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Li Bin (李斌, Li is my family name)
PostDoc at Nanjing University.
PhD on Computational Linguistics at Nanjing Normal University.
中文版(Chinese Version)
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Contact Information

Visiting Scholar(2015)
Chinese Language Processing Group,
Brandeis University,
670C South Street,
Waltham, MA  02453, USA

Department of Computer Science and Technology

Nanjing University
Nanjing, China.
Postalcode: 21009 

Associate Professor
School of Chinese Language and Literature

Nanjing Normal University
No. 122, Ninghai Road, Nanjing, China.
Postalcode: 210097

E-mail: lib.at.nlp.nju.edu.cn, lib.at.brandeis.edu
MSN:    gothereli.at.hotmail.com

Research interests: Natural Language Processing, Modern Linguistics

Softwares and Demos (Email me after download)


Papers Enjoyed by Myself


Bin Li, Yan Ma, Xueyang Liu, and Xuri Tang. Quantitative Analysis on “ADV+N” via Cognitive Property Knowledgebase. CLSW2014, Macau, China, 2014. (English, to be published)   李斌,等. 基于认知属性知识库的副名结构新探. 第十五届汉语词汇语义学研讨会. 澳门,2014.

Xueyang Liu, Bin Li, Yingjie Zhang, Liu Liu. Quantitative Research on the Origins of Contemporary Chinese Vocabulary Based on the Great Chinese Dictionary. CLSW2014, Macau, China, 2014. (English, to be published) 刘雪扬,李斌,等. 基于《汉语大词典》的当代汉语词汇来源计量研究. 第十五届汉语词汇语义学研讨会. 澳门,2014.

Yingjie Zhang, Bin Li, Xiaoyu Wang, Xueyang Liu, Jiajun Chen. Mapping Word Senses of Middle Ancient Chinese to WordNet. NLPOE, Warsaw, Poland, 2014. (English)

Cuijuan Xing, Yichu Zhou, Bin Li, Sheng He. The Development of Syntactic Structure Representation and New Exploration. CCL2014, Wuhan, China, 2014. (Chinese) 


Bin Li,Minxuan Feng, Xiaohe Chen. Corpus Based Lexical Statistics of Pre-Qin Chinese. Lecture Notes in Computer Science Volume 7717, 2013, pp 145-153. (Link)
Liu Liu,Bin Li,Lijun Bu,Tian-tian Zhang,Xiaohe Chen. Automatic Acquisition of Chinese Words’ Property of Times. Lecture Notes in Computer Science Volume 7717, 2013, pp 154-165.(Link)
Tian-tian Zhang,Bin Li,Liu Liu. Research of Contemporary Use of the Cultural Revolution Vocabulary. Lecture Notes in Computer Science Volume 7717, 2013, pp 696-707.(Link)
Liu Liu,Bin Li,Weiguang Qu, Xiaohe Chen. The Automatic Acquisition of Pre-Qin Word's Property of Times and the Automatic Classification of Documnet's Times.In Journal of Chinese Information Processing,2013(5).刘浏,李斌,曲维光,陈小荷.先秦词汇的时代特征自动获取及文献时代的自动判定,中文信息学报,2013年第5期.
李斌. 上古汉语的动力学模型——音节合并与声调的产生,第七届官话方言国际学术讨论会,2013年11月。Bin Li. A Novel Dynamic Model of Pre-history Chinese: Combination of syllables and the origins of tones. 2013.


