Translate the following passage (“Coronavirus is the Cause of SARS”) into Chinese. It is a take-home assignment intended to test your overall translation capability. It is also part of a research project undertaken by a graduate student from the English Department, Nanjing University. This project investigates advanced English learners’ ability to give feedback on their peer’s translation as well as their ability to revise their own translation with reference to the feedback provided by their peers. Specifically, you are required to:
1. Download “Coronavirus is the Cause of SARS” from or, and translate it into Chinese before Sept. 10, 2007, which is the due date for this assignment. Hand in a hard copy of your translation to the course instructor on Sept. 10 with your name, email address, and phone number written on it, and send an electronic copy before Sept. 10 to both of the following two email addresses: and
2. Check your email after Sept. 11. You will find a translation by one of your classmates, and a sample feedback on E-C translation following the standardized feedback format. Read the sample feedback carefully before you give feedback on your classmate’s translation. You are required to follow the standardized feedback format while giving feedback on your classmate’s translation. Please hand in a printed copy of your classmate’s translation with your feedback on it to the instructor on Sept. 17, and send an electronic copy to the above email addresses before that day.
3. Open your mailbox after Sept. 18 to find your own translation and the feedback your classmate gave you. Revise your translation with reference to the feedback you received. Hand in the revised version of your translation to the course instructor on Sept. 24, and send an electronic copy to the above email addresses before Sept. 24.
The course instructor will return your revised translation to you after the National Day holiday and make comments on it.
Note: Please take this assignment seriously, for how you did it will influence your final score for this course.
Coronavirus is the Cause of SARSScientists said on Wednesday they had proved beyond doubt a new coronavirus was the source of SARS after completing the first tests on it that met all accepted scientific standards. “This is proof that the coronavirus is the primary cause of the disease,” said Professor Albert Osterhaus, head of a team of virologists at the Eramus Medical Center in Amsterdam that carried out the tests. “It will speed up diagnostics. It will speed up antiviral development and it will speed up vaccine development because now we know what we have to focus on,” he said in an interview. But the team said other infections may have exacerbated the respiratory disease in some SARS patients. Although a coronavirus had been identified as the cause of SARS, certain scientific guidelines laid down in the late 19th century by German microbiologist Robert Koch must be met to establish a pathogen as the cause of a disease. Known as Koch’s Postulates, they state that the agent should be found in all cases of the disease. It must be isolated from those infected and cultivated in the laboratory. The cultivated agent must reproduce the disease when introduced into the same species or a related one, be re-isolated from the new host and a specific immune response must be detected. Several scientific groups working on SARS around the world had met three postulates. Osterhaus and colleagues completed the final ones when they infected two macaque monkeys with the virus from a SARS patient and isolated it from the animals. “It is important in terms of combat strategies against the disease that you can unequivocally define what the primary cause is,” Osterhaus said. The macaques infected with the coronavirus developed the disease and had features of the illness that were identical to those of SARS patients who had died. “That shows definitively that the coronavirus alone can cause the disease,” Osterhaus said. Since the outbreak of SARS in southern China late last year nearly 600 people have died and more than 7,500 have been infected. More than half the deaths have occurred in China, the world’s worst affected country. “If we understand how the virus replicates in the body, in what organs and in what way we can start looking for specific ways to counteract that,” Osterhaus said. |
This is a sample feedback on an E-C
translation task. Please read it carefully. You are required to give feedback
on your classmate’s translation following a standardized format as used in this
sample feedback. According to this format, you turn what you think is
inappropriate in your classmate’s translation into red and strike it out. The
translation you provide should be in blue and underlined. You are also
encouraged to give comments, specifying what mistakes your classmate made. All
your comments should be put inside braces (that is, “{}”) and a font size of
Source text analysis |
Misunderstanding of the original; Inaccurate understanding of the original |
Target text generating |
Wrong rendition of the original meaning; Inaccurate rendition of the original meaning |
Typography |
Wrong character (错别字); Wrong punctuation |
Target language use |
Wrong word/phrase; Wrong collocation; Awkward; Wordy; Grammatical mistakes; Stylistic infelicities: improperly formal, improperly colloquial, improperly literary, etc. |
Logic |
Illogical |
Information load of the translation |
Over-translation; Under-translation |
Table 1: A checklist of errors to be avoided in E-C translation
Motor Company cut its all new minivan into pieces for
the Beijing Auto Show (June 22-30). On display at the Ford booth, the cutaway Ford Windstar
highlights key Ford designed automotive components and systems. Some of the high technology features
on display include: the electrical and fuel handling system, climate-control
systems, automotive glass, plastic and trim, and electronic and audio
systems. For example, one cross section of the display highlights the
Windstar’s fuel and handling system, where viewers will see the engine and
chassis placement and its relation to the electrical components that provide
power to the vehicle, and direct the flow of fuel for engine efficiency. Another cross section of the
vehicle demonstrates the climate-control system. Windstar’s unique system
provides passengers in the rear seats with their own set of climate control
buttons to regulate temperatures within their area. |
福特汽车公司在北京汽车展上展览了其新推出的 |
To save your time, you are kindly advised to download the MS Word default global template “” from or to replace the (usually blank and therefore useless) in your own computer. You may find the file in your own computer following this route:
(Windows XP) C:\Documents and Settings\Current User{当前用户,一般就是你自己}\Application Data\Microsoft\Templates\
If you have doubt about how to have your replaced, you are welcome to consult the course instructor.
