A Short
* Items in this bibliography are prepared using the APA writing style (APA Publication Manual. 6th edition, 2010); but the first name of some authors, instead of being represented with its initial as stipulated in the Style, is usually spelled out to give the students a bit more information about the author. Texts in small fonts and within brackets provide additional information about the author and/or the work.
*: Important item [asterisk /ˈζstərɪsk /] |
#: Methodology / sourcebook / reference work |
!: Translation theory |
@: Linguistic / semiotic studies |
^: Socio-cultural / historical studies |
~: Technological / applied studies |
%: Literary / artistic studies |
$: Item published by 上海外语教育出版社 in国外翻译研究丛书 |
*#American Psychological Association [APA]. (2010). Publication Manual of the American
Psychological Association (6th ed.). Washington, DC:APA. xviii+273 pp.
~ Arnold, D., et al. (1994). Machine translation: An introductory guide. Blackwell Publishers [ISBN: 185554217X]
~ Austermόhl, Frank. (2001). Electronic tools for translators. Translation Practices Explained (A. Pym [Ed.]). Manchester, UK: St. Jerome Publishing. 192 pp. [ISBN: 1900650347; KP.]
*~Baker, Mona. (1992). In other words: A coursebook on translation. London & NY: Routledge. xix+654 pp. [ISBN: 0415030862; Amazon: $27; KP.]
*#Baker, Mona, & Saldanha, Gaby. (Eds.). (2009). The Routledge encyclopedia of translation studies (2nd ed.). Abingdon, Oxford & New York: Routledge. xxii+674 pp. [ISBN: 978-0-415-36930-5; KP.]
* Barkhudarov, L. C. (1985).《语言与翻译》(蔡毅等, 编译) . 北京:中国对外翻译出版公司. 215 pp. (Original work published 1975). [Univ. Lib.: J 19.21; KP.]
*@Barnwell, K. (1974/1980). Introduction to semantics and translation. High Wycombe , U.K.: Summer Institute of Linguistics.
$*Bassnett, Susan. (1980). Translation studies. London & NY: Methuen. [Univ./James Libs.: J 19/W 40; KP.]
$^Bassnett, Susan, & Lefevere, Andrι. (Eds.). (1990). Translation, history and culture. London: Pinter. [Univ. / James Libs.: J19/W 69]
*#Bochenski, J. M. (1987).《当代思维方法》(童世骏, et al., Trans.). 1987. 上海:上海人民出版社. 145 pp. [KP.]
~ Bowker, Lynne (2002). Computer-aided translation technology: A practical introduction. Ottawa: University of Ottawa Press. [ISBN: 0776630164; Amazon: $45.00.]
*#Brown, James Dean. (2001). Understanding research in second language learning [《外语教学研究方法教育统计学导读》]. 北京:外语教学与研究出版社,人民教育出版社,剑桥: 剑桥大学出版社. xxxii+219 pp. [KP.]
*#Cao, Xueqin [曹雪芹]. (1979).《红楼梦》. 4 vols. 北京:人民文学出版社.
*#__. (1973-1980). The story of the stone (David Hawkes & John Minford, Trans.) (Vols 1-4). Harmondsworth, Middlesex: Penguin Books. (Original work published 1792) [Univ. lib. K275/W13e] [Vol. 1: KP.]
*#__. 1978, 1980. A dream of red mansions. (扬宪益 & 戴乃迭, Trans.) (Vols 1-3). Beijing: Foreign Languages Press (Original work published 1792).
]. (1986).
*^Chau, S(imon). C. [周兆祥]. (1996).《翻译与人生》. 香港:商务印书馆香港分馆. vii+142 pp. [KP.]
*~Chen, Gang [陈刚]. (2004).《旅游翻译与涉外导游》. 翻译理论与实务丛书 [原创版]. 北京:中国出版集团中国对外翻译出版公司. xvii+440 pp. [KP.]
~ Chen, Hongwei [陈宏薇]. (1996).《新实用汉英翻译教程》. 武汉:湖北教育出版社. 332 pp. [KP.]
*#Chen, Yanbin, & Zhang, Mingxin [陈延斌, 张明新 主编]. (2004).《高校文科科研训练与论文写作指导》. 北京:中央编译出版社.382 pp.
