Ovett Wins 800 Metres

LONDON, September 1 (AP) — Olympic champion Steve Ovett pulled away in the home straight to give England victory in the 800 metres in the Amoco International Games Track Meet at Crystal Palace.

       Ovett’s win helped England to a clear-cut victory over Poland and Switzerland. England scored 100 points to Poland’s 76 and Switzerland’s 48. Yugoslavia, a late replacement for Cuba, did not sent a full team to the meet.

       Ovett, who had won an 800 metres for England in Norway 48 hours earlier, produced his fastest two-lap time of the year — 1 minute 46.40 seconds.

       Chris McGeorge, of England, was second in 1:47.33 with Dieter Elmer, of Switzerland, third in 1:48.43.

       Olympic bronze medalist Gary Oakes finished five metres clear in the 400 metre hurdles. He won in 50.58 seconds from Switzerland’s Franz Meier, who clocked 59.95.

       Mark Holton won the 110 metres hurdles in 13.90 with Roland Geigel of Poland second in 13.95 and Roberto Schneider of Switzerland third in 14.24.

       The entry in the international was of a fairly low standard, but there were a number of fine performances in the invitation events.