普遍使用的期刊,学术价值很高。IOP的试用期暂时2002年5月到2002年7月底。 |
DI专线 | |
试用期2002年3月起,至2002年6月30日。->subscriber login -> Creat a login link 用户名:uhk90,密码:uhk9090 |
国内站点 | |
国务院发展研究中心信息网包括财政、金融等方面的7个数据库,自2002年3月20日起试用,到2002年5月1日止,欢迎试用,登录用户名:njdxsy,口令:njdxsy。 |
国内站点 | |
试用期截止至2001年4月1日,用户名:jsedu,密码:jsedu,中国经济信息网是由国家信息中心提供的、以提供经济信息为主的专业性信息服务网络。内容包括综合动态、财经视频、法规政策、经济数据、分析预测、产业研究、财经资讯、热点专辑、公务指南和领导讲话等。 |
国内站点 | |
中国资讯行(China InfoBank)是香港专门收集、处理及传播中国商业信息的高科技企业,其数据库(中文)建于1995年,内容包括实时财经新闻、权威机构经贸报告、法律法规、商业数据及证券消息等。该数据库已过试用期,但仍有部分内容可以浏览。 |
国内站点 | |
英国皇家学会向全国若干所大学提供四份闻名全球科学刊物的 免费试用。试用期从2001年5月15日开始,到11月中旬截止。四份科学刊物分别是:《自然科学会报:生物科学》、《自然科学会报:数学、物理及工程科学》、《会志:生物科学》、《会志:数学、物理及工程科学》。 |
国外站点 | |
收录有大量以法律、新闻、商业经济、政府出版物等内容为主的数据库。用户名:INTAU1,密码WC7N1H6。(试用期:三个月) |
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PubMed from National Library of Medicince (NLM), National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) and National Institutes of Health (NIH). |
国外站点 |
Revised: 11/14/2001
Digital Librarian: a librarian's choice of the best of the Web
Maintained by Margaret Vail Anderson, a librarian in
Cortland, New York
Citations: sites with
links to Digital Librarian
Updated 4 November 2001
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Librarian is maintained by Margaret Vail Anderson, a
librarian in Cortland, New York
Citations: sites with
links to Digital Librarian
See Also: Directories | Calculators | Electronic Texts | Librariana | Magazines and Journals | Maps | Notable | Search Tools
Academic Info: Your Gateway to
Quality Internet Resources - Mike Madin, Seattle. Other selective
Internet subject directories or gateways include, in alphabetical order,, Alpha Search,
Best Information on the Net, Britannica Internet Guide, BUBL Link, Dutch Electronic Subject Service, Infomine: Scholarly Internet Resource
Collections, Internet Public
Library Reference Center, Internet
Scout Project, Kathy
Schrock's Guide for Educators, the Librarians'
Index to the Internet, Martindale's The Reference
Desk,, Resource Discovery Network (with a Virtual Training Suite ), Spires Project and WWW Virtual Library. More eclectic
collections include Beyond the Black
Stump and Telsun
Spur: A Way Station for Snark Hunters. (For more subject directories see
Digital Librarian's 's Internet Subject
Acronym and Abbreviation List - Peter Flynn, Ireland. There's also the Acronym Finder from Mountain Data Systems, a searchable database containing over 60,000 acronyms & abbreviations and their meanings.
American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language - Over 90,000 entries feature 10,000 new words and senses, 70,000 audio word pronunciations, 900 full-page color illustrations, language notes and word-root appendixes. (From Other resources include the WWWebster Dictionary, OneLook Dictionaries with "3452729 words in 742 online dictionaries now indexed" and the outstanding which provides access to over 1800 dictionaries with more than 250 languages. See also yourDictionary's Grammars page.
Annual Report Gallery - Cornerstone Investor Relations provides links to over 2,000 annual reports (but you have to sit through a 10 second advertisement first.) Other resources include the Annual Report Service provided by Public Register's Annual Report Service, an the Wall Street Journal's Annual Report Service which allows you to order free annual reports from selected companies and How to find a Company's Annual Report Online from The Annual Reports Library. The SEC's EDGAR Database is also a useful place to search for information about a company. The New York Stock Exchange provides information on Listed Companies with links to the company home pages, where you'll find investor information and annual reports.