Bin Li, Jiajun Chen and Yingjie Zhang. Web Based Collection and Comparison of Cognitive Properties in English and Chinese. NAACL-HLT 2012 Joint Workshop on Automatic Knowledge Base Construction and Web-scale Knowledge Extraction (AKBC-WEKEX), June 7-8, 2012, Montreal, Canada.(pdf)
Bin Li, Haibo Kuang, Yingjie Zhang, Jiajun Chen, Xuri Tang. Using Similes to Extract Basic Sentiments across Languages. The 2012 International Conference on Web Information Systems and Mining (WISM'12), Lecture Notes in Computer Science(LNCS), Springer,2012.(pdf)
☆李斌,陈家骏,陈小荷.基于互联网的汉语认知属性获取及分析.语言 文字应用,2012年第3期:134-143. (人大复印资料·语言文字学,2012年第12期全文转载:111-117)( Bin Li, Jiajun Chen, Xiaohe Chen. Collection and Analysis on Chinese Cognitive Properties Based on Web Data. Applied Linguistics, Beijing, China, 2012(3).)(pdf)(中国社会科学网转载link
李斌,冯敏萱,陈小荷. 基于标注语料库的先秦汉语词汇统计, 第十三届汉语词汇语义学研讨会,武汉,2012.   (Bin Li,Minxuan Feng, Xiaohe Chen. Corpus Based Lexical Statistics of Pre-Qin Chinese. The 13th Chinese Lexical Semantics Workshop.)(pdf)
•Yingjie Zhang, Bin Li, Xinyu Dai and Jiajun Chen. MIXCD_System Description for Evaluating Chinese Word Similarity at SemEval-2012. The First Joint Conference on Lexical and Computational Semantics(*SEM). June 7-8, 2012, Montreal, Canada.(pdf)
•Guangchao Tang, Bin Li, Shuaishuai Xu, Xinyu Dai and Jiajun Chen. NJU-Parser: Achievements on Semantic Dependency Parsing. The First Joint Conference on Lexical and Computational Semantics(*SEM). June 7-8, 2012, Montreal, Canada. (pdf)
•Haibo Kuang, Bin Li, Chen Chen, PENG JIN, Xiaohe Chen. Computation Of Bilingual Word Similarities By Metaphorical Properties. Proceedings of the International Conference of Machine Learning and Cybernetics (ICMLC) 2012.(pdf)
•Ning Xi, Bin Li, Guangchao Tang, Shujian Huang, Yinggong Zhao, Hao Zhou, Xinyu Dai, Jiajun Chen. Adapting Conventional ChineseWord Segmenter for Segmenting Micro-blog Text: Combining Rule-based and Statistic-based Approaches. SIGHAN2012 Workshop, 2012.(pdf)
•刘浏,李斌,卜丽君,张甜甜,陈小荷. 词语时代特征的自动获取研究.第十三届汉语词汇语义学研讨会. 武汉,2012.  (Liu Liu, Bin Li, et.al.  The 13th Chinese Lexical Semantics Workshop. )
•张甜甜,李斌,刘浏. 文革词语的当代使用研究. 第十三届汉语词汇语义学研讨会. 武汉,2012. (Tiantian Zhang, Bin Li, Liu Liu. The 13th Chinese Lexical Semantics Workshop)
•高磊, 李斌, 戴新宇,黄书剑,陈家骏.基于依存分析和褒贬指向的微博情感对象抽取方法,NLP&CC 2012,北京,2012年10月31日~11月5日(pdf)
刘友强,李斌,奚宁,陈家骏.基于双语平行语料的中文缩略语提取方法,中文信息学报,2012(2). Liu Youqian,Li Bin,Xi Nin, Chen Jiajun. A Bilingual Corpus Based Approach to Chinese Abbreviation ExtractionIn Journal of Chinese Information Processing.(pdf)
张颖杰,李斌,陈家骏,陈小荷.基于词典信息的先秦汉语全文词义标注方法研究,中文信息学报,2012(3) Zhang Yingjie,Li Bin,Chen Jiajun,Chen Xiaohe. A Study in Dictionary-Based All-word Word Sense Disambiguation for Pre-Qin Chinese, In Journal of Chinese Information Processing.(pdf)

