[The Development of MS Office Word’s Default Global Template and its Use in the Teaching and Research of Language and Translation. 国际翻译家联合会 (FIT) 18届世界翻译大会 (20088月,中国上海) 论坛宣讲论文;中文版载《外语电化教学》(上海外国语大学) 2008年第5期,第63-70页,此处略有修改。]


微软Office Word默认全局模板的开发及其在语言和翻译专业教学与科研中的使用

南京大学  柯平

        摘要:本文作者在多年使用MS Office Word从事本专业教学与科研工作的经验基础上,研制了适合语言和翻译专业工作者使用的MS Office Word默认全局模板。文中结合此模板里的样式单、宏命令和自动图文集功能,对语言和翻译专业如何开发与利用Word默认全局模板合理高效地完成科研与教学工作中的常规性任务进行了探讨。此模板的下载地址为http://dhost.info/pingke/TOC/RMRS.html#Normal.dot http://www.eccentrix.com/members/keping/TOC/RMRS.html#Normal.dot.

        关键词:Word 默认全局模板Normal.dot;样式单;宏命令自动图文集;语言;翻译;教学;科研

        Abstract: With special reference to the MS Office Word’s default global template (Normal.dot) developed by the author, this paper reports an empirical study of the development of Word’s default global template and the use of the style sheets, macros, and Autotexts in this template to complete some conventional tasks in teaching and researching languages and translation. The template may be downloaded from the following webpages: http://dhost.info/pingke/TOC/RMRS.html#Normal.dot or http://www.eccentrix.com/members/keping/TOC/RMRS.html#Normal.dot.

        Keywords: MS Office Word’s default global template;  Normal.dot;  style sheet;  macros;  AutoText;  language;  translation;  teaching;  research


研究背景与目的... 2

什么是模板 (template)... 2

为何要开发和使用默认全局模板... 2

默认全局模板在教学与科研中的使用... 3

1  用样式单预设和统一论文与书稿中的各种格式... 3

2  用宏命令高效完成科研和教学工作中的常规性任务... 3

3  用自动图文集快速准确地输入术语... 6

如何开发与维护默认全局模板... 6

1  默认全局模板在计算机上什么地方?... 6

2  如何开发默认全局模板?... 6

3  开发示例... 6

4  如何维护默认全局模板... 12

结语... 13

参考文献... 13




        Microsoft Office Word可能是我们日常教学和科研工作中最常使用的一种计算机工具,而Word里的默认全局模板则是Word的精华。用好Word的关键之一,就在于使用者确立默认全局模板的概念并熟练掌握其使用方法。但从我们日常接触的许多Word文件来看,国内绝大部分的Word用户并没有使用、维护与开发默认全局模板的概念,致使文件处理中不合理的重复劳动屡见不鲜、因不使用模板造成文本格式前后不一致、因使用错误模板导致文件格式错乱、甚至Word文件损坏的情况比比皆是。为了提高工作效率,改进写作与翻译的质量,我们有必要在专业教学与科研中强调Word默认全局模板的作用,促使Word用户尽早创建、获取与正确使用默认全局模板。

        本文作者在多年使用MS Office Word从事本专业教学与科研工作的经验基础上,研制了自己的MS Office Word默认全局模板,本文拟结合此模板的功能对语言和翻译专业如何开发与利用Word默认全局模板高效完成科研与教学工作中的常规性任务进行初步探讨。


什么是模板 (template)

        《美国传统英语词典》对“模板 (template)”一词的解释是:


        Computer Science. A document or file having a preset format, used as a starting point for a particular application so that the format does not have to be recreated each time it is used. (Template. The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language)


        《计算机案头词典》给出的“模板 (template)”定义为:


        A pre-designed document or data file formatted for common purposes such as a fax, invoice or business letter. If the document contains an automated process, such as a word processing macro or spreadsheet formula, then the programming is already written and embedded in the appropriate places. It becomes a custom document after filling in the blanks with your data. See style sheet and document. (Template. Computer Desktop Encyclopedia)



        MS Office Word中有两种模板:


          文档模板(document template):所含设置仅适用于以该模板为基础的文档,如:“模板”对话框中的备忘录和传真模板


          全局模板(global template所含设置适用于所有文档,如:默认全局模板(default global template,即通用模板,或称“常规模板 [Normal.dot]



        任何 Microsoft Office Word 文档都是以模板为基础的。模板决定文档的基本结构和文档设置,例如,自动图文集、字体、快捷键指定方案、、选项单(Menu)、页面设置、特殊格式和样式(模板. MS Office Word 2003中文版 随机帮助文档)。Word中最主要的全局模板是默认全局模板(Normal.dot)。但是未经开发的默认全局模板几乎是一个空白文件。拿样式(style)来说,此模板仅简单地定义了正文和13级标题的段落格式,且定义得很任意,所以无法依靠它来有效地完成常规性写作任务












          样式单(Style sheet [a set of instructions that states what the typeface and colours of an electronic document should be (LDoCE)]




1  用样式单预设和统一论文与书稿中的各种格式


        以下链接所指向是南京大学外国语学院一名毕业研究生完成的的硕士论文。论文作者按照外国语学院英语系《硕士与博士学位论文撰写规定》(Instructions for the Preparation of MA Theses & PhD Dissertations)中对体例格式的要求,在导师的指导下,用统一的样式单控制体例格式,轻松无误地完成了整篇论文的排版工作:


        Yan Weiwei. (2004). An Evaluation of the Output Quality of Some Prevalent EC MT Programs (http://dhost.info/pingke/P_MA-2004-YWW-EvOfTheOutputQualityOfSomePrevalentECMTProgs.htm)




2  用宏命令高效完成科研和教学工作中的常规性任务

        宏命令是WordVisual Basic语言记录使用者所进行的一组连续操作时写下的子程序,它可以让Word使用者在无需写程序的情况下,创建让Word自动执行一组操作的指令。

        默认全局模板上保存有Word自带的以及用户自己开发的宏命令汇集。宏命令集是控制Word工作方式和视图效果的资源宝库,我们工作中需要Word做的许多事情和需要达到的许多效果都无法通过在下拉选项单(menu)中寻找可执行的命令来完成,而必须求助于宏命令。比如点击Word文档中的链接,在Word中打开此链接指向的文档时,新打开的文档顶部工具栏上会出现“Web工具箱”的工具条,此工具条不仅没有什么真正的用处,反而会在你点击“回退”箭头时弄乱原来文档窗口的位置和大小。可以说这个工具条是白白浪费了我们一块宝贵的工作空间(work space),但你却没法在任何一组选项单里找到取消它的命令。解决这个问题的方法是有的,那就是自己写一个或者寻找别的用户写的一个自动执行宏命令AutoExec),让Word每次启动时自动取消Web工具箱”的工具条。以下便是美国威斯康辛州麦迪逊市律师Charles Kenyon自己写的一个取消Web工具箱”工具条的宏命令 (Kenyon, 2006)


Sub AutoExec()


     Application.CommandBars("Web").Enabled = False

End Sub


打开Word的“工具”选项单,点击“宏”,再点击“编辑”,便可调用 Microsoft Visual Basic 编辑器(安装MS Office时一定要用“定制安装”方式,将此功能安装上)打开默认全局模板中的宏命令集。将上述宏命令拷入宏命令集中,退出Microsoft Visual Basic 编辑器和Word,再重新启动WordWeb工具箱”的工具条便再也不会出现了。









    7  Producing the national standards has been a long process. The first version of the law was released in 1997 and generated a USDA record number of over 275,000 comments. Final standards for the production, handling, and processing of organically grown agricultural products were officially announced by the USDA in December, 2000. The standards include requirements for every aspect of agricultural production, including crop rotations, composting animal welfare, and record-keeping. They prohibit the use of genetic engineering, sewage sludge [sludge produced at a Publicly Owned Treatment Works, the disposal of which is regulated under the Clean Water Act (Terms of Environment. In Babylon Pro)], irradiation, and most synthetic chemicals in organic production, including hormones or growth-promoting antibiotics in livestock production. Organically-produced seeds and transplants are required for crops, and organically-produced feed for livestock.