^%Chen, Yugang, et al. [陈玉刚 等]. (1989).《中国翻译文学史稿》. 北京:中国对外翻译出版公司. [KP.]
*#Cheng, Yuzhen [程裕祯]. (1998).《中国文化要略》. 北京:外语教学与研究出版社. viii+404 pp. [KP.]
*~Chen, Zhenqiu [程镇球]. (1980).《翻译问题探索》. 北京:商务印书馆. [Thought-provoking study of Chinese-English translation.]
*#The Committee on Bible Translation, International Bible Society. (1982). The Holy Bible. New international version. London : Hodder & Stoughton. (1st edn. 1979.) 1264 pp. [KP.]
Pat. (2004). The research students guide to success. 上海: 上海外语教育出版社 (Original publisher: Buckingham ·
Philadelphia: Open University Press). xii+276 pp. [KP.] [A very useful graduate study skills book, giving
practical advice on aspects of undertaking research for a graduate
qualification and degree.]
*#Curie, Eve [艾芙·居里]. (1957).《居里夫人传》[Madame Curie] (Zuo Mingche 左明彻, Trans.) (4th ed.). 北京:商务印书馆. 358 pp. (Original work published 1938)
~ Diannaobao She. (Ed.) [《电脑报》社 编著]. (2005).《Office办公应用疑难破解》. 汕头:汕头大学出版社. 180 pp. [ISBN: 7-81036-680-7; ¥20.00; KP.]
# Ding, Qilin. (Ed.) [丁其林 编著]. (1999).《英语新闻阅读指南》. 北京:北京广播学院出版社. vi+328 pp. [KP.]
@ Eco, Umberto. (1976). A Theory of Semiotics. Bloominton: Indiana University Press. [北图2-88 /HO22 /E19]
*~Esselink, Bert. (2000). A practical guide to localization. Language International World Directory (Revised ed.). Amsterdam and Philadelphia: John Benjamins. 490 pp. [ISBN: 1588110060; $32.95; KP.]
]. (1987).
$!Gentzler, Edwin. (1993). Contemporary translation theories. London & NY: Routledge. 224 pp+xiv. [James. Lib.: H 059 /X5; KP.]
]. (1998). The Spirit of Chinese. Beijing: Foreign
Language Press.
*^Gu, Weimin [顾为民]. (1996).《基督教与近代中国社会》.近代中国社会史丛书. 上海人民出版社. 558 pp. [KP.]
*!Guo, Jianzhong [郭建中]. (
*^ __. (2000b).《文化与翻译》. 1997年北京国际翻译研讨会论文集. 北京:中国对外翻译出版公司. xv+440 pp. [KP.]
[Univ. Lib.: B 971 /X 14]
~ Grefenstette, Gregory. (1998). Cross-language information retrieval. Kluwer Academic Publishing. [ISBN: 079238122X; Amazon: $70.00]
$!Gutt, Ernst-August. (1991). Translation and relevance: Cognition and context. Oxford: Basil Blackwell. [北图2-92/H059/G98] [范全印]
# Hardy, Thomas. (1984). Tess of the DUrbervilles《德伯家的苔丝》(English-Chinese bilingual edn. 张谷若, Trans.) 上海:上海译文出版社. [KP.]
$@Hatim, B., & Mason, I. (1990). Discourse and the translator. London: Longman. xiv+258 pp. [Contains a rich chapter on intertextuality, which develops the notion in the light of recent research and abundantly exemplifies theoretical concepts from translation practice; ISBN: 0582021901; Amazon: 63.98 (used)]
$ Hatim, Basil. (1997). Communication across cultures: Translation theory and contrastive text linguistics. Exeter: University of Exeter Press.
*~__. (2005). Teaching and Researching Translation. 北京: 外语教学与研究出版社. xxi+254 pp. [KP.]
~ Hauenschild, Christa, &
Heizmann, Susanne (Eds.). (1998). Machine translation and translation theory.
Translation, Computational Processing,
$ Hickey, Leo. (Ed.). (1998). The pragmatics of translation. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters. viii+242 pp. [Collected papers; ISBN: 1853594040; Amazon: $34.95]
! Holmes, James S. (1988/1972). The Name and Nature of Translation Studies. In Holmes, James S. Translated! Papers on Literary Translation and Translation Studies (pp. 67-80). Approaches to Translation Studies 7. Amsterdam/Atlanta: Rodopi. [Paper given at the Third International Congress of Applied Linguistics, Copenhagen, August 21-26.]