AnyWho Directories - Directory from AT&T Labs "integrates traditional business and consumer white and yellow pages telephone listings with enhanced, Internet-based contact information such as e-mail addresses and web site URLs" as well as toll free and FAX numbers. They have a Toll Free Directory. In Reverse LookUp, which functions like a city directory, you can enter a phone number and retrieve an address, a map of the area and names, addresses and phone numbers of neighbors. Comparable resources include Switchboard, Verizon's SuperPages: People Pages, Yahoo! People Search and Yellow page and business directories include Anywho: Business, Switchboard: Business and Verizon's SuperPages. See also Digital Librarian: Directories - Business.
Art Images - There are many resources for locating art on the Web. The Artcyclopedia has indexed 700 leading arts sites, and offers more than 24,000 links directly to an estimated 80,000 works by over 7,500 artists. Chris Witcombe's Art History Resources on the Web has links to Museums & Galleries as does Jonathan Bowen in his Virtual Library museums pages (part of the WWW Virtual Library). Berkeley Digital Library's ImageFinder will locate images in eight digital libraries, including DL SunSITE, the Library of Congress, Library of Virginia, and the Smithsonian and the SILS Art Image Browser is a database of art, architectural, and museum object images. Most search engines offer tools to find images. Many museums offer searchable databases and have digitized much of their collections. The Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco offers the Thinker Imagebase with over 110,000 items (including 3,000 Japanese prints). Other museums with large digitized collections include the National Gallery of Art in Washington, D.C. (be sure to check the images only box), the Metropolitan Museum in New York, the Getty in Los Angeles, the Tate Gallery in London (browse by artists names), the Detroit Institute of Arts, the National Gallery of Canada, the Victoria & Albert Museum in London (with almost 2,000 objects in its Images Online) and the National Portrait Gallery in London (restrict your search to images in Advanced Search). Other resources include the Web Gallery of Art, a database of European painting and sculpture of the Gothic, Renaissance and Baroque periods (1200-1700), currently containing over 8,500 reproductions, the Perseus Project (Greek and Roman art), Carol Gerten's Fine Art--A Virtual Art Museum, ArtServe at the Australian National University, Mark Harden's Artchive, the Collage Portal, the Art Museum Image Consortium (thumbnails only), Nicolas Pioch's WebMuseum with Famous Paintings Collection and Artist Index, and Jacques-Edouard Berger Foundation's World Art Treasures.
ASAE Member Associations On-line - American Society of Association Executives. Comparable resources include IPL Associations on the Net, IdeaList, a searchable and browsable directory of 23,000 nonprofit and community organizations in 153 countries and GuideStar: the National Database of Nonprofit Organizations, with over 700,000 entries.
ASCAP's ACE - Database allows you to search by song title, writer, performer or publisher. BMI also offers a Database of 7.5 million song titles, searchable by Title, Writer, Artist, or Publisher. For an extensive list of resources for locating lyrics, sheet music, librettos & scores, see Digital Librarian's Lyrics & Sheet Music page.
Babelfish - Alta Vista
translation service will translate entire web pages or text you type. Similar
and Gist-in-Time . Great Books Online - Outstanding reference resource has hundreds of electronic books in searchable format
Bartlett's Familiar
Quotations - 10th edition, 1919. From Bartleby Library, where you can also find
Simpson抯 Contemporary Quotations: The Most Notable Quotations:
1950?988. Familiar Quotations
(10th edition) has also been digitized by Bibliomania. Other quotation resources
include An Index to
Familiar Quotations by J. C. Grocott, organized by theme and keyword (from
Bibliomania, Michael and Laura
Moncur's Quotations Page and
Stephen L. Spanoudis' Quotations
Home Page. Specialized searchable resources include the University of
Dundee Department of English collection of Web Concordances
which covers Shelley, Coleridge, Keats, Blake, Wordsworth and Hopkins, Jeremy
Hylton's Complete
Works of William Shakespeare, Richard L. Goerwitz's Bible Browser
Basic Home Page and the Bible
Gateway from the Gospel Communications Network. William A. Williams, Jr. has
created a Concordances of Great
Books which will search text of 450 books.
