ECTa6 Economic Outlook on China {此段和上段在逻辑上的衔接关系:上段说有情况表明投资需求今后几年将进一步增加,此段则分析满足这种需求所需的资金会从哪里来。} One question is whether China will be
able to generate sufficient savings to meet its massive investment demand. We
expect [to think that something will
happen because it seems likely or has been planned: I expect to be back within a week. // There's the doorbell - I expect
it'll be my mother. (LDoCE)] that this will be the case. So far, China has financed [To provide or raise the funds or capital for (AHD)] its investment mainly by domestic savings, with foreign capital
inflows serving as a residual [The quantity
left over at the end of a process; a remainder (AHD)] to fill the investment gap. <而 Another long-term challenge for China is the narrowing of economic disparities [a difference between two or more things, especially an unfair one: We are still seeing a disparity in/between the rates of pay for men and women. -LDoCE] between the coastal regions and the central and western provinces. Despite {≠although} Beijings regional development strategy, aimed at reducing growing economic inequality across the country, key coordination issues that need to be addressed [to start trying to solve (LDoCE)] include interregional cooperation, redistribution of resources from richer to poorer provinces, and closer links with external countries to encourage the inflow of foreign capital and technology. 两个IM (textuall M)难点都译对的:邓萌 |
问题之一是,中国是否有能力筹集<拿出/吸引>足够多的储蓄来满足大规模投资的需求。我们期望可以做到这一点。/ 我们希望事实如此 / 我们预期这将是问题的关键所在 / 希望这个问题能够解决/得到正视。Translationese vague in meaning: 我们预计情况将是这样 我们认为这是办得到的。到目前为止,中国的投资主要来自国内储蓄{译成主要通过国内储蓄来为投资提供资金也可以,但不如现译简洁。},外国资本流入的作用只是对 剩余投资空缺 投资缺额的一种补充 弥补资金不足。由于政府对经济管理的放宽和国企改制才刚刚起步,在未来的几年内,中央还需继续承受补助国企,粮食价格以及各种公用事业的负担。(让步译成了因果。)当/随着{IM (textual M / intersentential logical relations) wrong} 虽然经济的 自由化<放开> 松绑 {此处用撤消管制的另一种说法松绑来译deregulation,可使译文避免用词单调。} 以及国有企业体制的改革 {restructuring就是改制或体制改革。}正在展开,中央政府在未来几年里还将继续首当其冲地承受补贴国有公司、粮食价格以及 广大公共设施 各种公用事业的压力 担负 重任/挑大梁{PM wrong}承担 冲击{Collo.}。因此家庭储蓄将对 刺激 推动{paraphrasing} 投资起着重要作用。统计数据表明,一个普通中国家庭的可自由使用收入有35-45%之多。一个典型的中国家庭通常把 税后收入 可支配 {即可任意使用的那部分} 收入中的35-45%储蓄起来。 中国面临的另一大长期任务{译成长期挑战也可以。}是缩小沿海地区与中西部省份之间的经济差距。尽管北京制定了 西部大开发政策 地区发展战略以减轻日趋严重的全国经济不平等现象,还是有一些关键性的协调问题需要着手解决,这些问题包括地区之间的合作,资源从较富裕省份转向较贫穷省份的重新分配 {有同学丢掉原文具体内容,大而化之地译为资源在 之间的重新分配或优化资源配置。},以及密切同外国的合作以 {此处的以不能丢,因为原文的to表示目的} 鼓励外国资本和 先进 技术的流入。 (Mei Deming. [Ed.]. 1999. 梅德明 编著.《英汉口译实践》.北京:人民教育. 170 pp. 柯平修改 |