(The US Department of Agriculture. [2003]. Organic Agriculture [TV script])



(柯平 修订)




Astronomers Hope to Find E.T. in Next 25 Years

By Belinda Goldsmith


CANBERRA (Reuters) - Scientists searching the stars for aliens are convinced an E.T. is out there it’s just that they haven’t had the know-how to detect such a being.


But now technological advances have opened the way for scientists to check millions of previously unknown star systems, dramatically increasing the chances of finding intelligent life in outer space in the next 25 years, the world’s largest private extraterrestrial agency believes.


"We’re looking for needles in the haystack that is our galaxy, but there could be thousands of needles out there," Seth Shostak, the senior astronomer at California’s non-profit Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence ( news - web sites) (SETI) Institute, told Reuters in an interview on Tuesday.


"If that’s the case, with the number of new star systems we now hope to check, we should find one of those in the next 25 years."


But Shostak, visiting Australia to attend a conference on extraterrestrial research, said detecting alien life, like the big-eyed alien in the film E.T., was only the start.


"Even if we detect life out there, we’ll still know nothing about what form of life we have detected and I doubt they’ll be able or want to communicate with us," Shostak said.


Since it was founded in 1984, the SETI Institute has monitored radio signals, hoping to pick up a transmission from outer space. Its Project Phoenix conducts two annual three-week sessions on a radio telescope at Arecibo, Puerto Rico.


Project Phoenix, widely seen as the inspiration for the 1997 film "Contact" starring Jodie Foster, which depicted a search for life beyond earth, is the privately funded successor to an original NASA ( news - web sites) program that was canceled in 1993 amid much skepticism by the U.S. Congress.


But the search has been slow. About 500 of 1,000 targeted stars have been examined and no extraterrestrial transmissions have been detected.

(Astronomers Hope to Find E.T. in Next 25 Years. Reuters Science News. July 16, 2002.)




Astronomers Hope to Find E.T. in Next 25 Years. By Belinda Goldsmith CANBERRA (Reuters) - Scientists searching the stars for aliens are convinced an E.T. is out there it’s just that they haven’t had the know-how to detect such a being. But now technological advances have opened the way for scientists to check millions of previously unknown star systems, dramatically increasing the chances of finding intelligent life in outer space in the next 25 years, the world’s largest private extraterrestrial agency believes. “We’re looking for needles in the haystack that is our galaxy, but there could be thousands of needles out there,” Seth Shostak, the senior astronomer at California’s non-profit Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (news - web sites) (SETI) Institute, told Reuters in an interview on Tuesday. “If that’s the case, with the number of new star systems we now hope to check, we should find one of those in the next 25 years.” But Shostak, visiting Australia to attend a conference on extraterrestrial research, said detecting alien life, like the big-eyed alien in the film E.T., was only the start. “Even if we detect life out there, we’ll still know nothing about what form of life we have detected and I doubt they’ll be able or want to communicate with us,” Shostak said. Since it was founded in 1984, the SETI Institute has monitored radio signals, hoping to pick up a transmission from outer space. Its Project Phoenix conducts two annual three-week sessions on a radio telescope at Arecibo, Puerto Rico. Project Phoenix, widely seen as the inspiration for the 1997 film “Contact” starring Jodie Foster, which depicted a search for life beyond earth, is the privately funded successor to an original NASA (news - web sites) program that was canceled in 1993 amid much skepticism by the U.S. Congress. But the search has been slow. About 500 of 1,000 targeted stars have been examined and no extraterrestrial transmissions have been detected. (Astronomers Hope to Find E.T. in Next 25 Years. Reuters Science News. July 16, 2002.)


3  用自动图文集快速准确地输入术语

        自动图文集是MS Office Word 让用户存储需要重复使用的文字、图形及其他经常使用的对象的指令;它同时也指这些被存储下来的文字、图形及其他经常使用的对象(统称为“自动图文集条”)的集合。Word内置有一些自动图文集条,例如用于信函的称呼和结束语自动图文集. MS Office Word 2003中文版 随机帮助文档)。自动图文集指令可以让Word使用者快速而准确地输入常用或不常用的术语。例如,在选亮以下的“bilingual dictionaries”后按Ctrl+F3键,调出自动图文集对话框,在对话框中键入“bidis”,按“确定”键,把此词条添加到自动图文集(合)里,以后只需键入“bidis”,再按F3键,Word便会自动将“bidis”转写成“bilingual dictionaries”。余类推。



1  默认全局模板在计算机上什么地方?