*^Huang, Mingfen [黄鸣奋 著]. (1997).《英语世界中国古典文学之传播》. 上海:学林出版社. 285 pp.
*^Hung, Eva [孔慧怡]. (1999).《翻译 · 文学 · 文化》. 北京:北京大学出版社. 220 pp.
*~James, C. (2001). Errors in Language Learning and Use: Exploring Error Analysis. Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press.
*~Ke, Ping [柯平]. (1991/1993).《英汉与汉英翻译教程》. 北京:北京大学出版社. 206/209 pp. [KP.]
*@__. (1996). A Socio-semiotic Approach to Meaning in Translation. Babel: International Journal of Translation, 42 [No 2 / 1996], 74-83. [KP.]
! __. (1997). 西方翻译理论浅析. 香港中文大学《翻译学报》, 1997年创刊号, 第12-23页. [KP.]
^ __. (1999). Cultural Presuppositions and Misreading. META, 44 [No 1 / 1999], 133-143. [KP.]
~ __. (2002). 世界各地高校的口笔译专业与翻译研究机构.
(长篇研究报告) (上、中、下) (With 鲍川运).《中国翻译》2002年第4期52-55页; 第5期52-59页; 第6期第45-51页.
$^Kelly, L. G. (1973). The true interpreter: A history of translation theory and practice in the west. Oxford: Blackwell.
@ Kennedy, Graeme D. (1998). An introduction to corpus linguistics. Studies in Language and Linguistics. Longman. 320 pp. [ISBN: 058223154X; Amazon: $31.80; KP.]
*@Krampen, Martin, et al. (1987). Classics of semiotics. NY & London: Plenum Press. xv+271 pp. [A beginners book designed to usher the reader into the realm of semiotic studies] [北外: E/I (2)7/C614]
@^Kress, G. (2010). Multimodality: A social semiotic approach to contemporary communication. London/New York: Routledge. [Multimodal communication studied from the perspective of social semiotics, which is regarded as the semiotic strand deriving from the writings of M. A. K. Halliday.]
#~Landau, Sidney I. (2005).《词典编纂的艺术与技巧》. (章宜华, 夏立新, Trans.) (2nd ed.). 北京:商务印书馆 (Original work published 2001). [ISBN: 7-100-04429-4/H1107; KP.]
% Landers, Clifford E. (2008). Literary Translation: A Practical Guide. 外教社翻译硕士专业 (MTI) 系列教材笔译实践指南丛书-1. 上海:上海外语教育出版社 (Originally published by Mulilingual Matters Ltd. in 2001). vi+214 pp. [KP.]
#^Lefevere, Andrι. (Ed.). (1992). Translation, history, culture: A sourcebook. London: Routledge. 182 pp+xiv. [James Lib.: H 059/X 6]
~ Li, Changshuan [李长栓] [北外高翻学院副教授] 编著. (2004).《非文学翻译理论与实践》. 北京:中国对外翻译出版公司. xxii+589 pp. [罗进德主编 翻译理论与实务丛书 (十五国家重点图书) 之一]
*~Li, Kexing, & Zhang, Xinhong [李克兴, 张新红]. (2006).《法律文本与法律翻译》.翻译理论与实务丛书 [原创版]. 北京:中国出版集团中国对外翻译出版公司. xix+591 pp. [KP.]
]. (1993).
*%Liang, Shiqiu, & Yu, Kwang-chung [梁实秋, 余光中]. (1970).《翻译的艺术》. 台北:晨钟出版社.
! Liao, Qiyi, et al. [廖七一等 编著]. (2001).《当代英国翻译理论》. 武汉:湖北教育出版社. 476 pp.
*#Lin, Huangtian [林煌天 主编]. (1997).《中国翻译词典》. 武汉:湖北教育出版社. 1327 pp.
]. (1981).
*#Liu Runqing [刘润清]. (1999).《外语教学中的科研方法》. 北京:外语教学与研究出版社. 235 pp.
*#Luo, Lingling [罗玲玲]. (2002).《创造力开发》. 长沙:湖南大学出版社. 258 pp.
