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Language and Linguistics
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Bibliographies Semioticians
Journals, Newsletters Semiotics of Popular Culture
Media Semiotics Semiotics of Sound
Organisations Visual Semiotics

Web Sites
Bolter: Electronic Signs
'Electronic Signs': Jay David Bolter
Center for Semiotics
A research and educational unit of the University of Aarhus, Denmark. Site includes papers and publications, seminar calendars, and description of research in semiotics, cognition, and linguistics.
Cognition and Semiotics
Cognition and Semiotics: Carlos Colón
Communication Science vs. Semiotics
Paper by Carlos Colón
Critical Semiotics
Paper by Scott Simpkins
Critiques of Semiotics
Paper by Scott Simpkins
Definition Generator
Defining letters of the alphabet enables automatic definitions of all words in the English language.
Halliday and Saussure
'Communication Studies; Communication Codes - To What Extent is Hallidayan "Social Semiotic Theory" Compatible with Saussure's Programme for Semiology?': Iris Guske
Locating Scientific Enquiry
'Constrained Constructivism: Locating Scientific Enquiry in the Theatre of Representation': Katherine Hayles
Semiotics Quiz: Thomas Streeter
Semiotic Terms
Glossary by Cliff Joslyn
Well-organised semiotics links assembled by Martin Ryder
Semiotics for Beginners
This is a comprehensive hypertext introduction to semiotics.
Semiotics for Beginners
This is a popular hypertext guide to semiotics by Daniel Chandler at the University of Wales, Aberystwyth.
Radio Programme Script and RealAudio versions, ABC Radio National/Open Learning Australia: Series Producer, Michael Dwyer
Sites of Significance for Semiotics (I)
Webliography in English/Français.
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