Corpus linguistics is a methodology which has
largely profited from advancements in computer technology since the 1980s. It is based on the
investigation of electronic texts through text
analysis software. Applications of corpus linguistics of relevance to translation and
translators include :
A wealth in information and resources are available through theInternet :
maintained by Federico Zanettin 
Software for concordancing and text analysis include:
WordSmith Tools di Mike Scott
(a set of tools for text analysis. Includes a wordlister,
a concordancer, a keyword analyzer and more) e Microconcord
(DOS version of the concordancer) distributed by Oxford
University Press
Corpus Wizard
un concordancer by T. Hamaguchi (Kobe
Phoenix Laboratory) - shareware
Concordance. Wordlists, concordances. For publishing concordances on the WEB (by R.J.C. Watt)
A concordancer for technical translators by myteam-Software
Monoconc (concordancer
distribuito da Athelstan) e Paraconc
(per concordanze su testi paralleli - per MacIntosh) prodotto (e distribuito
gratuitamente per scopi di ricerca) da M.
LEXA Corpus Processing
Software reperibile presso ICAME.
Un insieme di programmi per l'analisi lessicale di corpora
DBT (Sistema integrato
per il trattamento di materiali testuali e lessicali sviluppato da Eugenio
Picchi presso l' Istituto
di Linguistica Computazionale del CNR di Pisa). Versione per Internet:
(Sistema per il trattamento di materiali testuali sviluppato da John Bradley
and Lidio Presutti, University of Toronto. Freeware) Versione per Internet: TactWeb
- PWA- The Plug Word Aligner A collection of tools for the automatic alignment of word correspondences in bilingual parallel texts