Language and Translation Technolog y
Nanjing University (NJU): “Language
and Translation Technology” [LTT;
postgraduate course]: Syllabus.
NJU: "LTT": Course Outline. (KP)
"LTT": Recommended
Reading. (KP)
NJU: "LTT": Resources Page. (KP)
NJU: "LTT": Questionnaire. (KP)
NJU: 南京大学翻译硕士 (MTI) 专业学位课程
"计算机辅助翻译" 课程大纲. (KP)
Recent Additions
Oracle. (2011). Applet to test if Java is (properly) set up or working on your computer Oracle. (2011). Free Java Download. Gizmos Freeware. (2011). Gizmos Freeware Reviews. [community website where you'll find the very best freeware programs each selected by the site's independent editors because of their quality and performance] CAT Tools Compared. (2011). [Hours of free video showing how 20 different CAT tools translate the same Word document]. [created by International Writers' Group in partnership with Intrawelt to learn about translation tools and compare them]. Markus, Henry S. (2011). Antivirus Guide. [important tips and links to comparative retail product reviews, recommended retail products, comparative reviews of free software, recommended free software, and links to testing organizations.] Zhu, Xiaomin (朱晓敏). (2010). Using Gate to Segment and Tag Chinese Texts. (Courtesy of the author) Ke, Ping (柯平). (2009). 微软Office Word默认全局模板的开发及其在语言和翻译专业教学与科研中的使用. (国际翻译家联盟 [FIT] 第18届世界翻译大会 [2008年8月, 中国上海] 论文;《外语电化教学》[上海外国语大学] 2008年第5期,第63-70页.) Zhao, Jiefu (赵介芾). (2008). Stanford Lexparser: Test results. (Courtesy of the author) (pdf)
Zhu, Yubin (朱玉彬). (2007).
Using PowerGrep and ParaConc to Process English and
Chinese Texts.
(Courtesy of the author)
Harman, Nicky. (2005).
How Useful Is Translation Technology for the 21st Century Translator?
(Lecture delivered at Nanjing University on April 21, 2005; ppt file, 987KB;
Courtesy of Prof. Nicky Harman) American Library Association (ALA). Information Literacy Competency Standards for Higher Education.
Best & Worst tech of 2007.
Top 100 IT Products.
(CNET IT product reviews)
Li, Ping. (2004).
Translational Corpora
Song, Fangmin. (2003).
Formal Language
and Natural language. (Outline
of the lecture for the course “Language, Translation, and Information
Technology”; Courtesy of Prof. Song Fangmin)
Ke, Ping. (2003). Combined Uses of MS Office 2000 and MS Office XP.《电脑报》.
2003年第23期 (总590期) (2003年6月16日出版) B9版.
Austermühl, Frank. (2001).
Electronic Tools for Translators (TOC).
St Jerome Publishing
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