Literary Pieces
Ke, Ping [柯平]. (1990s). 白杨树下 (Under Poplars) Ke, Ping [柯平]. (2007- ). 童年趣事 ——鸭鸭成长手记 (The Growth of a Kid): Year 0 Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6 Year 7 [New]
Ke, Ping [柯平]. (2001). 美国散记:流浪者与乞丐 (American Notes: Vagrants and Beggars) Ke, Ping [柯平]. (2002). 美国散记:旧金山印象 (American Notes: Impressions of San Francisco) Ke, Ping [柯平]. (2002). 美国散记:美国的人情味 (American Notes: American Human Touch)
Recent Additions
Ke, Ping [柯平]. (2018). 同学相逢40年后重聚小记 Ke, Ping [柯平]. (2017). 南京市汇文女中与人民中学建校130周年庆典小记 [New] Ke, Ping [柯平]. (2017). 南京大学外国语学院100周年院庆散记 [New] Yaya, & Ke, Ping [鸭鸭, 柯平]. (2017). 西天目山记游 [New] Ke, Ping [柯平]. (2017). “柯班出身同门聚首”活动小记 [New] [Video clip] Ke, Ping [柯平]. (2017). 初中师生新年欢聚小记 [New] Ke, Ping [柯平]. (2016). 高二生活纪实 ("Moments of My Life in Grade 2, Senior High School" [Based on the diary I kept in high school days]: picture; text) Ke, Ping [柯平]. (2016). 中学师生欢聚小记 Ke, Ping [柯平]. (2012). 南京大学 110 周年校庆散记
Yangzi [杨子]. (2002-2003). 英国散记 (UK Diary)
Winners of Nobel Prize in Literature.