
CWMT 2017 MT Evaluation

English Version

一、 评测简介

第十三届全国机器翻译研讨会(CWMT 2017将于2017927日至29日在中国大连举行。根据惯例,本次研讨会将继续组织统一的机器翻译评测。

CWMT 2017器翻译评测方案与上届评测(CWMT 2015)相比有如下变化:




4、此外,本次评测暂停双盲评测(Double Blind Evaluation)项目,对其他评测项目评测组织方也不再提供评测项目的“基线系统(Baseline System)”及相应的关键步骤中间结果文件。








评测详细信息请参见评测大纲 (pdf, webpage)


二、 评测报名

CWMT 2017的参评单位必须填写评测报名表和评测协议,通过邮寄或者电子邮件的方式将报名表和评测协议(pdf)发送给评测组织方。报名表需要有负责人正式签字或者单位盖章。本次评测不收取注册费用,请所有参评单位至少派一人参加第十三届全国机器翻译研讨会(CWMT 2017)并进行会议交流。


       人: 黄书剑      电子邮件:huangsj@nju.edu.cn


       邮政编码:210023       电话:025-89680690




I.        General Introduction

The 13th China Workshop on Machine Translation (CWMT 2017) will be held at Dalian, China on September 27-29, 2017. CWMT 2017 will continue the ongoing series of machine translation (MT) evaluation campaigns. Compared with the previous evaluation (CWMT 2015), there are several changes in the evaluation plan:

1. The Chinese-English and English-Chinese news translation tasks are co-organized by CWMT and WMT2017; participants for WMT 2017 are welcome to submit their results to CWMT, and to participate the CWMT event, as well.

2. A new Japanese-Chinese patent domain translation task is added, which is co-organized by CWMT and Beijing Lingosail Technology Co. Ltd.; we also welcome other contributors from industry to participate in the organization of the evaluation in the future.

3.The training period starts immediately after the release of this guideline. Participants could get the corresponding data and tools and start the training process right after their registration. We would like to encourage potential participants to finish the registration as soon as possible.

4.The "Double Blind Evaluation" task is not held this year; the organizer will not provide the Baseline System, corresponding key steps or intermediate result files for the evaluation tasks.

We sincerely hope that this campaign will enhance the cooperation and connections of machine translation research and technology among domestic and overseas research sites, and promote the cooperation between academia and industry.


The sponsor of CWMT 2017 machine translation evaluation is:

Chinese Information Processing Society of China


The organizers of this evaluation are:

Nanjing University

Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences


For more details, please read the Evaluation Guidelines (pdf, webpage)


II.      Registration

We welcome any organization engaged in MT research or development register for the CWMT 2017 evaluation. The participating sites of CWMT 2017 evaluation should fill the registration form and agreement and send it to the organizer by either email or post. The registration form and the agreement should be signed by the person in charge of the participating team/organization, or stamped with the official seal of the team/organization.

The evaluation does not charge any registration fees. Each participant should send at least one person to attend the workshop (CWMT 2017).

Please send the registration form and the agreement to:

Name: HUANG Shujian

Email: huangsj@nju.edu.cn

Address: Department of Computer Science and Technology, Nanjing University, 163 Xianlin Avenue, Nanjing 210023, China

Post Code: 210023

Telephone: 025-89680690