Behind the Name: the Etymology and History of First Names - Mike Campbell
Best Places to Live in America - Annual survey offered by allows you to Find Your Best Place and to Compare the Cost of Living with its International Salary Calculator. See also the cover story of the May 1999 issue of Outside Magazine, North America's Dream Towns (Homer, Alaska, Charlottesville, Virginia, Santa Cruz, California, Portland, Oregon, Franconia, New Hampshire, Ann Arbor, Michigan, Boulder, Colorado, St. Martins and Portland, Maine). - Over 25,000 names. There's also Biographical Dictionary, Biographical Directory of the United States Congress, 1774 to the Present, Internet Public Library: Biography, Lives, the Biography Resource, National Inventors Hall of Fame, The Time 100: the Most Important People of the 20th Century, ABC News Newsmaker Bios, NameBase Book Index, Spartacus Internet Encyclopedia: US Journalists 1840-1960, 4000 Years of Women in Science, Gale's Celebrating Women's History, National Women's Hall of Fame, Find A Grave, Leading Authorities, Personennamen, Hans-Dieter Hartges list (in German) of Internet biographical resources, and The World Biographical Index, a database created by K.G. Saur Publishing and the Braunschweig University Library, is "based on the 4th edition of the World Biographical Index containing over 2 million short biographical entries for eminent individuals who lived in North and South America, Western and Central Europe, Australia, New Zealand, and Oceania." Available in German and English.
Building the Virtual Reference
Desk in a 24/7 World - Webcast of the proceedings of the symposium on digital
reference, co-hosted by the Library of Congress and OCLC on January 12, 2001.
Cambridge History of English and American Literature (1907?1) - 18 volume encyclopedia is arranged chronologically and has an Index to Authors, Index to Chapters and an Index to Bibliographies. Provided by
Encyclopedia Online - Full-text, multimedia encylopedia (Provided by Historica,
a foundation whose mandate is to provide Canadians with a deeper understanding
of their history.)
CARL Corporation - Provides access to the CARL Uncover database, which has tables of contents and keyword index searching for over 17,000 journals. Searching is free, but there is a charge for ordering articles. (On the first screen select Search UnCover from the menu, on the second screen select Search the UnCover database, on the third screen select Search UnCover Now. Unless you wish to purchase articles, there is no need to create a profile for a search.)
Card Games - Rules and information about card and tile games from all parts of the world.
Catholic Encyclopedia - Full-text of the 15 volume 1913 edition. Other free online encyclopedias include the Utah History Encyclopedia, Encyclopedia of Cleveland History, xrefer, the Canadian Encyclopedia Online, Encyclopedia Mythica, Handbook of Texas Online and the 18 volume The Cambridge History of English and American Literature.
CIA World
Factbook - Central Intelligence Agency. Comparable resources include the
Library of Congress' Country Studies / Area
Handbooks, the State Department's Country
Commercial Guides, the Economist's Country Briefings and the World Bank's Countries and Regions
Index. Other resources include Travel Warnings &
Consular Information Sheets from the U.S. State Department, Weekly Travel
Bulletin from Canada's Department of Foreign Affairs and International
Trade, Amnesty International's Annual Report
on human rights violations worldwide and the annual World Report from
the Humans Rights Watch. Country
Profiles, part of David Novak's Spire
Project, is a useful annotated compilation.
CMU Pronouncing Dictionary - "Carnegie Mellon University Pronouncing Dictionary is a machine-readable pronunciation dictionary for North American English that contains over 100,000 words and their transcriptions." The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language allows you to hear 70,000 audio word pronunciations.
Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) - Searchable by keyword or by citation; GPO Access and National Archives and Records Administration
College Opportunities On-Line (COOL) - Direct link to over 9,000 colleges and universities in the United States.You can search for a college based on its location, program, or degree offerings either alone or in combination. (Provided by the National Center for Education Statistics in the U.S. Department of Education.)
Complete Home Medical Guide - Third revised edition (full-text, searchable) by the Columbia University College of Physicians & Surgeons. The Merck Manual of Diagnosis and Therapy is searchable and has a Table of Contents. TheMerck Manual Home Edition (2000), an "all-new publication is based on the Merck Manual of Diagnosis and Therapy, commonly referred to as The Merck Manual, the textbook of medicine most widely used by health care professionals in the U.S. and worldwide. The Home Edition transforms the language of the professionals' version into commonly used English while retaining the vital information about diseases, diagnosis, prevention, and treatment." The Merck Manual of Geriatrics (1995) is also available online. MedTerms offers definitions of classical and contemporary medical terms.
Concise Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia, Third Edition - Over 17,000 articles (Electric Library). offers the sixth edition of the Columbia Encyclopedia (2000).
