Dictionary Links
Dictionaries, etc.
of Web-Dictionaries
Dictionaries, etc.
If you know of a home page for a dictionary or dictionary project that is not
yet included on this list, please let us know about it:
2001 Fund-Drive is on!
Page Index:
Meta Sources
- Cypresoft -
International Translation Software and Translation Tools Online
Dictionaries, Apple Glossaries, Microsoft Glossaries, ...
- Dictionaries List
of the most interesting dictionaries on Internet
- Dictionaries ETS
Publishing House - Dictionaries
- Dictionaries and
- Diccionario
Literario Términos de literatura y métrica de poesía espaŸola
- Dictionary
- The Etymology of
First Names The meaning and history behind first names.
- Fast Dictionary
Search Utility Multiple search in dictionaries throughout the Net.
All-in-one dictionary search utility
- Gwybodiadur
information on resources for Welsh learners, including the only accurate,
up-to-date and comprehensive listing of Welsh dictionaries anywhere on the
Web, with reviews and links
- KID The Kids'
Internet Dictionary International dictionary project collecting the
slang of children.
- Langenberg
Direct links to many dictionaries. Save time and get there faster.
- Law.com Online Legal
DictionaryA free online legal dictionary which has nearly three
thousand legal terms defined.
- Lex Files Links to special
words sites
- Lexical Freenet
2.0Lexical Freenet 2.0 is a connected thesaurus and word
discovery/navigation tool. It serves as a combination thesaurus, rhyming
dictionary, pun generator, and general purpose concept navigator.
- A List
of Dictionaries by Martin Ramsch
- List
of Dictionaries
- MorphoLogic Morphologic -
the CEE specialist of language technology. Proofing tools - spell checkers,
hyphenators, thesauri for many languages. Intelligent bi-lingual dictionaries,
multi-dictionary systems with translation support features.
- Mutech Glossary
defines many of the special terms used in the mudoc.com website, or in The Mu
Primer, The Mudoc Technology, or The Metafarm plan. Most apply to linguistics,
to reading psychology, to electronic publishing, or to the mudoc technology.
- On-line Medical
DictionaryOMD is a searchable dictionary of terms relating to biology,
chemistry, medicine , science and technology.
- Origin of
PhrasesInvestigates the origin of common phrases
- Pedro's
Dictionaries (Pedro M. Coutinho)
- Rhinoceros/West
Press "The Modern Architectural Dictionary & Quick Reference Guide
- for Architects, Interior Designers, and the Construction Trades"
- Rhyming Dictionary by
WriteExpress Online End Rhymes, Last Syllable Rhymes, Double Rhymes,
Beginning Rhymes, and First Syllable Rhymes
- Terminology
Database of Innsbruck University collection of small LSP-centered
glossaries elaborated as diploma theses at the translation department of the
university of Innsbruck, Austria
- A Web of
On-line Dictionaries A comprehensive index of on-line dictionaries,
thesauri, and other word tools with more than 400 dictionaries of over 130
languages. It is maintained by Robert Beard of Bucknell University.
- Web
Thesaurus Compendium Collection of online thesauri and classifications
in all fields
- Wojcik's
Dictionary Links
- A.Word.A.Day The magic
and music of words -- that's what A.Word.A.Day is all about.
- Wordtree reverse dictionary
How to go from any part of an idea to the precise word for that idea.
- 1000 dictionaries
Major reference site with links to over 1,700 dictionaries, encyclopedias,
glossaries and thesauri. One of the best medical dictionaries links collection
of over 300 links. A major business/finance collection of over 200 links.
Dictionaries and Translation
- Bluterm: The
Bolzano terminology data bank, Italian-German, legal and administrative
languageThe terminology data bank contains Italian-German terminology
of the legal and administrative language.