李斌. 动宾搭配的语义分析和计算(专著),世界图书出版公司,2011.11.(Bin Li. Semantic Analysis and Computation on Chinese Verb-Obj Collocations. World Publishing Corporation, Beijing, 2011.11.(Preface by Prof. Feng))
Bin Li, Jiajun Chen, Xiaohe Chen, Xuri Tang, Weiguang Qu. Sentiment Direction Analysis: A Framework and Resource Construction Method for Chinese Sentiment Computation. International Journal of Knowledge and Language Processing. Vol.2, No.1, 2011.(English pdf)
Bin Li, Haibo Kuang, Xiaohe Chen, Xuri Tang, Chen Chen. Construction of a Bilingual Cognitive Property Knowledgebase. International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Security (CIS), Sanya, China, 2011.12.(English pdf)
Peng Jin, Bin Li, Yingjie Zhang, Using Clustering Engine and Selectional Preference to Generate Targets in Conceptual Metonymies. ISII2011, Qingdao, China, 2011.(English pdf)

Bin Li, Xiaohe Chen,Xuri Tang. An Investigation of Chinese Selectional Preference Based on HowNet. IEEE:ICGEC-2010, Shenzhen, China.(English pdf)
Li Bin, Chen Xiaohe. Direction Tendency Analysis on Chinese Derogatory and Commendatory Words. Reprinted by People's Univ. Reprinted References(人大复印资料 语言文字学), Beijing, China, 2009(3).
石民,李斌,陈小荷. 基于CRF的先秦汉语分词标注一体化研究,中文信息学报,2010年 第2. Shi Min,Li Bin,Chen Xiaohe. CRF Based Research on a Unified Approach to Word Segmentation and POS Tagging for Pre-Qin Chinese.In Journal of Chinese Information Processing. 2010(2). (pdf)
•Wang Meng,Huang Chu-ren,Yu Shiwen,Li Bin. Chinese Noun Compound Interpretation Based on Paraphrasing Verbs.In Journal of Chinese Information Processing. 2010(6). (pdf)
•Tang Xuri,Chen Xiaohe,Xu Chao,Li Bin.Discourse-Based Chinese Location Name Recognition.In Journal of Chinese Information Processing. 2010(2). (pdf)

☆李斌,曲维光,陈小荷. 名词宾语转喻的自动理解,第十届全国计算语言学 学术会议,2009. Li Bin, Qu Weiguang, Chen Xiaohe. The Automatic Understanding of Noun Metonymy. In Proceedings of CNNCL-2009,Yantai,China. 2009(7).(pdf)
☆李斌,陈小 荷. 汉语褒贬词语的褒贬指向问题,语言 文字应用,2009年第3期. Li Bin, Chen Xiaohe. Direction Tendency Analysis on Chinese Derogatory and Commendatory Words. In Applied Linguistics, Beijing, China, 2009(3).(preprint pdf) 中国社会科学网转载(link

Li Bin, Yu Lili , Shi Min, Qu Weiguang. Computation of Chinese Simile with “像(like)”. In Journal of Chinese Information Processing. 2008(6). (pdf)
Li Bin, Chen Xiaohe. Direction Tendency Analysis on Chinese Derogatory and Commendatory Words. In Proceedings of  SWCL2008. 2008.7.(preprint pdf)
•Xiaohe Chen; Bin Li; Junzhi Lu; Hongdong Nian; Xuri Tang Nanjing Normal University Segmenter for the Fourth SIGHAN Bakeoff. Proceedings of the Third International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing 2008. (English pdf)
•Weiguang Qu, Xuri Tang, Bin Li. Personal Name Recognition Based on Categorized Linguistic Knowledge. In 2008 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence and Intelligent Agent Technology, Sydney, 2008. (English pdf)

☆李斌,陈小荷. 面向中文陌生文本的人 机交互式分词方法,中文信息学报. Li Bin, Chen Xiaohe. A HCI Word Segmentation Method Adapting to Chinese Unknown Texts. In Journal of Chinese Information Processing. 2007(3).(pdf)
李斌,中介语语料库的语言错误标注方法,暨南大学华文学院学报. Li Bin. Error Tagging Method in Iter-language Corpus Constuction. In Journal of College of Chinese Language and Culture of Jinan University. 2007(3). (pdf)
☆李斌,卢俊 之, 章成志,陈小荷. 基于聚类引擎的话题褒贬度计算,第九届全国计算语言学学术会议. Li Bin, Lu junzhi, Zhang Chengzhi, Chen Xiaohe. Semantic Orientation of Topics Based on Clustering Engines. In Frontiers of Content Computing: Research and Application. 2007.5.(pdf