Congressional Pictorial Directory - 106th Congress
County and City Data Book - Compare to the University of Virginia's County City Data Books 1988 & 1994
Currency Conversion - Yahoo!. Similar resources include OANDA's Classic 164 Currency Converter. (They also offer a Cheat Sheet for Travelers), the Universal Currency Converter, Currencies of the World, Currencies and Currency-Exchange, Bloomberg's Cross Currency Rates, the Federal Reserve Bank of New York's 10:00 a.m. Foreign Exchange Rates, the International Monetary Fund's Exchange Rates for Selected Currencies (updated at approximately 1:00 PM and 4:00 PM U.S. EST, Monday to Friday), the Washington Post's Currency Rates and Information Page, the BBC's So How Much is this in Euros?, (they also have a low bandwidth version) and the Euro Calculator.
DealTime - International search engine and price comparison system for books, music and movies which checks out prices, availability, shipping time and shipping costs. Currently owned by Bertelsman, the site was originally developed by Christopher Muenchoff and Christoph Janz, when it was known as Acses (then DealPilot, then EvenBetter). The database is searchable by title, author, keyword and ISBN, and includes audio books. Other bookstore comparison services include AddALL: Book Searching and Price Comparison which allows you to search and compare book price at 34 bookstores and Best Book Buys which searches 22 online stores. Used, rare and out-of-print bookstore comparison services include BookFinder, Bibliofind, Abebooks, which combines the inventories of over 5700 independent booksellers and Alibris (which charges a commission for its service). European resources include Antiqbook from the Netherlands Antiquarian Booksellers' Network and - "Discussions on a plethora of topics, reference ratings from peers on thousands of products and services to help make buying decisions."
Dr. Ed Yardeni's Economics Network - Ed Yardeni, the Chief Economist of Deutsche Bank Securities in New York, provides a very useful page of Economic Indicators. Included are urls, charts, tables, data files (requiring Adobe's Acrobat Reader) and audio files. Some parts of the site are open to subscribers only.
Edmund's Automobile Buyer's Guides - Excellent starting point, site provides reviews and prices for new and used cars. Other useful car resources include Kelley Blue Book Used Car Bluebook Values & New Car Pricing, NADA Appraisal Guides and Microsoft's CarPoint. - This useful U.S. News & World Report site features annual rankings of 1,400 American colleges, a searchable database with "up-to-date admission, academic and financial aid information", a College Comparison Worksheet and a Career Center. The 2000 College Rankings is an excellent resource and the College Search option allows you to " to find schools according to the following criteria: location, distance from home, cost, size, selectivity, major, student/faculty ratio, academic programs, single sex/coed, religious affiliation, setting, diversity, ranking, extracurriculars, and sports." College Opportunities On-Line (COOL) also is helpful.
Educational Resources Information Center (ERIC) - National Library of Education site provides links to all ERIC sites and an ERIC Database Chart which provides multiple access points to the ERIC database. A vast resource for educational information.
eHow - Comprehensive source of information on how to do things, offering thousands of specific project instructions. Comparable sites include, a searchable skills database which covers cooking, crafts, home repair (including such subjects as Avoid Frostbite, Clean a Fish, Eat Sushi, Pick a Melon, Play Poker, Varnish a Wood Surface) and
Electronic Journals Resource Directory - Peter Scott, University of Saskatchewan Libraries.
Electronic Theses and Dissertations in the Humanities: A Directory of On-Line References and Resources - Created by Matthew G. Kirschenbaum of the University o f Virginia to serve as a "directory of most (maybe not quite all) of the ETDs that are currently in progress in the various disciplines that comprise the academic humanities." Similar sites include Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations, a project to study and encourage electronic posting of graduate work at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, West Virginia University's Electronic Theses and Dissertations, M.I.T. Theses Online and TheseNet, a database of French dissertations indexed by the Agence Bibliographique de l'Enseignement Superieur.
Elements of Style (1918) - From which also offers the American Heritage Book of English Usage (1996). Another useful site is Robert Beard's Web of On-line Grammars.
Embassy World - Directory of Embassy and Consulate addresses. Comparable sites include Embassy Page from GlobeScope Internet Services, and Electronic Embassy.
Encarta Online - Microsoft's "free Web encyclopedia created to satisfy your basic online research needs".
Encyclopedia Mythica - Encyclopedia on mythology, folklore, legends, and more. It contains over 5700 definitions of gods and goddesses, supernatural beings and legendary creatures and monsters from all over the world.
