Proposal for the Thesis Research  Project

(Translation Studies / Bilingual Lexicography)

Department of English, School of Foreign Studies, Nanjing University


研究生学位论文 (翻译研究/双语词典学方向) 开题报告表



This page is a template file for the proposal for conducting the thesis research project which second-year graduate students on the degree tracks of Translation Studies and of Bilingual Lexicography are to write and submit to the Department of English. It was created with MS Word, using Ke Ping’s MS Word default global template ( [for Word 2003] and Normal.dotm [for Word 2007]), so it includes all the font and paragraph styles in that template. You should save this page as a Word file [In your web browser, press Alt+F to pull down the menu “File”, press “a” to save the page as a webpage. Right click on the save webpage and press “e” to edit it with MS Word. In MS Word, press Alt+F to pull down the menu “File”, press “a” to bring up the “Save As” dialog box. Pull down the “File type” menu and choose “Word file”. Save it and you will get a MS Word file.] and use it as a handy template when composing your own thesis proposal. You are advised to work directly in the following table. For tips on how to install and use Ke Ping’s MS Word default global template, refer to information on the “Research Methodology & General Reference Sources” page on Ke Ping’s Site.)






1.    Specific topic of research



2.    Significance of the topic (the rationale for your proposed research)



3.    Existing research on this topic (literature review)



4.    Specific, real questions existing research does not answer (or does not answer adequately) but you attempt to answer. Also, state if these are definition, basic data, descriptive, or causes-and-effects questions and what you have done to avoid “reinventing the wheel” in your proposed study.



5.    Your tentative answer to the questions (your hypothesis): interpretive, descriptive, explanatory, or predicative? How will you operationalize your hypothesis so that it can be tested (e.g. by measuring its key concepts)? If your hypothesis is an interpretive one, does it have testable consequences?



6.    Methods by which you will obtain and analyze your evidence: What theoretical model will you use? Do you propose to conduct a conceptual research or an empirical research? Will your research be a basic (fundamental) one or an applied one? If you opt for empirical research, what specific kind(s) of empirical research (naturalistic, experimental, qualitative, quantitative?) will you do and what specific empirical research method(s) (case study, corpus study, survey, historical/archival study, etc.) will you use?



7.    Evidence you will use or expect to find. Are they textual or contextual? Why do you think your evidence supports your hypothesis?



8.    Preliminary findings (Give one example, e.g. variables you’ve identified and patterns or regularities you’ve found in your pilot study.)



9.    Major references



10.  The timetable for your research




Present Status




























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