- Chinese, Japanese
and Korean (CJK) Dictionary Data Chinese, Japanese and Korean
Dictionaries published by the CJK Dictionary Publishing Society, especially
electronic dictionaries for computer systems. Also development of a CJK
(Chinese, Japanese and Korean) comprehensive database (DESK) and front-end
processors (FEP and IME) for those languages
- Cleverlearn.com
Clicktionary - A free interactive dictionary/instant translator.
English-Germa\ n, German-English, French, Spanish
- Context Online
Multilingual Dictionary
- The
Dutch-French-English Contrastive Verb Valency Dictionary Designed and
compiled by the Contrastive Grammar Research Group (Ghent, Belgium)
- Elhuyar Hiztegia:
Euskara-Gaztelania / Castellano-Vasco Dictionary for translating
Spanish into Basque and vie-versa. Also includes special fields of
translation, particularly scientific areas.
- Ergane a freeware
multilingual dictionary programme (Win 3.1) using Esperanto as auxiliary
language. Vocabularies for more than 40 languages available.
- EURODICAUTOM Eurodicautom
is a multilingual terminology databank created by the services of the European
Commission to assist translators, interpreters and other staff of the European
institutions to handle the ever-expanding vocabulary of science, technology
and administration in the official and working languages of the Union -at
present Danish, Dutch, English, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Italian,
Portuguese, Spanish and Swedish. Eurodicautom contains over 1 100 000 entries
(i.e. about five million terms) with definitions and context as well as a file
of 300 000 abbreviations and acronyms.
Professional a source of professional dictionaries for European
- Free
Searchpage for Translations 150 Search & Translate Engines on only
1 Page to translate Words,Text,Pages, in whatever you want language for
- Freeware Italian bilingual
dictionaries The Dictionary Team is a group of volunteers whose
objectives is to deploy a multi-language culture across the Internet. This is
a list of currently supported modern languages: Afrikaans, Albanese, Bretone,
Bulgaro, Catalano, Corso, Danese, Esperanto, Finlandese, Francese, Gallese,
Giapponese, Greco, Indonesiano, Inglese, Islandese, Malese, Norvegese,
Olandese, Portoghese, Rumeno, Russo, Slovacco, Spagnolo, Svedese, Swahili,
Tedesco, Turco, Ungherese, Wolof; and ancient languages: Latino, Osco, and
- Glenn's Guide to Translation
Agencies links page Many links to language and translation-related
dictionaries and other resources.
- Grant and Cutler an
on-line catalogue of more than 2500 dictionaries specialising in multilingual
and bilingual dictionaries.
- Heisoft Language
- Indonesian
Multilingual Machine Translation System covers Chinese, Indonesian,
Japanese, Malay, and Thai.
- Language Force developers of
the Universal Translator. With the touch of a button you can Automatically
translate Documents, Web Pages & E-mail in 25 Languages
- LOGOS an interactive
multilingual dictionary which covers a variety of languages from Europe, the
Middle East, as well as American English. (updated daily)
- Marjorie Chan:
Word Lists and Online Glossaries/Dictionaries (Chinese) Links to
web-accessible resources for Chinese, with online resources on Japanese
included for comparative purposes. Updated from time to time.
- Martindale's
Language and Translation Dictionary Center an exhaustive listing of
dictionary resources
- Multilingual
glossary of anatomy of speech and hearing mechanism Including Latin,
Finnish, Swedish, English and German. Other languages later.
- Naratmalssam
Dictionnaire français coréen (dans les deux sens)
- Project for the
Documentation of the Languages of Meso-america online dictionaries of
oluta mijean (mixean), san miguel chimalapa soke (zoque)
- ProZ.com Not really a
dictionary; a very structured forum--with a point system--creates a "human
dictionary." Over 8000 professional translators are now participating.
French-Sanskrit Dictionary with Grammar in Winword7 Format.