        MS Office Word默认将默认全局模板储存在计算机上操作系统所在分区(一般为C:盘)上的下述文件夹里:


        C:\Documents and Settings\Current User\Application Data\Microsoft\Templates\




2  如何开发默认全局模板?

        可选择以下三种方式中的任何一种来获得自己的Microsoft Office Word默认全局模板:






3  开发示例







        此模板首先定义了常规中英文写作和学位论文写作中用段落、标题和文字的样式,且每一种样式都预设了快捷键。安装后使用,可以大幅度提高工作效率,保证文档中各种常用格式的前后统一。比如,要将某一段落设置为一号标题,只需将光标放在此段落中的任何位置,按下组合快捷键Ctrl + Shift + 1即可,而无需点击“格式”,分别选中“字体”、“段落”等,进行一系列冗繁枯燥的操作。


(1)   应用于段落的样式及其快捷键



Ctrl + Shift + 0 (9):

Heading 0 to Heading 9

Ctrl + Shift + N:   

正文 (Normal)  (Times New Roman/宋体, 11 pt/五号. Line space: 13.2 pt)

Ctrl + Shift + M:   

正文Blue (NormalBlue)  (Times New Roman/宋体, 11 pt/五号. Blue. Flush left. Line space: 13.2 pt)

Ctrl + Shift + C:

Chinese  (Times New Roman/宋体, 10.5 pt/五号. Line space: 14.4 pt)

Ctrl + Shift + I:

Indent  (Arial/楷体, 9 pt/小五. Indent 0.74 cm from left and right borders. Line space: 11.6 pt)

Ctrl + Shift + H:

Hanging Indent  (Arial/楷体, 9 pt/小五. Hanging indent 0.74 cm. Line space: 11.6 pt)

Ctrl + Shift + B:

Bib(liographic)Indent  (Times New Roman/宋体, 10 pt/五号. Hanging indent 0.74 cm. Paragraph space: 0.2 line before paragraph. Line space: 11.6 pt)

Ctrl + Shift + E:

Source  (Arial/楷体, 6 pt. Right flush. Indent 0.3 cm from left and right borders. Line space: single line)



Ctrl + Shift + 1:

Heading 1 (For level 1 headings)

Ctrl + Alt + Shift + 2:

Heading 2NJU  (= Heading 2 + Flush left. For level 2 headings)

Ctrl + Alt + Shift + 3:

Heading 3NJU  (= Heading 3 + Flush left. For level 3 headings)

Ctrl + Shift + 4:

Heading 4  (For level 4 headings)

Ctrl + Shift + L:

Thesis/Letter  (Times New Roman/宋体, 12 pt/小四. Line space: 1.5 line. For body texts)

Ctrl + Alt + Shift + ; :

ThesisNJUIndent (Times New Roman/宋体, 12 pt/小四. Indent 0.74 cm from left and right borders. Paragraph space: 0.2 line after paragraph. Line space: Single [12.6 pt]. For block quotations)

Ctrl + Alt + ` :

TableLabel  (Arial/黑体, bold, 9.5 pt. Flush left. Kept on the same page with the next paragraph.  Line space: 13.2 pt. For table or figure headings)

Ctrl + Shift + ` :

TableText  (Arial/楷体, 9.5 pt. Flush left. Line space:12 pt.  For table or figure texts)

Alt + Shift + ` :

TableHangingIndentText  (Arial/楷体, 9.5 pt. Flush left. Indent 0.1 字符 from left and right borders. Hanging indent  2.2 字符. Line space:12 pt. Tab stop: 1.65 字符. For aligned bullet points in a list)

Ctrl + Alt + ; :