the new, you can simply press F10 to turn a stretch of text into red
and strike it out. When you press F11, you can turn the selected text into blue
and underline it. To set font size to
Note: Before you print out your classmate’s translation with your feedback on it, make sure that you select the whole text and press Ctrl+H to unhide any text that may be hidden.
Translate the following passage (“艾滋病:病因、症状及其防治”) into English. It is a take-home assignment intended to test your overall translation capability. It is also part of a research project undertaken by a graduate student from the English Department, Nanjing University. This project investigates advanced English learners’ ability to give feedback on their peer’s translation as well as their ability to revise their own translation with reference to the feedback provided by their peers. Specifically, you are required to:
1. Download “艾滋病:病因、症状及其防治” from or, and translate it into English before Feb. 25, 2008, which is the due date for this assignment. Hand in a hard copy to the course instructor on Feb. 25 with your name, email address, and phone number written on it, and send an electronic copy before Feb. 25 to the following two email addresses: and
2. Check your email after Feb. 26. You will find a translation by one of your classmates, and a sample feedback on C-E translation following the standardized feedback format. Read the sample feedback very carefully before you give feedback on your classmate’s translation. You are required to follow the standardized feedback format while giving feedback on your classmate’s translation. Please hand in a printed copy of your classmate’s translation with your feedback on it to the instructor on Mar. 3, and send an electronic copy to the above email addresses before that day.
3. Open your mailbox after Mar. 4 to find your own translation and the feedback your classmate gave you. Revise your translation with reference to the feedback you received. Hand in the revised version of your translation on Mar. 10, and send an electronic copy to the above email addresses before Mar. 10.
The course instructor will return your revised translation to you on Mar. 17 and make comments on it.
Note: Please take this assignment seriously, for how you did it will influence your final score for this course.
艾滋病:病因、症状及其防治艾滋病全称为“获得性免疫缺陷综合症”,系由人体免疫缺陷病毒(HIV,又称艾滋病毒)引起。艾滋病是人体免疫缺陷病毒症的最后,也是最为严重的阶段,此阶段的病人己出现重度免疫缺陷症状。 自这种传染病出现以来,全世界已有约4,700 万人感染了艾滋病毒。 人体免疫缺陷病毒(HIV)引起艾滋病。该病毒攻击人的免疫系统,使人体易受各种致命疾病和癌症的侵袭。普通细菌、酵母菌、寄生虫和病毒对于免疫功能完全正常的人来说一般并无大妨,而对艾滋病患者来说则可能诱发致命的疾病。 该病毒主要通过以下途径传染: 性行为; 血液——通过输血或共用针头; 母子传染——孕妇可能会被动将病毒传染给自己的胎儿,喂奶的母亲也可能把病毒传给婴儿。其他感染方式偶见于事故性针刺损伤,捐献精液进行人工授精及捐献器官感染。 一般交往如拥抱和身体接触,触摸艾滋病人用过的碗碟、门的旋钮、坐便器、体育活动中的身体接触或被同一蚊虫叮咬不会感染艾滋病毒。献血或捐献器官者也不会感染艾滋病毒。然而,输入艾滋病毒感染者血液或植入其捐献器官的人则可能感染该病毒。因此,负责血库管理和器官捐献的部门要对捐献者及其血液和细胞组织进行周密审查。 艾滋病从艾滋病毒感染开始。感染了该病毒的人可在长达10年的时间里不出现任何症状,但仍可能将病毒传给他人。同时,他们的免疫系统功能也在逐渐减弱,直至被诊断出患有艾滋病。