Engines of our Ingenuity - Over 1300 episodes from the NPR series written and hosted by John Lienhard and KUHF-FM, Houston, with topics that range "from cable cars to Civil War submarines, from the connection between Romantic poets and Victorian science to the invention of the bar code." The site is searchable and includes an Index to the Episodes. Comparable sites include Complete Computer Solutions' How Things Work, Louis A Bloomfield's How Things Work and Marshall Brain's How Stuff Works.
Essentials of Music - W.W. Norton site offers overviews of the six main periods in music history, biographies of nearly 70 composers, and a glossary with 200 definitions with numerous musical examples in RealAudio.
Etiquette in Society, in Business, in Politics and at Home - 627-page first edition of Emily Post's 1922 classic provided by the Bartleby Library.
Fedstats: One Stop Shopping Federal Statistics - Searchable and browsable access to statistics and information produced by more than 70 U.S. government agencies
Finding Data on the Internet - "A journalist's guide" by Robert Niles
Flags of the World - Offered by the Maritime Command and Control Information System (MCCIS) for members of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). (They also offer an Atlas of the World.) Other flag sites include Flags of the World from Belgium and Photo Disks's Anthems, Flags & Facts of Nations.
FLITE Supreme Court Decisions 1937-1975 - Search and view full text of Supreme Court decisions issued between 1937 and 1975. Contains 7,407 decisions from volumes 300 through 422 of US Reports. Other resources include Cornell's Legal Information Institute's Supreme Court Decisions and FindLaw's U.S. Supreme Court Opinions.
Geographic Names Information System - GNIS Database - U. S. Geological Survey database contains information about almost 2 million physical and cultural geographic features in the United States. Specify state and county and you can search for towns, lakes, canals, schools, churches, cemeteries, brideges and many other features. The GEOnet Names Server from the National Imagery and Mapping Agency provides information about foreign geographic feature names. Comparable resources include U.S. Gazetteer, which provides links to gazetteers, place name lists, town and city indexes from around the world and How Far is it? which find the latitude and longitude of two places, and then calculates the distance between them (as the crow flies). It also provides a map showing the two places, using the Xerox PARC Map Server.
Getty Center - Los Angeles. Location of the J. Paul Getty Museum. The site has an index and is searchable. It offers a number of art-related databases including the Art & Architecture Thesaurus, a "controlled vocabulary for describing and retrieving information on fine art, architecture, decorative art, and material culture," Categories for the Description of Works of Art, Census of Antique Art and Architecture Known to the Renaissance, Getty Provenance Index, Getty Standards Program the Guide to the Description of Architectural Drawings, Introduction to Imaging, Introduction to Metadata, Iris - Research Library Online Catalog, Object ID, Thesaurus of Geographic Names (TGN), which "contains approximately 900,000 records for places, arranged in hierarchies representing all nations of the modern world, and including vernacular and historical names, coordinates, place types, and other relevant information." The Union List of Artist Names (ULAN), is a "database of biographical and bibliographical information on artists and architects, including a wealth of variant names, pseudonyms, and language variants." The Getty Conservation Institute publishes a newsletter and Research WebStracts, a comprehensive list and abstracts of the writings of the Scientific staff of the Institute while ArtsEdNet (with site map) supports the needs of the K-12 arts education community. The Getty Research Institute has a Research Library with an online catalog and Collections Integrated Catalog displays links to those Getty databases available to all and provides access to subject and alphabetical lists of subscription databases and Internet links.
Hardin Meta Directory of Internet Health Sources - Comprehensive listing maintained by by librarians at theHardin Library for the Health Sciences at the University of Iowa.
Health on the Net Foundation - Non-profit organization, headquartered in Switzerland, "dedicated to realizing the benefits of the Internet and related technologies in the fields of medicine and healthcare", and intended to aid professionals and patients that are seeking reliable medical advice and information. It provides much useful information including MedHunt, a medical document finder, Hospitals on the Net, a hospital database, and the Media Gallery, "a searchable database of medical movies and images which includes x-rays, movies of surgery, articulation and various media of interest to medical professionals and students." Healthfinder, a gateway consumer health information web site from the United States government, provides links to "selected online publications, databases, web sites, and support and self-help groups, as well as the government agencies and not-for-profit organizations that produce reliable health information for the public."
How Many? A Dictionary of Units of Measurement - Created by Russ Rowlett, an education and mathematics professor at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Measurement converter sites include Convert It!, Measurement Conversion Calculator, Measurements Converter, Measurements Converter and Metric Converter.
International Data Base (IDB) - U.S. Census Bureau site is " a computerized data bank containing statistical tables of demographic, and socio-economic data for all countries of the world." Their Population Pyramids "allows you to obtain population pyramids (graphs that show the distribution of population by age and sex) for one country."