ThesisBib(liographic)Indent  (Times New Roman/宋体, 12 pt. Hanging indent 0.74 cm. Paragraph space: 0.2 line before paragraph. Line space:12.6 pt. For items under “References” / “Works Cited”)

Ctrl + Shift + ; :

ThesisIndent  (Arial/楷体, 10 pt. Indent 0.74 cm from left and right borders. Flush left. Paragraph space: 0.15 line before and after paragraph. Line space: 12.6 pt)

Ctrl + Shift + ’ :

ThesisHangingIndent  (Arial/楷体, 10 pt. Indent 0.74 cm from left and right borders. Flush left. Hanging indent 0.74 cm. Line space: 12.6 pt)

Alt + Shift + ; :

Webpage  (Arial/黑体, 10.5 pt/五号. Line space: 12.6 pt; Paragraph space : 0.3 line before and after paragraph)




Single-space lines

(2)   应用于字体的样式及其快捷键




Set font to  Arial/楷体, 8 pt, hidden  {This is a toggle (on-off) switch; you can press it to toggle between the hidden and unhidden states of a selected stretch of text.}

Ctrl + 7:

Set font to  Times New Roman/宋体, 10 pt

Ctrl + 8:

Set font to  Times New Roman/宋体, 9 pt/小五, hidden

Ctrl + 9:

Set font to  Times New Roman/宋体, 9 pt/小五



Alt + 9:

Highlight text in bluish grey

Alt + 0:

Highlight text in yellow

Alt + Equal Sign:

Highlight text in red and set font to bold white

Alt + F11:

Highlight text in blue and set font to bold white

Alt + F12:

Highlight text in magenta and set font to bold white

Alt + Left Bracket

Highlight text in 50% grey and set font to bold white

Ctrl + Right Bracket

Dehighlight text and remove all other formats

Ctrl + K:

Turn text into 楷体, 五号, bold



Ctrl + 0:

Set font to orange (yellow)

Ctrl + Hyphen Sign:

Set font to magenta and wavy underlined

Ctrl + Equal Sign:

Set font to red and underlined


Set font to red and double underlined


Set font to red and strike it out


Set font to light blue and underlined

Ctrl + Left Bracket:

Set font to underlined 50% grey

Ctrl + Right Bracket:

Remove all font colors and other formats

(3)   用于处理语料库文本的宏命令及其快捷键



Alt + F1:

Delete hard carriage returns, redundant double spaces, and substitute curved quotation marks for straight ones in English webpages

Ctrl + `:

Delete all hard carriage returns (to merge multiple paragraphs) and redundant spaces, and substitute curved quotation marks for straight ones, etc. in English webpages

Ctrl + F1:

Delete redundant hard carriage returns and substitute tabs for spaces in Chinese webpages

Ctrl + 1:

Delete all hard carriage returns (to merge multiple paragraphs) and redundant spaces, and substitute tabs for spaces, etc. in Chinese webpages



Ctrl + 2:

Mark with “★★” paragraphs with an incorrect number (< or >11) of tabs when compiling entries for a corpus

Ctrl + 3:

Insert sources and the date at specified tab stop positions

Ctrl + 4:

Insert sources at the end of each paragraph in a table or tables


        此模板中还存有笔者精心筛选制作的“语言与翻译研究用术语和标签自动图文集”An Autotext List of Terms, Labels, & References Used in Language and Translation Studies,其中包括以下几方面的内容:

(1)   语言学、翻译研究、语言和翻译技术、以及研究方法领域内的一万多条英文术语,如:

bilingual dictionaries → bidis

critical sources (一次文献 / 原始文献) → crsos

closest natural equivalent → cne

Brunei (Capital: Bandar Seri Begawan; 文莱,首都:斯里巴加湾市) → brune / wenlai

context-free phrase structure grammar(语境独立型短语结构语法)→ cfpg

International Computer Archive of Modern and Medieval English (ICAME,国际现代英语及中古英语机储档案库)→ icae

Association internationale des interprètes de conférence (International Association of Conference Interpreters, AIIC) → aiic

Nanjing University → nu / nju

Amsterdam and Philadelphia: John Benjamins. → jb / jobe

(2)   为教师与审稿人员准备的语言学习与使用中常见错误的分类标注,如:

Diction: Register (degree of formality) too low (improperly informal or colloquial)→rtl] / tolo] / relo] / info] / infml]

Documentation: Please give source(s) to avoid plagiarism.→avpl] / giso] / plag] / sour] / docu]

Morphology: Wrong tense→tens] / wrten]

Reasoning: Fallacy of illicit major/minor premise (term undistributed in the premise of a syllogism being distributed in the conclusion)→imp] / prem] / dist]

Semantics: Referential Meaning (RM) misunderstood / mistranslated / inaccurately translated - →rm] / reme] / rmm] / rmmm]

Source text analysis: Please analyze the deep structure of the original.→adso] / dest]

Syntax: Wrong sentence structure→ss] / stru] / wss] / wrst]

Target text generating: Needs contextual amplification→nca] /ampl]

Terminology: Term wrongly translated as a non-term→twtn] / teno]

Textual structure: Wrong/skewed focus of information→wfi] / foin]

Typography: Please use “Thesis/Letter” Style [Shortcut key in Ke Ping’s MS Word default global template (http://dhost.info/pingke/Normal.zip): Ctrl + Alt + L] for normal paragraphs.→thle]

Usage: Unidiomatic expression/construction→uie] / uic] / unid] / unex]

Use of reference tools: Insufficient/careless use of monolingual dictionaries→iumd] / cumd] / dict] / mld] / modi]

Way of thinking: Please don’t think in Chinese and then translate what you thought into English. Try to think in English!→dtce] / then] / wath]

(3)   作批注式翻译(annotation translation)、编制语料库和辞书等时常用的批注标签、地域标签、语域标签和学科标签,如:

{上下文增益 (contextual amplification)}→sxwz[ / sxwy[ / coam[

上下文增益 (contextual amplification)→sxwz / sxwy

contextual amplification→coam

{视点转换 (shift of perspective)}→sdzh[ / udvh[ / shpe[

视点转换 (shift of perspective)→sdzh / udvh

shift of perspective→shpe







(4)   语言和翻译研究领域内常用参考文献与优质参考工具的APA著录格式样条,如:

Journal articlejourc[ / joar[ / jourc / joarc:

(Ke, Ping. [1996]. A Socio-semiotic approach to meaning in translation. Babel: International Journal of Translation, 42 [No 2 / 1996], 74-83.)jour[ / joar[ / babe[ / metr[

Ke, Ping. (1996). A Socio-semiotic approach to meaning in translation. Babel: International Journal of Translation, 42 [No 2 / 1996], 74-83.jourc / joarc[ / babec / metrc


Non-English edited bookneeb[ / edbo[ / neebc / edboc:

(Xu, Jun 许钧. [Ed.]. [1998]. Fanyi Sikao Lu.《翻译思考录》[Reflections on Translation]. 武汉:湖北教育出版社.)neeb[ / edbo[ / xuju[

Xu, Jun 许钧. (Ed.). (1998). Fanyi Sikao Lu.《翻译思考录》[Reflections on Translation]. 武汉:湖北教育出版社.neebc / edboc / xujuc


Book section (article, chapter, etc.) in an edited book in pressbose[ / ebip[ / bip[ / bosec / ebipc / bipc:

(Ke, Ping. [in press]. Machine translation. In Mona Baker & Gaby Saldanha [Eds.], The Routledge Encyclopedia of Translation Studies [Enlarged Edition]. London & New York: Routledge.)bose[ / ebip[ / bip[ / kpmt[

Ke, Ping. (in press). Machine translation. In Mona Baker & Gaby Saldanha (Eds.), The Routledge Encyclopedia of Translation Studies (Enlarged Edition). London & New York: Routledge.bosec / ebipc / bipc / kpmtc



(The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language)ahd[ / ah[

Pickett, Joe (Ed.). (2000). The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language. 4th edn. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company. [200,000 entries]. 2074 pp.ahdc / ahc