李斌,陈小 荷. 面向中文陌生文本的人机交互式分词方法,第三届学生计算语言学研讨会. Li Bin, Chen Xiaohe. A HCI Word Segmentation Method Adapting to Chinese Unknown Texts. In Proceedings of 3nd SWCL.2006.8. (pdf)
☆李斌,陈小 荷,方芳,徐艳华. 基于语料库的高频最大交集型歧义字段问 题研究,中文信息学报. Li Bin, Chen Xiaohe, Fang Fang, Xu Yanhua. Corpus Based Investigation on High Frequent Maximal Overlapping Ambiguity String in Chinese Word Segmentation. In Journal of Chinese Information Processing. 2006(1). (pdf)
李斌. 中 文单字国名简称的自动识别,计算机工程与应用,2006. Li Bin. Single Chinese Character Country Name Recognition.(pdf)

Li Bin, Chen Xiaohe, Fang Fang, Xu Yanhua. The Research of High Frequent Maximal Overlapping Ambiguity String. Natural Language Understanding and Large-scale Content Computing. Tsinghua University Press. 2005.7 (Recommended Paper, pdf)
•Zhang Chengzhi, Li Bin. Hybrid Strategic Similarity Measures of Query. Natural Language Understanding and Large-scale Content Computing. Tsinghua University Press. 2005.7
•Xu Yanhua, Chen Xiaohe, Li Bin, Chen Zhong. “V+V” Structure Ambiguity Study in Contemporary Chinese for Automaitic Parsing. Natural Language Understanding and Large-scale Content Computing. Tsinghua University Press. 2005.7.
Li Bin, Fang Fang. Auto Conversion from Arabian Number String to Chinese Number String. In Journal of College of Chinese Language and Culture of Jinan University. 2005(2).(pdf)

Li Bin. Single Chinese Character Country Name Recognition. In Proceedings of 2nd SWCL.2004.8. (Rewarded Paper,  pdf)



Construction of word cognitive feature knowledgebase, National Social Science Project.
Investigation on subjective aspects of word's meaning, Nanjing Normal University.


Chinese Text Orientation Identification. Student Project sponsored by Nanjing Normal University.


•Data Structure, Nanjing Normal University, Autumn Season from 2009.
•Aritificial Intelligence, Nanjing Normal University, Autumn Season from 2009.
•Corpus Linguistics, Nanjing Normal University, Autumn Season from 2009.
•Mathmatical Logic, Nanjing Normal University, Autumn Season from 2010.
•Database Programming(WAMP), Nanjing Normal University, Spring Season from 2011.
•Chinese Language Processing, Nanjing Normal University, Autumn Season from 2012.


•Ph.D student. in Computational Linguistics, Nanjing Normal University, China. 2006-2009.
•M.A. in Computational Linguistics, Nanjing Normal University, China. 2003-2006.
•B.A. in Chinese Language and Literature, Nanjing Normal University, China. 1999-2003.


•Computer Level 3 (Jiangsu province, software)
•English Level CET-6
•Certificate for Teaching Chinese as Second Language Capability
•Mandarin Level 1B


•Rewarded paper
     2nd Student Workshop on Computational Linguistics. Beijing. 2004.8.
•Recommended Paper
     8th Joint Seminar on Computational Linguistics. Nanjing. 2005.8
•Excellent Graduate Student
     By Nanjing Normal University. Nanjing. 2005.11
•Third Prize in 2nd National Post-Graduate Mathematical Contest in Modeling. 2005


ACL the Association for Computational Linguistics
•Chinese Information Processing Platform (Nanjing Normal University)
My Chinese blog
NLP Group at Nanjing University

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Last updated Date: AUG 25st, 2014  by David Lee