*#Lό, Shuxiang, & Xu, Yuanzhong 吕叔湘, 许渊冲 著. (1988).《中诗英译比录》(增订本) . 香港:三联出版社.
*#Luo, Xinzhang (Ed.) [罗新璋 编]. (1984).《翻译论集》. 北京:商务印书馆.
*#Ma, Guanghui [马广惠
主编]. (2003).《外国语言学及应用语言学统计方法》. 陕西杨凌:西北农林大学出版社. 154 pp. [KP.]
# Mao, Dun [茅盾]. (1983).《子夜》. 北京:人民文学出版社.
# __. (1979). Midnight (Hsu Meng-hsiung & A.C. Barnes, Trans.). Peking: Foreign Languages Press. (Univ. Lib. K276/W10e)]
*#Matthews, P. H. (2000). Oxford Concise Dictionary of Linguistics. 上海:上海外语教育出版社. xii+410 pp. [KP.]
*!Munday, Jeremy. [University of Surrey] (2001). Introducing translation studies: Theories and applications. London: Routledge. xv+221 pp. [Accompanying website of the book: www.routledge.com/textbooks/its.html] [Coursebook for Introduction to Translation Studies (NU). ISBN: 0-415-22927-8.; KP.]
__. (2016). Introducing translation studies: Theories and applications. London: Routledge. xv+221 pp. [Coursebook for Introduction to Translation Studies (NU). ISBN: 978-1-138-91255-7 (pbk) / ISBN: 978-1-315-69186-2 (ebk).KP.]
*^Nakamura, Hajime [中村元]. (1981). Ways of thinking of eastern peoples; India, China, Tibet, Japan. (Rev. Eng. Trans. & Ed., Philip P. Wiener). Honolulu: the University of Hawaii Press. [KP.]
*#Nan, Yong [南勇]. (2011). 《草民经济学》. 长沙:湖南文艺出版社. xii+301 pp. [ISBN: 978-7-5404-5168-4; Price: ₯35.] [KP.] [An interesting work on economics, written in a lively and witty style. It may not only help you to handle your economic affairs wisely, but also teach you how to analyze your object of research cool-headedly and methodically in defiance of a myriad of misleading statements or false claims.]
@ Neubert, A., & Gregory, M. (1992). Translation as text. Kent, Ohio: The Kent State University [北图;范全印]
$~Newmark, Peter. (1988). A textbook of translation. London: Prentice Hall. [Sch. Lib.: J 19/W 58; 21871 外英PE-3]
$@Nida, E. A., & Taber, C. R. (1969). The theory and practice of translation. Leiden: E. J. Brill.
*^__., & Reyburn, William.
(1981). Meaning across cultures. American Society of Missiology Series, No.
*!__. (1989). Theories of translation.《外国语》, No. 6 [1989], 2-9. [KP.]
^ __. (1993). Language, culture, and translating. 上海:上海外语教育出版社. [Univ. Lib.: H0/X22; KP.]
$ Nord, Christiane. (1997). Translating
as a purposeful activity: Functional approach explained. Manchester, UK:
St. Jerome Publishing. 160 pp. [ISBN 1-90
~ Nirenburg, Sergei, et al. (Eds). (2002). Readings in machine translation. MIT Press. [ISBN: 0262140748]
~ OHagan, Minako, & Ashworth, David. (2002). Translation-mediated
communication in a digital world: Facing the challenges of globalization and
localization. Topics in Translation,
*#Owen, Stephen [宇文所安]. (Ed & Trans.). (1996). An anthology of Chinese literature, beginnings to 1911. New York: Norton & Co. [Over 600 selections, all translated by Owen himself; the most influential Chinese anthology published in English in recent years.] [ISBN: 0393971066; Amazon: $ 56.10; KP.]
*#Qiu, Renzong [邱仁宗]. (1984).《科学方法和科学动力学现代科学哲学概述》. 上海:知识出版社. 216 pp. [KP.]
*~Pinkham, Joan. (2000). Translators guide to Chinglish (《中式英语之鉴》). 北京:外语教学与研究出版社. vi+561 pp. [KP.]
*~Quah, C. K. (2008). Translation
and technology (《翻译与技术》). 外教社翻译硕士专业系列教材
笔译实践指南丛书. 上海: 上海外语教育出版社. 221 pp. (Original work [Translation
and technology. Palgrave Textbooks in Translating and Interpreting.
Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.] published 2006)
[ISBN: 978-1-4039-1832-1. £18.99. TOC: http://product.dangdang.com/product.aspx?product_id=20379028]
~ Robinson, Douglas. (1997). Becoming a translator : An accelerated course. London & NY: Routledge. 368 pp. [ISBN: 0415148618; Price: $24.99; MIIS Lib.]
# Roizen, Michael F, M. D., & Oz, Mehmet, C. M. D. (2006). You: Shenti Shiyong Shouce《YOU:身体使用手册》[兆彬, 俞瑞 译;邱海波 审阅]. 南京:译林出版社. 330 pp. (Original work [You: The owners manual: An insiders guide to the body that will make you healthier and younger] copyrighted 2005 by Roizen and Oz) [ISBN: 7-5447-0048-8; Price: ₯29.] [KP.] [An accessible volume on personal medicine, very useful for helping you and yours to keep body and soul reasonably well.]
*^Russell, Bertrand. (1955). A history of western philosophy. And its connection with political and social circumstances from the earliest times to the present day. London: George Allen & Unwin Ltd.
*^ __. (1982).《西方哲学史》(何兆武, 李约瑟, Trans.). (2 vols.). 北京:商务印书馆. Vol 1: 590 pp; Vol 2: 491 pp. [KP.]
~ Sager, Juan C. (1995). Language engineering and translation: Consequences of automation. The Benjamins Translation Library. Amsterdam and Philadelphia: John Benjamins. 346 pp. [北图; ISBN: 1556194773]
^ Schδffner, Christina, & Kelly-Holms, H. (Eds.). (1995). Cultural functions of translation. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters Ltd. [Essays and debates on the effects of translated texts in the target culture and on translation as way of forming cultural identities.] [北图2-96 /HO59 /C96; ISBN: 1853593338]
# Shen, Fu [沈复]. (1999).《浮生六记》(汉英对照绘图本;林语堂, Trans.) . 北京:外语教学与研究出版社. xxiii+327 pp.
^ Shen, Fuwei [沈福伟 著]. (1985).《中西文化交流史》. 中国文化史丛书 (周谷城 主编) . 上海:上海人民出版社. 469 pp.
]. (1992).
*#《圣经:现代中文译本》. (1997). (中国基督教协会南京重印) (Originally published by 联合圣经公会 in 1979). 963+342+lxx pp. [KP.]
# Shirer, William. (1983). The fall of the Third Reich《第三帝国的灭亡 · 第六编》. (Abridged English-Chinese bilingual edition. 董乐山, et al., Trans.). 北京:中国对外翻译出版公司. 203 pp. [KP.]
*#Shuttleworth, Mark, & Cowie, Moira. 1997. Dictionary of translation studies. Manchester, UK: St. Jerome Publishing. xvii+233 pp.
# Sofer, Morry. (2000). The translators handbook (3rd ed.). Rockville, MD: Schreiber Publishing. 400 pp. [ISBN: 1887563482; Price: $24.95; KP.]
Robert C. [Quincy Lee Centennial Professor and Distinguished
Teaching Professor at the University of Texas at Austin], & Higgins, Kathleen M.
[Professor at the University of Texas at Austin] (2014). The
big questions: A short introduction to philosophy. (9th edn.).
Belmont, CA: Cengage Learning, Inc. 464 pp.
(2014).《大问题. 简明哲学导论》(张卜天 译) (第四版). 桂林:广西师范大学出版社. 541 页.
[原著出版于2014 年]. [A very
good introductory reader, helping you to explore timeless big
questions about the self, God, meaning, justice, and other
important topics in mortal life and to acquire the context you need for an
understanding of the foundational issues to philosophy (including Chinese
philosophy).] [₯ 65.00; KP.]
$%Steiner, George. (
$% __. (1987).《通天塔 · 文学翻译理论研究》(庄绎传, 编译). 北京:中国对外翻译出版公司. [Sch. lib.: J19.36 外中 38549; KP.]
*!Sun, Yifeng [孙艺风]. (2002). 理论、经验、实践再论翻译理论研究.《中国翻译》, 2002年第6期. pp. 4-10.
*^Tan, Zaixi [谭载喜]. (1991).《西方翻译简史》. 北京:商务印书馆. 324 pp. [KP.]
