CETa6  西安

       西安为陕西省省会,西北地区的东大门,交通 {根据指称对象,此处“交通”在英语中的等值词应是transportationcommunication(s) [(U) (also communications [pl]) means of communicating, eg roads, railways, telephone and telegraph lines between places, or radio and TV (OALD) = 交通运输+通讯;强调“连通],而非traffic [(1) vehicles moving along a road or street (2) movement of ships or aircraft along a route: cross-channel ~ (3) number of people or amount of goods moved from one place to another by road, rail, sea or air = 运输(工具)+运输流量;强调“运送”。]}地位十分重要。西安火车站是西北地区最大的客运站,新建的车站大楼1.6万平方米,可同时容纳7000多名旅客候车。西安西站是全国特等货运站 {双语词典中给出的“货运站”对译词是freight terminalfreight station。查Webster 1913,找到freight terminal一语: Any station for the delivery or receipt of freight lying too far from the main line to be served by mere sidings.。但在所有单语词典和BNC中均未检索到freight station一语或用例,故译文对译术语首选freight terminal} 之一,它和西安东站都是重要的编组站。{集中进行贷物列车编组和解体作业的铁路车站。一般设在干线起讫、衔接、交叉处,港口附近,或有大量车流集散酌地点。按作业需要,设有各种车场及调车设备(如驼峰)、机车整备设备、车辆检修设备等 (《辞海》1999年版普及本, 228页)= marshaling yard: a place where railway wagons are brought together to form trains and goods are loaded (Based on LDoCE and WordNet)}


       西安古称长安,是世界四大古都之一,中国七大古都之一。{英汉语排列并列成分的语序不同。按英语习惯,译文应先说中国,再说世界。}自公元前1126年起,先后有周、秦、汉、隋、唐等13个王朝在此立都,历时1100余年。{这几个王朝之间有其他朝代(如三国)存在,时间上并不连续,所以原文“历时1100余年”中的“1100余年”应该是总计时间。} 从汉朝起,西安便成为中国与世界各国进行交流的重要城市,著名的丝绸之路就是从这里出发西行的。到了唐代,西安同中国东方、南方诸邻国以及中东、欧洲各国的交往更为密切。

       近年来西安市在保持古城风貌的基础上,进行了大规模的市政建设,它那棋盘格式的主干道宽阔整齐,沿街绿树成荫,古代建筑与现代建筑 {architecture: [U] the style & design of a building or buildings; the art & practice of planning & designing buildings. structure: a large building, bridge, etc. esp. that has many parts: a six-story concrete ~} 交相辉映。市政设施齐全,商业贸易繁荣,旅游业兴旺发达,人民的精神文化生活丰富多彩。


       Xi’an, now capital of shanxi Shaanxi Province, is the eastern gateway [a place, esp. a city, that you can go through in order to reach another much bigger place (LDoCE): St. Louis is the ~ to the west] to Northwest China, and is an important communication port {communications port是计算机术语,指计算机上的通讯端口。}thus holds a very important position in the country’s system of communications. {is thus one of the country’s hub of communications} {具体化处理} Xi’an Railway Station is the largest passenger terminal in the Northwest. Its newly completed terminal building has a floorage {或:floor space} of 16,000 m2 and may accommodate over 7,000 out-goingbound passengers. West Xi’an West Station, one of China’s a top-class first-class cargo freight terminals, and East Xi’an East Station are two key major marshaling yards in of the country.

       Highways spreading outwards in all directions link the city with {Cf. to link up: to connect with sth or to make a connection between things, esp so that they can work together: The train links up with the ferry at Dover. //  All these PCs are linked up to the network. (LDoCE)]} the other parts of the province and the country {注意英语表达中逻辑严密之处。}. Over forty non-stop {对“直通”的释义} scheduled flights connect the city Xi’an with other major cities {主要大中城市译成other major cities即可;如硬要译成other major big and middle-sized cities,逻辑上就会有问题,因为西安并不是middle-sized city} of the country China. {概略化处理}

       Xi’an, known in ancient times as Chang’an, was one of the seven major most famous capitals in ancient China and ranks among the four great ancient capitals of in the world. Beginning from Since 1126 B.C., 13 dynasties settled their capitals here in the following 1100 years successively. the city {为词汇接应计,这里最好不换主语,仍用Xi’an引领下一句。} has been the capital of thirteen dynasties, including Zhou, Qin, Han, Sui, and Tang, for a total period of time of 1,100 years. Since In the Han dynasty (3rd century 206 B.C.-220 3rd century A.D.), Xi’an has been became an significant important city in China’s exchanges with the other countries in the world. It was from Usage: Wrong preposition (use) at this city that the renowned ancient Silk Road started and extended westward. In the Tang dynasty (7-10 centuries), there was more contact between Xi’an and {或:Xi’an became more closely associated with} China’s neighbors in to the south and east as well as countries in {注意介词toin的准确意义和用法。} the Middle East and Europe.

       In the past few years, extensive urban/municipal  construction has been carried out <There has been a drive for large-scale municipal construction> here on the principle that the ancient look of the city be remain/reserve preserved. The chessboard thoroughfares Semantics: Pragmatic Meaning (PM) misunderstood, mistranslated, or inaccurately translated main streets and avenues, which are laid out in a uniformly crisscross pattern, {与中国象棋的棋盘格不同,国际象棋的棋盘格黑白相间,其外观形象与交叉的道路相差较远,整齐交叉的街道让人联想及此的可能性不大。如果一定要找一个英语中合适的形象来译原文的明喻,必须求助于语料库。用“交叉街道”的一个特征词crisscross检索BNC,可发现英语中“交叉街道”让人联想起的东西是“铺着地砖的地面”,如:Perdita, however, was excitedly looking down on vast faded pink rivers curling through spinach-green forest, and the blue shadow of their plane lying across Buenos Aires. Now she could see red houses, swimming-pools, race tracks, skyscrapers sticking up like teeth, and roads and railways so uniformly crisscross they seemed like tiles on a vast kitchen floor.} are lined with trees of exuberant foliage. Ancient and modern buildings set off each other’s beauty. With complete public facilities, the city boasts [if a place, object, or organization boasts a good feature, it has that feature: The hotel boasts the finest view in the city.] brisk trade and a flourishing travel service tourist industry. The residents of the city enjoy a rich and colorful spiritual cultural life.