Department of English,
School of Foreign Studies,
Course Supporting
graduate students of Translation Studies and Bilingual Lexicography)
Time: 8:00-9:50, Every other Tuesday, fall and spring semesters. Venue:
Thesis Research Seminar (TRS) is a two-semester required course for graduate students on the degree tracks of Translation Studies and Bilingual Lexicography. Its purpose is to expose students to the fundamentals of research and to structure and organize the research activities that will support and inform MA and Ph.D. thesis projects. Students will experience the standards of academic rigor required for academic research and learn to work on the platform of a seminar to develop significant research topics and ideas and to conduct meaningful and focused investigations. Innovative and interdisciplinary researches geared to the urgent needs of the professions of translation and lexicography and/or contributive to the advancement of linguistic and translational studies will be especially encouraged.
By the end of the first semester, students are to submit to course instructor(s) their finalized thesis proposal, using the template Thesis Proposal Form. Towards the end of the second semester, students are to submit to course instructor(s) the detailed outline or draft of their thesis, using the template Typical Thesis Structure.
Williams, Jenny, & Chesterman, Andrew.
(2002). The map. A beginner’s guide to doing research in translation
Wen, Qiufang 文秋芳. (2004). Applied linguistics: Research methods and thesis writing 应用语言学研究方法与写作. Beijing 北京: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press 外语教学与研究出版社. iii+371 pp. [Required reading]
Ma, Guanghui 马广惠 主编. (2003).《外国语言学及应用语言学统计方法》. 陕西杨凌:西北农林大学出版社. 154 pp. [Optional reading]
Bochenski, J. M. (1987).《当代思维方法》(童世骏, et al., Trans.). 上海:上海人民出版社. 145 pp.
Brown, James Dean. (2001). Understanding research in second language learning [《外语教学研究方法——教育统计学导读》]. 北京:外语教学与研究,人民教育,剑桥: 剑桥大学. xxxii+219 pp.
Chen, Yanbin, & Zhang, Mingxin 陈延斌、张明新主编.(2004).《高校文科科研训练与论文写作指导》. 北京:中央编译出版社. 382 pp.
Cryer, Pat. (2004). The Research Student's Guide to Success. Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Languages Education Press. xii+276 pp.
Liu, Runqing 刘润清. (1999).《外语教学中的科研方法》. 北京:外语教学与研究出版社. 235 pp.
Qiu, Renzong 邱仁宗. (1984).《科学方法和科学动力学——现代科学哲学概述》. 上海:知识出版社. 216 pp.
or biweekly class sessions will be held for discussions on research methodology
(topics covered including the features of scientific research, the makings of a
good researcher; the problem of logic; research topic selection; theoretical
models; kinds of research; questions, claims, and hypotheses; relations between
variables; the selection and analysis of data, etc.) and students’ proposed
research topics, research designs, and thesis development. Students are
requested to paste thesis proposals and reports on their ongoing thesis work
onto an online forum for preview by other students before presenting them in
class for discussion.