International Lyrics Server - Swiss site provides over 40,000 lyrics, searchable by artist, album or song title. Other resources inlcude Digital Librarian's Locating Lyrics: sheet music, librettos & scores and Worldwide Internet Music Resources Song Lyrics; Libretti from Indiana University's School of Music.
Internet Movie
Database - Search by character, title, quote, actor, director, plot
summary. Other related sites include the Movie Review Query Engine (MRQE) with over 21,000 titles and the All-Movie Guide.
Karla's Guide to Citation Style Guides - Links to style guides. Other resources include Online! A Reference Guide to Using Internet Sources, Bibliography Styles Handbook by the Writers' Workshop, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, which has guides to APA and MLA formats and Melvin E. Page's Brief Citation Guide for Internet Sources in History and the Humanities.
Learn All About Dinosaur Teeth - Great dinosaur guide created by Dr. Sam Muslin (recommended by C. Erikka, intern for "Helping Hands 4 Kidz").
Lester S. Levy Collection of Sheet Music - Part of Special Collections at the Milton S. Eisenhower Library of Johns Hopkins University. It is comprised of popular American music spanning the period 1780 to 1960. The over 26,000 pieces of music in the Levy Collection are indexed on this site, and images of the cover and music are available for pieces of music more than 75 years old. Searchable by keyword. Similar resources include the Mudcat Cafe DigiTrad Lyrics Search, with over 8000 songs and a list of titles, the Patchogue-Medford Library Song Index, the Lied and Song Texts Page, the Folk Music Index, the Folkways Database Search and the Disc-O-Logue, a catalogue of French-language popular music recordings available in Canada published between 1962 and 1979.
Library Catalogs Around the
World - University of Virginia Library. See also Marshall Breeding's Lib-web-cats:
Library Web Pages, Online Catalogs, and System Profiles, Thomas Dowling's
Libweb: Library Servers via
WWW, John W. East's National Library Catalogues
Worldwide, Gabriel's National Libraries of
Europe. Peter Scott's LibDex: the Library
Index , contains links to over 12,800 libraries and includes links
to homepages, web OPACS, Friends pages, and e-commerce affilia.
Library of Congress Catalogs - Backups include the Z39.50 Gateway and the Experimental Search System (ESS) (no longer being maintained).
Mammal Species of the World - This database, provided by the Smithsonian's National Museum of Natural History, and based on the information in the 1993 book of the same name edited by D.E. Wilson and D.M. Reeder, contains the names of the 4,629 currently recognized species of mammals, in a taxonomic hierarchy that includes Order, Family, Subfamily, and Genus, and is searchable by scientific name or common name.
MapBlast! - Enter address, get maps and driving directions. Comparable sites include Maps On Us, MapQuest, AOL Travel, miDirections, Yahoo! Maps & Driving Directions, DeLorme's Earthamaps, Expedia Maps, Rand McNally Maps andLycos Roadmaps.
National Monuments Record Thesauri - Structured wordlists used by the Royal Commission on the Historical Monuments of England to standardise terminology. Included here are Monument Types, Archaeological Objects, Building Materials, Defense Monuments, Maritime Place Names, Maritime Craft Type and Maritime Cargo. Curious about the word dovecote? In the Monument Types thesaurus (Agriculture and Subsistence class), you find that dovecote is the preferred term for Columbary, Culverhouse, Dovecot, Pigeon House, Pigeon Loft and is defined as "a house for doves and pigeons, usually placed at a height above the ground, with openings and provision inside for roosting and breeding."
Newsweek - Searchable with Site Index and Archive. The full text of all editions of Newsweek since February, 1997 are now available through Search at no charge. You can also search which has searchable archives from 1994 to present. (See also Netscape Search which has archives for Time and Newsweek.)
1990 Census Lookup - U.S. Bureau of the Census
Nobel Foundation - Official site, Stockholm, Sweden. See also the Nobel Prize Internet Archive and the Nobel Channel.
On-Line English Grammar - Anthony Hughes
Online Literary Criticism - "1005 critical and biographical websites about authors and their works that can be browsed by author, by title, or by literary period." Provided by the Internet Public Library Reference Center. The Cambridge History of English and American Literature (1907?1) is an 18 volume encyclopedia arranged chronologically, and the Outline of American Literature, published by the United States Information Agency, provides a historical overview. Another good resource is Alan Liu's Voice of the Shuttle: Web Page for Humanities Research.