急性艾滋病毒感染逐渐发展为无症状期艾滋病毒感染,继而发展到早期有症状型艾滋病毒感染,最后发展为艾滋病(即深晚期的艾滋病毒感染)。 如果得不到治疗,大多数艾滋病毒感染者都将朝艾滋病的方向发展。不过,有极少数病人发展成艾滋病的过程十分缓慢甚至永远也不得艾滋病。这些病人被称为病情无进展者。 预防艾滋病需要人们有远虑并做到自律。这些要求往往看起来像是在束缚人的个性,但它们却行之有效,能救你的命。除此之外,人们还应密切注意以下几个方面: 1. 不要使用静脉内给药的药物。 2. 任何艾滋病毒检测为阳性者都可能将病毒传染给他人,因此这些人不能捐献血液、血浆和人体器官。 3. 艾滋病毒检测呈阳性的妇女孕前应被告知胎儿受感染的风险以及相应的最新医疗防护措施。 4. 艾滋病毒检测呈阳性的妇女不应进行母乳喂养。 5. 安全性行为。 艾滋病症状的出现主要是感染的结果,而这些感染通常不会在那些免疫系统功能健全的人体内蔓延发展。这样的感染术语上称做“机遇感染”。 艾滋病患者的免疫系统已被艾滋病毒破坏,因此患者容易受到这种“机遇感染”的侵袭。一般症状为发热、盗汗、畏寒、体虚乏力和日渐消瘦。 |
This is a sample feedback on a C-E
translation task. Please read it carefully. You are required to give feedback
on your classmate’s translation following a standardized format as used in this
sample feedback. According to this format, you turn what you think is
inappropriate in your classmate’s translation into red and strike it out. The
translation you provide should be in blue and underlined. You are also
encouraged to give comments, specifying what mistakes your classmate made. All
your comments should be put inside braces (that is, “{}”) and a font size of
Source text analysis |
Misunderstanding of the original; Inaccurate understanding of the original |
Target text generating |
Wrong rendition of the original meaning; Inaccurate rendition of the original meaning |
Typography |
Wrong spelling; Wrong capitalization; Wrong punctuation |
Target language use |
Wrong word/phrase; Wrong collocation; Awkward; Wordy; Grammatical mistakes: wrong part of speech, tense, voice, mood, number, article; run-on-sentence*, etc. Stylistic infelicities: improperly formal, improperly colloquial, improperly literary, etc. |
Logic |
Illogical |
Information load of the translation |
Over-translation; Under-translation |
Table 2: A checklist of errors to be avoided in C-E translation
* One typical Run-on-sentence is like this: “Some of the food crops failed, however, the cotton did quite well”.
前后加起来,我在北京已经住了四十多年,算是一个老北京了。北京的名胜古迹,北京的妙处,我应该说是了解的;其他老北京当然也了解。但是有一点,我相信绝大多数的老北京并不了解,这就是黎明时分以前的北京。 多少年来,我养成了一个习惯:每天早晨四点在黎明以前起床工作。我不出去跑步或散步,而是一下床就干活儿。因此我对黎明前的北京的了解是在屋子里感觉到的。我从前在什么报上读过一篇文章,讲黎明时分天安门广场上的清洁工人。那情景必然是非常动人的,可惜我从未能见到,只是心向往之而已。 |
I’ve been in For
many years, I have |
To save your time, you are kindly advised to download the MS Word default global template “” from or to replace the (usually blank and therefore useless) in your own computer. You may find the file in your own computer following this route:
(Windows XP) C:\Documents and Settings\Current User{当前用户,一般就是你自己}\Application Data\Microsoft\Templates\
If you have doubt about how to have your replaced, you are welcome to consult the course instructor.
the new, you can simply press F10 to turn a stretch of text into red
and strike it out. When you press F11, you can turn the selected text into blue
and underline it. To set font size to
Note: Before you print out your classmate’s translation with your feedback on it, make sure that you select the whole text and press Ctrl+H to unhide any text that may be hidden.