* __. (1999).《新编奈达论翻译》. 北京:中国对外翻译出版公司. xxvi+342 pp.
# Thackeray, William Makepeace. (1994). Vanity fair.
# __ (1994).《名利场》(杨必, Trans.). (2 vols.). 北京:人民文学出版社.
~ Trujillo, Arturo. (1999). Translation engines: Techniques for machine translation. Springer-Verlag. 400 pp. [ISBN: 1852330570; Price: $59.95.]
~ Van Eynde, Frank. (1993). Linguistic
issues in machine translation. Communication
in Artificial Intelligence Series.
Pinter Pub Ltd. [ISBN: 1855670240; Amazon: $110.00]
~ Varile, Giovanni, & Zampolli, Antonio. (Eds.). (1998). Survey of the state of the art in human language technology Studies in Natural Language Processing. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 530 pp. [ISBN: 0521592771; Amazon: $65.00]
~ Varσ, Enrique Alcaraz, & Hughes, Brian. (2008). Legal Translation Explained. 外教社翻译硕士专业 (MTI) 系列教材笔译实践指南丛书-5. 上海:上海外语教育出版社 (Originally published by St. Jerome Publishing in 2002). 204 pp. [KP.]
$^Venuti, Lawrence. (1995). The translators invisibility: A history of translation. London & NY: Routledge. xii+353 pp. [Literary approach to history of translation, arranged according to some major literary notions] [北图: 2-95(外文新书阅览室) /H315.9/v47; 北外: En/H059/V472]
# Venuti, Lawrence. (2000). The translation studies reader. London & NY: Routledge. xiv+524 pp. [ISBN: 0-415-18747-8; Amazon: $29.99; MIIS Lib, KP.]
~ Wang, Lifei, & Liang, Maocheng (Eds.) [王立非, 梁茂成 编著]. (2007).《计算机辅助第二语言研究方法与应用》(Computer-aided second language research methods and their applications). 北京:外语教学与研究出版社. iv+288 pp. [KP.] [Guide to the use of WordSmith, Range, Writers Workbench, ParaConc, Praat, LISREL.]
~ Wang, Xiaolong, Guan, Yi, et al. (Eds.) [王晓龙, 关毅等 编著]. (2005).《计算机自然语言处理》. 北京:清华大学出版社. ix+170 pp. [ISBN: 7-302-10089-6/TP1035; ¥23.00. KP.]
*~Wang, Ying, & Lό, Hefa (Eds.) [王颖, 吕和发 主编]. (2007).《公示语汉英翻译》. 翻译理论与实务丛书 [原创版]. 北京:中国出版集团中国对外翻译出版公司. 394 pp. [KP.]
# Wang, Yuexi, & Wang, Enbao. (Eds.). [王约西, 王恩保 选注]. (1994).《古诗百首英译》. 北京:北京语言学院出版社. 515 pp. [KP.]
* Wang, Zuoliang [王佐良]. (1989).《翻译: 思考与试笔》. 北京:外语教学与研究出版社. 213 pp. [KP.]
* __. (1991). A sense of beginning: Studies in literature and translation (论新开端). 北京:外语教学与研究出版社. 163 pp. [KP.]
Naixing, Li Wenzhong, Pu Jianzhong, et al. [卫乃兴、李文中、濮建忠等 著]. (2005).《语料库应用研究》(国家社会科学基金项目). 上海:上海外语教育出版社. 226 pp. [KP.]
*#Wen, Qiufang [文秋芳]. (2004). Applied linguistics: Research methods and thesis writing 应用语言学研究方法与写作. Beijing 北京: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press 外语教学与研究出版社. iii+371 pp. [KP.]
*#Williams, Jenny, & Chesterman, Andrew. (2002). The map: A beginners guide to doing research in translation studies. Manchester, UK: St. Jerome Publishing. 148 pp. [Coursebook for Thesis Research Seminar (for graduate students on the Translation Studies degree track) (NU)] [KP.]
$!Wilss, Wolfram. (1982). The Science of translation: Problems and methods Tόbingen: Gunter Narr Verlag. [北图2/H 059 /W75; ]
$~__. (1996). Knowledge and skills in translator behavior. Amsterdam & Philadelphia: John Benjamins. viii+259 pp. [Good discussion of various aspects of translation, including translator training, MT, etc.] [北图2-97/H 059 /W75; ISBN: 1556196962; Amazon: $87.00]
% Xie, Tianzhen [谢天振]. (1999).《译介学》. 上海:上海外语教育出版社.