Occupational Outlook Handbook - Bureau of Labor Statistics.
On-line Medical Dictionary
- CancerWeb offers over 46,000 terms relating to biology, chemistry, medicine,
science or technology. The Academic Press Dictionary of
Science and Technology defines 130,000 terms in 130 fields of science.
Periodic Table - Provided by the Royal Society of Chemistry. Other sites include David D. Hsu's Chemicool Periodic Table, Mark Winter's WebElements, the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory's Updating the Periodic Table and Julie Jensen's Periodic Table of the Elements.
Perpetual Calendar - Toke N鴕by. Or try the Calendar Generator from HyperInfo Canada Inc.
Perry-Casta馿da Library Map Collection - University of Texas, Austin. Has a large collection of online maps. Issues Library - News, facts, legislation, this useful site provides links to reputable web sites on a wide variety of issues.
Political Leaders - Roberto Ortiz de Zarate. Similar resources include Governments on the WWW, Gunnar Anzinger's excellent collection of links to government web sites worldwide which also includes a good list of links to other sources, Donald Vermithrax's Politician Government Address Directory, to the University of Michigan's Foreign Government Resources on the Web and to the CIA's Chiefs of State and Cabinet Members of Foreign Governments.
Presidents of the United States (POTUS) - Internet Public Library. Related resources include Michael Cowan's US Presidents Lists, Brian Tompsett's Genealogy of the US Presidents, National Portrait Gallery's Hall of Presidents, the Library of Congress' By Popular Demand: Portraits of the Presidents and First Ladies, the University of Virginia's Presidential Elections Maps: 1860-1996, the National Archives' Presidential Libraries, Bartleby Library's Inaugural Addresses of the Presidents of the United States: From George Washington to Bill Clinton and the White House's Presidents of the United States.
Price's List of Lists - Prepared and updated by Gary Price a librarian at George Washington University, the site provides a collection of links to lists which "present information in the form of rankings of different people, organizations, companies, etc." See also his Direct Search page.
PubList - Directory of information about more than 150,000 publications and more than 8000 newspapers around the world. Comparable resources include Columbia Journalism Review Newspaper Finder, a searchable database providing addresses and phone numbers for 11,000 U.S. and Canadian publications, Magazine Finder, Editor & Publisher's MediaINFO Links and AJR Newslink.
PubMed - National Library of Medicine's "search service to access the 9 million citations in MEDLINE and Pre-MEDLINE (with links to participating on-line journals), and other related databases." See also the NLM's Internet Grateful Med: A Gateway Interface for Assisted Searching in a Changing Environment
RxList: the Internet Drug Index - Created by Neil Sandow, a San Francisco pharmacist, the site provides extensive information for over 500 prescription drugs. Of particular value are the Top 200 Prescriptions Ranked, the RxLists of Indications and Side Effects, Index of RxList Monographs and the RxList Keyword Search. Other useful sites include F.D.A. Drug Information, and CenterWatch: Clinical Trials Listing Service. DrugSearch offers information on illegal and legal drugs and street terms.
Roget's Thesaurus - ARTFL. offers Roget抯 II: The New Thesaurus, 3rd ed. (1995). There's also the WWWebster Thesaurus and
Roman Numerals and Dates - Paul Lewis. Compare to Lee's Useless Decimal to Roman Numeral Converter.
Scout Report - InterNIC's weekly publication offers a selection of Internet resources of interest to researchers and educators. Scout Report Signpost "offers multiple methods of browsing (by subject) or searching the annotations that have appeared in the Scout Report. It provides browsing by Library of Congress Classification or Subject Headings and searching via both a Quick Search (full-text) and Advanced Search (fielded) interface, which use natural language querying." - Locate e-texts. A search for Charolotte Bronte, for example, locates 102 matches.
SIC Code Outline 1987 - University of Virginia Social Sciences Data Center. The U.S. Department of Labor's Occupational Safety and Health Administration provides a Standard Industrial Classification Search. (Note: the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) is replacing the U.S.Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) system.)
SOAR: Searchable Online Archive of Recipes - Indexing over 67,000 recipes and maintained by Jennifer Snider (and team) at the University of California at Berkeley, this site is an excellent resource for recipes, and is especially helpful for locating ethnic resources including Caribbean, Native American and African.
Stately Knowledge - Internet Public Library. Try also and Global Computing's U.S. State Home Pages.