- Sebastian's
Technical Glossary Building pathology & construction technology,
architecture, civil, structural, forensic, mechanical, pavement and materials
engineering.(mostly) American English/French/Romanian
- Termwright Multilingual
termbase and dictionary/topic/directory metasearch for linguists
- TIS (Terminological Information
System) Terminological Database of the Council of the European Union
- The Translator's Home
Companion Web page a compendium of resources for translators and
interpreters, maintained by the Northern California Translators Association
together with Language Automation, Inc.
- Travlang's Translating
DictionariesDictionary of Esperanto
ACRONYM Dictionaries
- Brahui
DictionaryBrahui-English dictionary and grammatical description of the
Brahui language
- ColchisColchian-English
Basic Word List
- Universite
populaire d'Obernai (Alsace-France) refer to dictionary, dictionnaireA
contrastive Alsatian German and English dictionary based on more than 1,000
cognates richly illustrated by sentences, idioms, phrases, proverbs,
patronyms. 1135 pages. Should enable Alsatian German speakers to put their
knowledge of German French and their own dialects to good use when learning
basic English. English speaking communities, interested in Alsace, will also
find a new way to learn Alsatian German through English.
- Deutsch - Chinesisches Lexikon
der Sozialen Marktwirtschaft : ChinLex Free German <-> Chinese
Dictionary on social market-economy: short comments, phonetic transcription
and clickable audio files playing the chinese pronunciation. Chinese available
as Gif or GB- and Big5-encoded ASCII.
- Deutsch Spanisch
WörterbuchOnline searchable dictionary german-spanish, spanish-german
- Dutch-German
- English-Deutsch und
- German
Morphology Browser The German Morphology Browser is powered by the
WordManager Transducer Toolkit.The program knows 1.2 million German words,
their morphosyntactic features and their mapping to some 130'000 lexemes. In
addition, it contains all relationsh ips between simple and complex lexemes.
It is based on a cooperation with University of Basel, Vrije Universiteit
Amsterdam, and IDSIA Lugano.
- Mr Honey's Business
Dictionary Free dowload of English / German Business Dictionary with
many samples for those who intend to study in Germany - more on CD-ROM
- Link Everything OnlineEnglish
<-> German
- WordReference
English-German Dictionary Online dictionary and free browser tools.
Based on the Collins Unabridged German Dictionary.
- My Hebrew Dictionary My
Hebrew Dictionary is an on-line resource containing groups of English words
translated into Hebrew.
- Dizionario Garzanti
Monolingual Italian dictionary (also provides context and set expressions)
- Opera del Vocabolario
ItalianoA historical dictionary of old Italian (conventionally up to
1375) in progress, that is being made by the Research Center Opera del
Vocabolario Italiano (The Italian Dictionary) belonging to the National
Research Council (CNR). Some 1300 articles are now available; new articles are
made available every one/two weeks. The complete database (16 millions words)
is searchable through Internet: informations at the same web site.
- WordReference
English-Italian Dictionary Online dictionary and free browser tools.
Based on the Collins Italian Dictionary.
Madinka and Wolof
Mapuche (Mapudungu)
Mexican Languages
- ILV-Mexico
Dictionaries and other language materials on indigenous languages of Mexico
- Proto-Indo-EuropeanA
Comparative dictionary, issues of Morphology, Phonetics, Discussions,
Theories, Links
- VirdainasSudovian/English/Sudovian
Dictionary (West-Baltic Terminology)
- The Dictionary
of The Spoken Taino Language This is a tri-lingual Taino, Spanish and
English dictionary of the Taino language
- The Taino
Language Project a project that endeavors to completely reconstruct
the Taino Native American Arawak Diaclect of the Caribbean, US Diaspora. A
Native American project of the Taino Inter-Tribal Council Inc. educational
cultural Native American Nonprofit Corporation.
Page last audited: July 11,
Top of the
Collection of Web-Dictionaries
The index lists some available internet dictionaries. The links lead to the
paragraph of the corresponding dictionaries. Additional there are links from the
paragraph titles to dictionaries of the reverse translation direction. Diese
Sammlung von Web-Wörterbüchern ist auch in deutscher
Fassung zu bestaunen.
