Translation Studies


            Translation, Interpretation, and Language Terms (2001).

            Translation Studies Links.

            Translation Studies Abstracts & Bibliography of Translation Studies Online  [Substantial abstracts and evaluative summaries of journal articles, online publications, authored monographs, collected volumes, doctoral theses and MA dissertations on topics of relevance to scholars of translation and interpreting studies, as well as scholars of intercultural communication more generally. Published by St. Jerome Publishing].

            St Jerome Publishing.

            Booklist of the Translation Studies Library (I). Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press (外研社).

            Journals of Linguistics, Communication, Translation Studies, Terminology, etc. John Benjamins.

            Translation Journal  [a Web publication for translators by translators about translators and translation]--...

            Literary Translation Links.  [From Encyclopedia of Literary Translation into English]

            Renditions: The Author Index.  [Index and database on Chinese Writers whose works have appeared in Renditions publications]..

            Renditions: The Translator Index.  [Index and database on the works of individual translators].

            Bible Translation Discussion List.


             Ke, Ping (柯平), & Li, Huadong [柯平, 李华东]. (2014). 翻译活动的本质与翻译人才的培养 ——柯平教授访谈录. 载 王祖有等著《外语名家访谈录》(北京:国防工业出版社,2014 年), 第201-214页. [New]


            Nanjing University (NJU): “Introduction to Translation Studies [ITS; postgraduate course]: Course Syllabus”.  (KP)

            NJU: “ITS”: Course Outline.  (KP)

            NJU: “ITS”: A Short Classified and Annotated Reading List for Translation Studies.  (KP) [Updated]

            NJU: Translation and Studies of Translation: A Minimum Reading List (for undergraduates).  (KP)

            Jeremy Munday. (2001). Introducing Translation Studies. Theories and applications. London: Routledge. xv+221 pp.

                  Table of Contents (TOC)

            NJU: 南京大学翻译硕士 (MTI) 专业学位课程首次招生 (2008).

            Ke, Ping. (2005-2015). Research Projects and End-of-Semester Assessment Items


            The University of Manchester (UM) Centre for Translation and Intercultural Studies. Abstracts of Recent PhD Theses.

            The University of Manchester (UM) Centre for Translation and Intercultural Studies. Abstracts of Recent MA. Dissertations  [Not updated].

            University of Leeds Centre for Translation Studies. Research & Consultancy.

            Problems in Translation.  [BYU course in Translation Studies]

            Charles University of Prague. MA in Translation and/or Interpreting.

            Monterey Institute of International Studies (MIIS): T & I Curriculum Sheets.


            The International Federation of Translators (Fédération International des Traducteurs [FIT])..

            中国翻译协 (The Translators Association of China [TAC]).

            The American Translators Association (ATA).

            The International Association for Translation and Intercultural Studies (http://www.iatis.org).

            UNESCO [United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization]. (1976). Nairobi Recommendation.

            FIT (IFT) [International Federation of Translators]. (1963; amended in 1994). The Translator’s Charter.


            The Chartered Institute of Linguists (IoL) of the United Kingdom: Diploma in Translation  (as effective from 2006 (pdf, 122Kb)..

            中华人民共和国国家人事 .


            中华人民共和国国家标准 GB/T 19363.1-2003: 翻译服务规范 (Specification for Translation Service).

            中华人民共和国国家标准 GB/T 19682-2005: 翻译服务译文质量要求 (Target Text Quality Requirements for Translation Services).

            Li, Ping [李平]. (2003). 论翻译质量、翻译市场与翻译服务规范  [Unpublished research paper kindly provided by the author].



            Martin Luther. (1483-1546). An open letter on translating.

            Zhang, Jinghao [张经浩]. (2005). 谈谈对奈达的所知和理解兼介绍奈达新著《语言迷》.  (Courtesy of the author)

            Steiner's After Babel: Review (Amazon.com).


            Ke, Ping. (1996). Meaning in translation. BABEL, 42 [No 2 / 1996], 74-83.

            Ke, Ping. (1999). Translatability vs. untranslatability: A sociosemiotic perspective. BABEL, 45 [No 4 / 1999], 289-300.

            Ke, Ping [柯平]. (2005). 释意学派的翻译理论.


            Ke, Ping. (1999). Cultural presuppositions and misreading. META, 44 [No 1 / 1999], 133-143.

            Wan, Zhaoyuan [万兆元]. (2005). 译事未竟路——修订《和合本圣经》的崎岖历程.  (Courtesy of the author)

            __. (2012). 翻译程序之为用大矣.《中国翻译》, 2012年第3期  (Courtesy of the author) [New]

            __. (2012). 网络时代的翻译能力与翻译技巧——以第23届“韩素音青年翻译奖”竞赛一等奖译文的生成为例.《上海翻译》, 2012年第2期.  (Courtesy of the author) [New]

            Zhu, Xiaomin [朱晓敏]. (2005). 由“feminism”中译引发的思考.  (Courtesy of the author)


           Ke, Ping, & Bao, Chuanyun [柯平, 鲍川运]. (2002-2004). 世界各地高校的口笔译专业与翻译研究机构.《中国翻译》2003年第4、5、6期

           Ke, Ping [柯平]. (1997). 论翻译理论在翻译教学中的地位和作用.  (1997年12月香港中文大学两岸三地翻译教学研讨会大会演讲论文;会议论文集第49-55页)

            Ke, Ping, & Li, Xiaosa [柯平, 李小撒]. (2012). 评注式翻译及其对翻译教学与研究的意义 [Translation with commentary and its pedagogical implications].《外语研究》, 2012年第4期, 第78-83页.


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