Course marks will be awarded for the following
(1) coordinating individual seminar sessions (10%)
(2) attending each seminar session, raising and responding to questions;participating in classroom/online discussions and in exploratory research projects of the class, etc. (10%)
(3) seeking and sharing quality research resources or tools (10%)
(4) research methodology presentations (30%)
(5) thesis proposal and general progress made in the thesis project (40%)
Week |
Presentation and Discussion on Research Methodology * |
Report and Discussion on Thesis Research |
Semester 1 |
Wks 1-2 |
☻ Course orientation ℞ W&C 1: Areas of Translation Studies 1 ☻ Basic modes of reality and basic approaches
to the understanding of reality ☻ Typical features of scientific
research 1 |
☺ Broad topic area exploration and tentative
proposal for the thesis project 1 |
Wks 3-4 |
℞ W&C 1: Areas of Translation Studies 2 ☻ Typical features of scientific
research 2 |
☺ Broad topic area exploration and tentative
proposal for the thesis project 2 |
Wks 5-6 |
℞ W&C 2: From the initial idea to the plan ☻ The makings of a good researcher 1 |
☺ Broad topic area exploration and tentative
proposal for the thesis project 3 |
Wks 7-8 |
℞ W&C 3: Theoretical models ☻ The makings of a good researcher 2 |
☺ Broad topic area exploration and tentative
proposal for the thesis project 4 |
Wks 9-10 |
℞ W&C 4: Kinds of research ☻ Selecting research topics 1 |
☺ Formal proposal for the thesis project 1 |
Wks 11-12 |
℞ W&C 5: Questions, claims & hypotheses ☻ Selecting research topics 2 |
☺ Formal proposal for the thesis project 2 |
Wks 13-14 |
℞ W&C 6: Relations between variables ☻ Kinds of sources used in research |
☺ Formal proposal for the thesis project 3 |
Wks 15-16 |
℞ W&C 7: Selecting and analyzing data ☻ Research types
☺ Formal proposal for the thesis project 4 |
Semester 2 |
Wks 1-2 |
ℝ Wen 1: What
is research? ℝ Wen 2: Fundamental
concepts ☻ Research techniques/strategies |
☺ Report on the progress in thesis
research 1 |
Wks 3-4 |
ℝ Wen 3: Developing research questions ℝ Wen 4: Reading
the literature ☻ Argument and evidence ☻ The problem of logic 1
☺ Report on the progress in thesis
research 2 |
Wks 5-6 |
ℝ Wen 5: Selecting research designs ℝ Wen 6: A
survey study ☻ The problem of logic 2
☺ Report on the progress in thesis
research 3 |
Wks 7-8 |
ℝ Wen 7: An
experimental study ☻ The problem of logic 3
☺ Report on the progress in thesis
research 4 |
Wks 9-10 |
ℝ Wen 8: A case study ☻ The typical structure of and the crediting of sources in a thesis 1
☺ Report on the progress in thesis
research 5 |
Wks 11-12 |
ℝ Wen 11: The analysis of qualitative data ☻ The typical structure of and the crediting
of sources in a thesis 2
☺ Report on the progress in thesis
research 6 |
Wks 13-14 |
℞ W&C 10: Assessing your research ℝ Wen 12: An
overview of thesis writing ☻ The typical structure of and the crediting of sources in a thesis 3
☺ Report on the progress in thesis writing-up 1 |
Wks 15-16 |
ℝ Wen 13: Writing
up a thesis/dissertation ☻ Assessing research results ☻ Course wind-up
☺ Report on the progress in thesis
writing-up 2 |
* Depending on time available, a few topics listed here may be not covered in class in the current academic year.
PS. Suggested
Deadlines for the Completion of the MA Thesis Project (To be met by MA students in the last
academic year of their course of study) :
20: Last report on progress in thesis writing-up submitted to the
1-5: Draft version of the thesis submitted to the advisor.
6-10: “Blind
review” version of the thesis signed by the advisor submitted
to the Department of English.
1-5: Revised version of the thesis submitted to the advisor.
25: Final version of the thesis submitted to the advisor for signature and
recommendation to the Department of English for oral examination.
(Page updated: June, 2007; August, 2010; June, 2012; September, 2014;
September, 2015; July, 2016; January, 2017; March, 2017; September, 2021)
课程时间:秋季与春季学期每双周二8:00-9:50 地点:南京大学仙林校区 教师:
Williams, Jenny, & Chesterman,
Andrew. (2002). The map. A beginner’s guide to doing research in
translation studies.
Wen, Qiufang 文秋芳. (2004). Applied linguistics: Research methods and thesis writing 应用语言学研究方法与写作. Beijing 北京: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press 外语教学与研究出版社. iii+371 pp. [必读]
Ma, Guanghui 马广惠 主编. (2003).《外国语言学及应用语言学统计方法》. 陕西杨凌:西北农林大学出版社. 154 pp. [选读]
Bochenski, J. M. (1987).《当代思维方法》(童世骏, et al., Trans.). 上海:上海人民出版社. 145 pp.
Brown, James Dean. (2001). Understanding research in second language learning [《外语教学研究方法——教育统计学导读》]. 北京:外语教学与研究,人民教育,剑桥: 剑桥大学. xxxii+219 pp.
