Ovett Wins 800 Metres[1]

       LONDON September 1, (AP) — Olympic champion Steve Ovett pulled away [to move ahead of a competitor by going faster or being more successful: Nkoku is pulling away from the other runners (LDoCE4)] in the home straight [last stage of undertaking: the last part of a trip, task, or operation. U.S. term home stretch (EDT)] to give England victory in the 800 metres in the Amoco International Games Track Meet {track meet的意思是:AmE a sports event consisting of competitions in running, jumping etc (LDoCE),不要以为只是径赛。} at Crystal Palace.

       Ovett’s win helped England to a clear-cut [definite; certain] victory over Poland and Switzerland. England scored 100 points to Poland’s 76 and Switzerland’s 48. Yugoslavia, a late replacement for Cuba, did not send a full team to the meet [= sports meet].

       Ovett, who had won an 800 metres for England in Norway 48 hours earlier, produced his fastest two-lap [2 a single journey around a race track: Rubens Barrichello finished a lap ahead of his team-mate. lap of honour BE / victory lap AE (=a lap to celebrate winning): The entire team took a victory lap in front of their cheering fans. 3 AE a single journey from one end of a swimming pool to another: do/run/swim a lap: Every morning she swims 50 laps in the pool.] time of the year — 1 minute 46.40 seconds.

       Chris McGeorge, of England, was second in 1:47.33 with Dieter Elmer, of Switzerland, third in 1:48.43.

       Olympic bronze medalist Gary Oakes finished five metres clear [(pred 作表语) clear (of sb/sth) not touching sth; away from sth 不触及某事物; 与某事物有距离: The plane climbed until it was clear of the clouds. 飞机爬升穿出了云层。(OED) // Wait to cross until the street is clear of cars. // The curtains should be a couple of inches clear of the floor. (LDoCE4)] in the 400 metre hurdles. He won in 50.58 seconds from Switzerland’s Franz Meier, who clocked [to cover a distance in a particular time, or to reach a particular speed in a race: Karen won in the 300 metres, clocking 42.9 seconds. // the first steam engine to clock 100 miles an hour (LDoCE4)] 59.95. {疑原文有误,请教南京大学体育系谢坚老师,答曰:原文最可能是51.95}

       Mark Holton won the 110 metres hurdles in 13.90 with Roland Geigel of Poland second in 13.95 and Roberto Schneider of Switzerland third in 14.24.

       The entry [Journalists sometimes use entry to refer to the total number of people taking part in an event or competition. For example, if a competition has an entry of twenty people, twenty people take part in it. Prize-money of nearly *90,000 has attracted a record entry of 14 horses from Britain and Ireland... // Our competition has attracted a huge entry. (CB4)] in the international [an international sports game. (LDoCE4)] was of a fairly low standard, but there were a number of fine performances in the invitation events.



       联合通讯社91消息 美联社伦敦91――在水晶宫举行的 爱梅克国际田径比赛 阿莫科 [译者应查清但不一定要译出的信息:Amoco Oil Corporation was founded in 1889 by John Rockefeller and first incorporated as Standard Oil of Indiana, formed from the breakup of gasoline giant Standard Oil. (Wp)] 国际运动会径赛中,本土作战的 奥运会冠军史蒂夫·奥维特 在家乡顺利跑完了八百米最后一程 / 脱颖而出 / 最后冲刺 / (第一个)冲过/冲进800终点直道 在通往终点的最后一段直线跑道上一鼓作气冲到前面 <一马当先>,在主场一举夺得800冠军,为英国添金一枚 为英格兰队夺得了八百米赛的胜利。

       由于奥维特获胜,使英国明显胜出/力压波兰、瑞士,取得绝对优势à成为绝对的赢家 英格兰队以 较大 明显的优势战胜了波兰队和瑞士队。英格兰队得一百分,波兰队七十六分,瑞士队四十八分。最近压倒并代替了古巴的{Based on inference; inaccurate} / 古巴的新取代者 / 南斯拉夫代表团后来居上,取代古巴,排名第四 临时替代古巴的南斯拉夫没有派出完整的正式代表队参加这次比赛。

       四十八小时前,奥维特在挪威为英格兰得了八百米比赛的第一名。今天,他又 创造了本年度两圈跑/800计时赛的新纪录 跑出了他今年的八百米 {*two-lap指两圈,即八百米。} 最佳成绩 {汉语搭配错: /拿出了……最快时间} ―― 1:46:40一分四十六秒四

       英格兰队的克里斯·迈克乔治 麦乔治以一分四十七秒三三的成绩 险胜/屈居第二{语用意义译错: Expressive meaning not found in the original added.} 获第二名,瑞士队的迪·埃尔默以一分四十八秒四三的成绩获第三名。

       栏距5米的 四百米跨栏赛中,奥运会铜牌获得者加里·奥克斯 跑完栏间距为5400障碍赛跑,获得冠军 领先五米到达终点{或:以领先(于第二名)五米的记录到达终点}。他以五十秒五八的成绩 领先于最后一名的59.95 / 整整领先了其他选手5 {体育比赛中常会把第一名与第二名的成绩放在一起比较,但一般不会把第一名与最后一名的成绩进行比较,因为第一名与最后一名的成绩相差较多,比起来没什么意义。冠军以外的赛手一般不可能同时到达终点,所以逻辑上也不能把冠军与(所有)“其他选手” 的成绩进行比较。} 战胜了瑞士队的弗朗兹·迈尔梅埃 {In《世界人名翻译大辞典》compiled by新华通讯社译名室, “Meier” has three different readings in different languages/countries (“迈尔” in , , , , , ; “梅耶尔” in 西, , , ; and “迈耶” in , ). Since German is one of the three official languages of Switzerland (spoken by 64% of the population [the other two being French (19%) and Italian (8%)]), we should transliterate this name as it is pronounced in German, Italian, Hungarian, Romanian, Czech, and Polish (“迈尔”), rather than as in Spanish, Portugese, Danish, and Norwegian (“梅耶尔”), or as in English and Finish (“迈耶”).}迈尔梅埃的成绩是 59.59 五十九秒九五。

       马克·霍尔顿以十三秒九的成绩获得了100 一百一十米 障碍赛 跨栏赛的第一名。波兰队的 诺兰得耶盖尔 罗兰德·盖格尔盖伊盖尔以十三秒九五的成绩获第二名,瑞士队的 罗伯特斯切内得 罗贝托·施奈德以十四秒二四的成绩获第三名。

       进入国际比赛的门槛/参赛要求相当低,但在这样的邀请赛中频频上演出色的表演。参加这次国际运动会比赛的选手阵容水准较低标准定得相当低,但是,运动会的赛项目出现了一些不俗的表现好成绩 <发生了不少精彩的赛事>

(Revised by Ke Ping)


{The fault tolerance rate of Jiangsu Sunyu Translation Co.}


[1]  条新闻的叙述方法是报道田径赛消息的标准方法:突出一项最佳成绩作导语,然后分别叙述其他项目的结果。