(中国社会科学院语言研究所词典编辑室编. [2002].《现代汉语词典》)xdhd[ / xh[ / xd[

中国社会科学院语言研究所词典编辑室 . (2002). 《现代汉语词典》(2002年普及增补本). 北京:商务印书馆. 1722 pp.xdhdc / xhc / xdc



(. Encyclopædia Britannica 2006 Ultimate Reference Suite DVD)ebud[ / enbr[ / eb[

. Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc. (2006). Encyclopædia Britannica 2006 Ultimate Reference Suite DVD. Chicago: Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc..ebudc / enbrc / ebc


Glossary and term bank:

(新华通讯社译名室编. [1993].《世界人名翻译大辞典》)sjrd[ / rmfd[ / sjrm[ / rmfy[ / rm[

新华通讯社译名室编. (1993).《世界人名翻译大辞典》. 北京:中国对外翻译出版公司. 3753 pp.sjrdc / rmfdc / sjrmc / rmfyc / rmc

(全国科学技术名词审定委员会审定.《英汉学名词》[19])kjmc[ / mcw[ / mc[ / 名词[ / 名词委[

全国科学技术名词审定委员会. (审定). (19).《英汉学名词》.kjmcc / mcwc / mcc / 名词c / 名词委

(Retrieved , from UNTERM database [United Nations Terminology Database: http://unesdoc.unesco.org/ulis/search_formexp.html])unte[

Retrieved , from UNTERM database [United Nations Terminology Database: http://unesdoc.unesco.org/ulis/search_formexp.html]untec










        (Windows 2000 Windows XP) C:\Documents and Settings\Current User [当前用户,一般就是你自己]\Application Data\Microsoft\Templates\







4  如何维护默认全局模板






          自己计算机上默认全局模板中的样式单定型后需在样式管理器style organizer中将其拷入以前创建的Word文件本身附带的模板使其在以前创建的文件中也生效。具体步骤如下:点击“格式”,打开“样式和格式”,将对话框底端的“显示”选择为“自定义”,即弹出“格式设置”对话框。点击“样式”,再点击新对话框中的“管理器”,将右栏的所有样式全部选中,点击“复制”即可。(例如,依此法将健康完好的默认全局模板中的样式拷入前述文件Normal-WronglyDefinedNormalPara.doc的样式模板,用定义正确的“正文”样式覆盖此文件中定义错误的“正文”样式后,正文闪烁的现象就没有了。



        信息技术的发展正在对21世纪里各行各业人们的工作方式、生存方式乃至思维方式产生深刻的影响。把信息技术的成果用于日常工作,不仅有助于我们提高工作效率,还将促使我们学习借鉴信息技术领域内工作者分析问题的思路和解决问题的科学方式,促使我们自己和我们的学生养成良好的工作和学习习惯,合理地、系统地、前后一致地,而不是非理性地、临时性地、凑合式地解决问题。本文所讨论的MS Office Word全局模板的开发与使用只是信息技术成果与我们专业工作密切相关的一个示例,笔者希望以此与同行和同学共勉,努力学习和应用信息技术的新成果,积极参与本专业信息产品的开发,以适应信息化社会向我们提出的挑战。



The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language (AHD). 4th Edition. 2000. Houghton Mifflin Company.

Ke, Ping. (2008). Microsoft Office Word 2003 Default Global Template (Normal.dot): How to install, Download, Macros in this template, and An Autotext List of Terms, Labels, and References Used in Language and Translation Studies in this template. Retrieved July 14, 2008, from http://dhost.info/pingke/TOC/RMRS.html#Normal.dot

Kenyon, Charles [Madison Wisconsin Criminal Defense Lawyer]. (2006). Template Basics in Microsoft Word. Retrieved January 14, 2007, from http://www.addbalance.com/usersguide/templates.htm#AutoExec.

Microsoft Corporation. (2003). MS Office Word 2003 (中文版) 随机帮助文档.

Template. (n.d.). Computer Desktop Encyclopedia. Retrieved January 13, 2007, from Answers.com Web site: http://www.answers.com/topic/template.



       微软Office Word默认全局模板的开发及其在语言和翻译专业教学与科研中的使用



       The Development of MS Office Word’s Default Global Template and its Use in the Teaching and Research of Language and Translation