Note: If you know about another online dictionary please send an email
to: mike@leo.org I thank all users who
helped me to improve this list. I cannot reply to everyone, but I'll update this
list as often as possible.
- CHinDEX: online radical,
pinyin and four-corner index to "A Chinese-English Dictionary" and
"Das neue Chinesisch-Deutsche Wörterbuch"
- Chinese Character Pronunciations
- Guohua Cidian (°ę»yĂă¨ĺ)

- A
pronouncing dictionary of Hakka Chinese: many different Hakka
transcriptions, Sino-Korean/Japanese, radical stroke, ... as input/output
- Chinese Character
Dictionary: Chinese in pinyin-, yale-transcription or radical/stroke
- Chinese Character Dictionary Web:
looks up many Chinese online-dictionaries
- Chinese Character Genealogy
- Deutsch
Chinesisches Fachwörterbuch
2000 expressions of social economics
- Travlang's
Dutch-Esperanto On-line Dictionary
about 54000 words, based on multilingual program Ergane
- A
pronouncing dictionary of Hakka Chinese: many different Hakka
transcriptions, Sino-Korean/Japanese, radical stroke, ... as input/output
- Chinese Character
Dictionary: Chinese in pinyin-, yale-transcription or radical/stroke
- Conversational
Mandarin Chinese Online
- OK88 English-Chinese
- Gaelic Dictionaries Online:
Manx (Gaelg), Scottish (Gŕidhlig), Irish (Gaeilge)
- English-Romanian
Dictionary for Windows 95: download free of charge, over 12,000 words
and terms
- English
-- Rotuman Wordlist: Language from polynesian island Rotuma belonging to
Fiji Islands
- Dictionary: Ljubljana, Slovenia
- Free English-Viet On-Line Dictionary
- Vortaroj kaj
terminaroj: collection of offline-dictionaries from/to Esperanto
- Travlang's
Esperanto-Dutch On-line Dictionary
about 54000 words, based on multilingual program Ergane
- Travlang's
Esperanto-French On-line Dictionary
about 10000 words, based on multilingual program Ergane
- Travlang's
French-Esperanto On-line Dictionary
about 10000 words, based on multilingual program Ergane
- Gaelic Dictionaries Online:
Manx (Gaelg), Scottish (Gŕidhlig), Irish (Gaeilge)
- Deutsch
Chinesisches Fachwörterbuch
2000 expressions of social economics
- Iceland Word Bank
search engine for many input languages, output in icelandic
- DDP Freeware
Latin/English Dictionary online: 1200 Latin and 1500 English
vocabularies, downloadable from DDP
Freeware Dictionary page
- Internet Dictionary
Project: form-based
- Latin <-> English Dictionary: Hong Kong
- Latin Dictionary and
Grammar Aid
15000 words and other useful help on Latin
- Wolof
and Mandinka Resources
pdf-documents and MSAccess-vocabularies, additional grammar manuals
- Eurodicautom: Danish, Dutch,
English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish, Swedish, Finnish
- The LOGOS Homepage
- English-Romanian
Dictionary for Windows 95: download free of charge, over 12,000 words
and terms
- English
-- Rotuman Wordlist: Language from polynesian island Rotuma belonging to
Fiji Islands
- DDP Freeware
Dictionary: bilingual english dictionaries for Afrikaans, Danish, Dutch,
Finnish, French, German, Hungarian, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Latin,
Norwegian, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Swahili and Swedish for Win95 and
- English-Romanian
Dictionary for Windows 95: download free of charge, over 12,000 words
and terms
- The new
English-German Dictionary: PC and Java version
- Türkçe Sözlük /
Turkish Dictionary

english instruction on the second half of the page
- Wolof
and Mandinka Resources
pdf-documents and MSAccess-vocabularies, additional grammar manuals
Copyright © Michael Gendreyzig,
Online Dictionaries