% Xu, Yuanzhong [许渊冲]. (1992).《中诗英译探胜: 从<诗经>到<西厢记>》北京:北京大学出版社.
*!Yang, Zijian, et al. (Eds.) [扬自俭 等]. (1994).《翻译新论》. 武汉:湖北教育出版社. 849 pp. [KP.]
~ Ye, Zinan [叶子南]. (2001).《高级英汉翻译理论与实践》. 北京:清华大学出版社. vii+383 pp.
# Yu, Yungen [喻云根]. (1996).《英美名著翻译比较》. 武汉:湖北教育出版社. iii+432 pp. [KP.]
*^Zou, Zhenhuan [邹振环]. (1996).《影响中国近代社会的一百种译作》. 北京:中国对外翻译出版公司. 442 pp. [KP.]
翻译研究文库 (外语教学与研究出版社. 2006. Please visit: http://www.fltrp.com/) [KP.].
国外翻译研究丛书 (上海外语教育出版社) [KP.]
解构主义与翻译(国外翻译研究丛书之十三) Kathleen Davis 著 8.00 2004/4
跨文化交际翻译理论与对比篇章语言学(丛书之二) Basil Hatim 著 14.50 2001/4
路线图翻译研究方法入门(丛书之二十八) Jenny Williams & Andrew Chesterman 9.80 2004/4
描述翻译学及其他(丛书之十) Gideon Toury 18.00 2001/9
目的性行为析功能翻译理论(丛书之三) Christiane Nord 著 10.00 2001/4
通天塔之后:语言与翻译面面观(丛书之十一) George Steiner 30.00 2001/9
文化翻译:笔译、口译及中介入门(丛书之十五) David Katan 著 15.50 2004/4
文化构建文学翻译论集(丛书之一) Susan Bassnet & Andre Lefevere 著 10.00 2001/4
系统中的翻译:描写和系统理论解说(丛书之十六)Theo Hermans 著 12.00 2004/4
译者的隐身:一部翻译史(丛书之二十六) Lawrence Venuti 著 22.00 2004/6
语篇与译者(丛书之八) Basil Hatim & Ian Mason 15.60 2001/9
语言与文化:翻译中的语境(丛书之九) Eugene A. Nida 16.80 2001/11
语用学与翻译(丛书之四) Leo Hickey 编 14.50 2001/4
当代翻译理论(第二版修订本)(丛书之十九) Edwin Gentzler 著 14.00 2004/4
翻译、改写以及对文学名声的制控(丛书之二十四) Andre Lefevere 11.00 2004/7
翻译、历史与文化论集(丛书之二十三) Andre Lefevere 编 12.00 2004/7
翻译教程(丛书之七) Peter Newmark 著 17.20 2001/4
翻译科学探讨(丛书之二十一) Eugene A. Nida 18.50 2004/7
翻译理论与实践(丛书之二十二)Eugene A. Nida & Charles R. Taber 13.50 2004/7
翻译批评:潜力与制约(丛书之二十五) Katharina Reiss 著 9.00 2004/4
翻译问题探讨(丛书之五) Peter Newmark 著 12.60 2001/4
翻译学词典(丛书之二十九) Mark Shuttle worth & Moira Cowie 著 14.20 2004/4
翻译学问题与方法(丛书之六) Wolfram Wilss 著 16.60 2001/4
翻译研究(第三版)(丛书之二十七) Susan Bassnett 著 14.00 2004/6
翻译研究:综合法(丛书之十二) Mary Snell-Hornby 11.00 2001/9
翻译与关联:认知与语境(丛书之十八) Ernst-August Gutt 著 15.80 2004/4
翻译与性别:女性主义时代的翻译(丛书之十七) Luise von Flotow 著 8.00 2004/4
后殖民语境中的翻译爱尔兰早期文学英译(丛书之十四) Maria Tymoczko 著 18.50 2004/6
More reference sources can be found on the Translation Studies page of this website.
(Page updated: August, 2012; September, 2014;
September, 2016; April, 2017; October, 2017)