Statistical Abstract of the United States - U.S. Census Bureau
Stumpers-L - "E-mail-based resource where reference librarians can help each other find the answers to difficult questions." - "Contains more than 2,500 Western signs, arranged into 54 groups according to their graphic characteristics. In 1,600 articles their histories, uses, and meanings are thoroughly discussed. The signs range from ideograms carved in mammoth teeth by Cro-Magnon men, to hobo signs and subway graffiti." A comparable site is
Transactional Records Access Clearinghouse (TRAC) - Organization associated with Syracuse University provides "independent, and nonpartisan information on federal law enforcement." More specifically they offer "data gathering, data research and data distribution. describing the enforcement activities and staffing patterns of the FBI, the IRS, the Drug Enforcement Administration, and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms." A valuable resource for journalists, lawyers, public interest groups, businessmen and researchers. (Free registration.)
U.S. Department of Agriculture Nutrient Data Laboratory - Analyze nutritional value of food at this Agricultural Research Service site.
U.S. Government Manual - Searchable by key word
United States Code - Searchable
United States Department of State International Information Programs - With Site Index and a Publications Page. The Outline Series consists of Outline of American History, Outline of American Geography, Outline of American Government, Outline of the American Economy and the Outline of American Literature. Provides information on a number of global issues including climate change, environmental issues, Arms Control and Non-Proliferation, HIV/Aids, Human Rights, Terrorism and Narcotics and Substance Abuse. The Regional coverage is also useful with sections for Africa, the Americas, East Asia - Pacific, Europe, Russia and the NIS, Middle East - North Africa and South Asia.
U.S. Gazetteer - Place name search engine from the U.S. Census Bureau
U.S. Patent and Trademark Office - U.S. Department of Commerce provides Databases and Search Resources with USPTO Web Patent Databases, a full-text Database of patents since 1976 and full-page images starting from the late 1800s, an Expired Patent Search, the Trademark Electronic Search System (TESS), a Trademark Database with images and a database of Patent Attorneys and Agents registered to practice before the PTO. There is also the IBM Intellectual Property Network, the European Patent Office and the U.S. Patent Boolean Search Page, an interface for two-term Boolean searching of the U.S. Patent Database. Additional patent information may be found at the Patent Information Users Group site which has a helpful FAQ page.
Vanderbilt Television News Archive -
Abstracts of evening news broadcasts since 1968, searchable
by keywords. Try, also
, to search for ad, film, TV and digital video in stock,
archival and news footage databases.
VisualRoute - Provides tools to measure the speed of your computer network. Anyone with a Java-enabled web browser can access their VisualRoute Server which provides traceroute, ping, and geographical location information from their server in Fairfax, Virginia, USA, to any URL or domain you select. Other sites to consult for Internet traffic: Internet Traffic Report, Internet Weather Report and MIQ Ratings. - Glossary of Internet and
computer-related terms. There's also NetLingo: the Internet Language
Dictionary, Wired's Encyclopedia of the
New Economy, Webopedia: online
computer dictionary for Internet terms and technical support , G醔or J.T髏h's Free On-line
Dictionary of Computing, Mitchell Shnier's Dictionary of PC Hardware
and Data Communications Terms and Matisse Enzer's Glossary of Internet
World Clock - Steffen Thorsen. Other time-related sites include Timezone Converter, Local Times Around the World, U.S. Naval Observatory's Time Service Dept. with Master Clock time, the Date and Time Gateway and Daylight Saving Time.
World Wide Holiday and Festival Page - Brian Prescott-Decie. A comparable resource is Calendarzone. The U.S. Department of Commerce's Trade Information Center provides a list, by country, of Business Holidays Around the World.
xrefer - Reference search engine and has aggregated and integrated nearly 40 reference titles from publishers such as Penguin, Bloomsbury, Macmillan and Oxford. "Free access to over 250,000 entries - facts, words, concepts, people & quotations encyclopedias, dictionaries, thesauri & books of quotations from the world's leading publishers." There is a Title List. A search for "harmless drudge" (using double quotes) retrieved results from the Oxford Companion to English Literature, the Oxford Companion to the English Language, the Oxford Dictionary of Quotations, the Bloomsbury Biographical Dictionary of Quotations and the Bloomsbury Thematic Dictionary of Quotations.
Zip Code Lookup and Address Information - From the U.S. Postal Service. There's also Ajay Shekhawat's National Address Server. There's also a Postal Code Lookup for Canada.
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