Chen, Yanbin, & Zhang, Mingxin 陈延斌、张明新主编.(2004).《高校文科科研训练与论文写作指导》. 北京:中央编译出版社. 382 pp.
Cryer, Pat. (2004). The Research Student’s Guide to Success. Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Languages Education Press. xii+276 pp.
Liu, Runqing 刘润清. (1999).《外语教学中的科研方法》. 北京:外语教学与研究出版社. 235 pp.
Qiu, Renzong 邱仁宗. (1984).《科学方法和科学动力学——现代科学哲学概述》. 上海:知识出版社. 216 pp.
(1) 组织协调研讨 (10%)
(2) 出席每次研讨,并提问与回答问题;参与课堂/网上讨论;参与班级探索性研究项目等 (10%)
(3) 探索并分享优质研究资源或工具 (10%)
(4) 研究方法报告 (30%)
(5) 论文开题报告与论文研究项目总体进展情况 (40%)
课次 |
研究方法研讨 |
学位论文研究情况报告与研讨 |
第一学期 |
1-2周 |
☻ 课程介绍 Arial ℞ W&C 1: Areas of Translation Studies 1 ☻ 现实的基本模态与认识现实的基本途径 ☻ 科学研究的特征 1 |
☺ 研究课题广域探索与学位论文开题尝试 1 |
3-4周 |
℞ W&C 1: Areas of Translation Studies 2 ☻ 科学研究的特征 2 |
☺ 研究课题广域探索与学位论文开题尝试 2 |
5-6周 |
℞ W&C 2: From the initial idea to the plan ☻ 研究者的素质 1 |
☺ 研究课题广域探索与学位论文开题尝试 3 |
7-8周 |
℞ W&C 3: Theoretical models ☻ 研究者的素质 2 |
☺ 研究课题广域探索与学位论文开题尝试 4 |
9-10周 |
℞ W&C 4: Kinds of research ☻ 研究课题的选择 1 |
☺ 学位论文正式开题 1 |
11-12周 |
℞ W&C 5: Questions, claims & hypotheses ☻ 研究课题的选择 2 |
☺ 学位论文正式开题 2 |
13-14周 |
℞ W&C 6: Relations between variables ☻ 研究材料(资料、文献源)的类别 |
☺ 学位论文正式开题 3 |
15-16周 |
℞ W&C 7: Selecting and analyzing data ☻ 研究类型 |
☺ 学位论文正式开题 4 |
第二学期 |
1-2周 |
ℝ Wen 1: What
is research? ℝ Wen 2: Fundamental
concepts ☻ 研究手段
☺ 学位论文研究进展情况报告 1 |
3-4周 |
ℝ Wen 3: Developing research questions ℝ Wen 4: Reading
the literature ☻ 论点与论据 ☻ 逻辑问题 1
☺ 学位论文研究进展情况报告 2 |
5-6周 |
ℝ Wen 5: Selecting research designs ℝ Wen 6: A
survey study ☻ 逻辑问题 2
☺ 学位论文研究进展情况报告 3 |
7-8周 |
ℝ Wen 7: An
experimental study ☻ 逻辑问题 3
☺ 学位论文研究进展情况报告 4 |
9-10周 |
ℝ Wen 8: A case study ☻ 学位论文的典型结构与著录规范 1
☺ 学位论文研究进展情况报告 5 |
11-12周 |
ℝ Wen 11: The analysis of qualitative data ☻ 学位论文的典型结构与著录规范 2
☺ 学位论文研究进展情况报告 6 |
13-14周 |
℞ W&C 10: Assessing your research ℝ Wen 12: An
overview of thesis writing ☻ 学位论文的典型结构与著录规范 3 |
☺ 学位论文撰写(完成)进展情况报告 1 |
15-16周 |
ℝ Wen 13: Writing
up a thesis/dissertation ☻ 学位论文等科研成果的评估 ☻ 课程总结
☺ 学位论文撰写(完成)进展情况报告 2 |
* 视本学年时间充足与否,以上所列专题中的个别专题可能不作为课内讲授或研讨内容。
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9月1-5日: |
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10月6-10日: |
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11月1-5日: |
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